General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did he get unbanned?

Why did he get unbanned? in General Discussion
Russian FEEDERation

    lolol 123/1/21

    edit: bump bump 0.5
    bump1 bump 1.5
    bump2 bump 2.5

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    Russian FEEDERation

      His internet must be super fantastic to actually queue in three different regions across the globe.


        Most of his matches are legit and against good opponents.


          This guy aesthetic man has numbers that make no sense. 2k gpm????

          Russian FEEDERation

            This seems to be his alternative account.


            Why is this banned but not his main? volvo plz

            King of Low Prio

              valve does not run dotabuff.........

              Russian FEEDERation

                volvo plz fix dotabuff, did this guy pay Dotabuff to get unbanned or something or is my memory just being weak? I clearly remember he was banned, there was also a thread on Reddit about it.

                might... make... a... new... one :3333333333

                Ce commentaire a été édité
                Woof Woof

                  wasnt he a part of that wisp ursa lesh stack where they tethered creeps in trees to disable backdoor protection back in the day?

                  Russian FEEDERation

                    yes with d3xtr and abraham, they did it for like 150 games before valve patched it

                    This also counts as exploiting because the opponents cant do anything about it.

                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                    Woof Woof

                      i completely forgot about that ua homo

                      wind breathe

                        yes with d3xtr and abraham, they did it for like 150 games before valve patched it

                        This also counts as exploiting because the opponents cant do anything about it.

                        rofl u cant even image, how stupid u are

                        Russian FEEDERation

                          You exploited and fed yourself with sandboxie or with another PC to increase your KDA and wins.
                          You also exploited the backdoor system with d3xtr and Abraham.

                          wind breathe

                            you have start this thread with fake acc

                            you have 51% win rate with 144 games

                            you have small penis

                            Quick maffs

                              Rolf all those guys are so lame. Congrats Aesthetic Man you have good stats on dotabuff guess your life is complete now.

                              Why so many russians on the forum now ?

                              King of Low Prio

                                this is why I prefer the chinese cheaters at least they dont make a big scene like the russian cheaters


                                  If game is hard, no play game, cheat.
                                  If u have fun good, u r still an fag in all our eye.


                                    what ?


                                      It's not a game of doto until someone is crying. I guess cheating furthers this end?

                                      Russian FEEDERation

                                        Seems like there are community managers ignoring this matter, why is this cheating scumbag unbanned?

                                        Russian FEEDERation

                                          should I bring this up with Dotabuff support or do they also ignore questions?

                                          wind breathe

                                            i see your ass in fire atm

                                            sooo mad

                                              Ce commentaire a été supprimé
                                              Russian FEEDERation

                                                Bump! :)

                                                Russian FEEDERation

                                                  Rumors are being held he paid one of the community managers expensive and rare items for the unban.

                                                  Is this correct? This would confirm why no community manager has commented on this matter yet.

                                                  One of the community managers is playing with somebody selling Dota 2 hacks,
                                                  This appear to be the smurf's main account.

                                                  Things are getting more interesting :)

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    Why do you care so much to go through all this trouble to get him banned?


                                                      1. He has been banned again, I don't know why he was unbanned. I don't think it requires any further comments from dotabuff staff if he is now banned..

                                                      2. Do you really think that having that as his account name means that he is actually selling hacks? Are you stupid?

                                                      Its not getting more interesting, right now you are just exaggerating some very small things.

                                                      Russian FEEDERation

                                                        Because I hate cheateres in video games, especially Russians. Do you like cheaters?

                                                        1. He is not banned, he was unbanned last week. They raised the amount of matches required to appear in the top ranking apparently so that's why you assume he's banned which he's not, it's just that he doesn't meet the required amount of matches anymore.

                                                        2. Misleading or not, it's a very bad joke and Valve should disable every Steam account of his. Back in my days, people actually used these names when they played CS so people would buy into it but in the end, you'd get VAC banned and laughed at.

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          Ok, then a response is required.

                                                          As for the k3v bloke, dude...lets just assume that he actually did have cheats for DotA 2, that would indicate that he isn't a complete retard, do you really think he would sell cheats under such a name? I mean come on, look at all the other exploiting shit heads and the effort they go through to cover their tracks, not so much that its impossible to figure out they are up to something, but enough to make you actually put in some effort to figure it out. Unless you can show something that is even slightly suspicious, don't even bother pursuing it.



                                                            You make it sound like his skill is a lie. It isn't. Everyone in this forum more or less agrees he's a really skilled player. If all he wanted was wins, I'm pretty sure someone of his caliber has enough capable friends to run a tryhard 5 stacks all the time and rake those insane win rates you see from the top win rate players.

                                                            His winrate has barely gone up by 1% through all those games of Least Played. True, the level of games there probably can't keep up with him but you make it sound like he killed someones mother :|

                                                            Safe Base

                                                              Hi OP,

                                                              Let me get to a few points of your before you keep bumping the topic.

                                                              1) If someone is an exploiter, send a report ticket with evidence. We don't support calling people out in public, as I've said before I strongly believe in freedom of speech so I didn't go and delete this.

                                                              2) We do not support racism. There will be some flaming and trolling as with all internet forums and we're not going to excessively censor that. However please stop writing "xxxxx Russians" constantly. If someone cheated, talk about the cheating not keep talking about their nationality.

                                                              3) This point is my personal opinion and does not represent Dotabuff. I strongly believe in having rules and stick to them. This gives fairness and consistency. When I noticed the person mentioned was unbanned I already communicated that I don't agree with it. Days later when you made the topic I again voice my opinion the original ban should remain. As I've said before we have a friendly and democratic working environment, people should take the group's decision and move on. In this case the decision hasn't been made yet. We have more important things to do to focus on any 1 particular potential exploiter and "ban" him. He's not banned from anything but a list he does not currently appear on if we "ban" him.

                                                              4) I don't think anyone at Dotabuff care about "ez rares". Your rumour lacks substance.

                                                              5) The person supposely selling "hack" doesn't have any hacks. It's really not that interesting as some other members have already pointed out. I asked him to change his name, or I will remove him from Dotabuff as well as my friendslist. Same goes for anyone on my friendslist. Taking part or promoting hacking/racism/general distasteful behaviour will get removed.

                                                              6) Again point 6 is my personal opinion. We don't have time to check every game of every potential exploiter, and then see if only x% of games were played using exploits. If someone is caught exploiting in a few games then they have exploited, and that concludes the investigation. The amount of games they exploited doesn't matter, as no one has the time to check all games of every possible exploiter.

                                                              7) Personal opinion again. It doesn't matter what the skill level of an exploiter is. Solo 322 is quite a well known incident in Dota. Dishonest and unsportmanlike behaviour can happen at all levels. If the evidence is there, then the punishment should be equal to all. Does not matter what their skill level or if they are a well known pro.

                                                              Russian FEEDERation

                                                                Why did he get unbanned then? He was banned before and I can't report him because there is no report button on his profile anymore.

                                                                I thought one of you guys said exploit bans were permanent?
                                                                Also you don't need to check matches regularly, just look at this and look at the servers and how fast their games end.

                                                                A bit odd, agree?

                                                                Mongolian Throat Singer

                                                                  Why was my friend banned from both forum and top ranking if he gets unbanned and if you support freedom ofspeech? he didnt do anything wrong


                                                                    Safe base what the fuck? He is an exploiter, and that much is very clear, and he was banned because of it. Now he is unbanned, can you give a legit response?

                                                                    You obviously didn't have more important things to attend to if you actually went through the process of unbanning him.

                                                                    edit: @above, playing LMP a fair amount = ineligible for top rankings, which is fair enough. The top players list is supposed to represent the better players in the game, other players who do the same thing receive the same treatment.

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                      A smurf talking about another person exploiting.

                                                                      How exciting.

                                                                      Russian FEEDERation

                                                                        Vrok played LP and LPH a fair amount, that guy barely has any games in it from what I can see except for one or two pages with LPH entirely.

                                                                        Can you really get banned in this forum? In that case, I will stop with the racism.

                                                                        I only play on this account when I'm muted on my main account, don't heff to be med. I haven't even played on this account for months.

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                        Safe Base

                                                                          No one said bans are permanent.
                                                                          I will say here for the very first time, I believe bans should be lengthy (at least 1 year +). Again this is personal opinion.

                                                                          I've tagged the new guy you linked. There's enough evidence he has used exploits.
                                                                          However I will say this, there are millions of matches played every week. We are not going to keep looking at exploiters, some obvious ones that was approaching the Top Players list was would get removed. Otherwise the amount of players and games is too huge for us to go and hunt everyone down.
                                                                          Send a report ticket with evidence, if there's enough we will tag them. Other than that this will be my last time manually replying to posts of this sort.

                                                                          Fundamentally reporting them here doesn't actually help the community that much. If you have the energy bring it to valve dev forums which anyone can post, get them to do something in game.


                                                                            @ russian, being russian is good enough a reason to be banned

                                                                            Russian FEEDERation

                                                                              Yeah I do believe these tags shouldn't be permanent but man really, this guy was banned before, he was the main reason why Dotabuff added the report form and now there is no report button on his profile...

                                                                              look at this match dude, just click it and see how many kills he got in 20 minutes.

                                                                              Kawaiisocks said in a previous thread that bans are permanent under current policies and then Aesthetic Gamer got unbanned.
                                                                              I'm not hating, just stating what I've read.

                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                I was hardly talking about your account @OP...

                                                                                Mongolian Throat Singer

                                                                                  Can my friend get unbanned so he can post and get back into the rankings? he played LPH 30 times only be nice
                                                                                  Rest of his games are AP/RD/CD and against verified players

                                                                                  Safe Base

                                                                                    Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want and clearly doesn't include disruptive behaviour.
                                                                                    Please read the part about checking every game. So the answer is no. Posting again will not get a response as I've already given a clear reason.

                                                                                    Please read the post. I've stated I strongly believe in maintaining the original ban, whatever reason others unbanned him for that's not for me to say. We have peaceful work atmosphere and over 1 exploiter isn't worth breaking it.
                                                                                    Of course we have better things to do than focus on 1 exploiter, we would like to bring out a lot of new features.

                                                                                    The legit response was given but I will sum it up here again. I think he should be banned, some others think he should be unbanned, it's up to each person to explain their decision I'm not going to talk on their behalf. The final decision hasn't been made, be patient.

                                                                                    Also, we are working on features. I and others can't keep replying in forums about individual exploiters or individual bugs. We do our best to serve the community as a whole. Feedback and suggestions are duly noted and support/report tickets will be dealt with. Actually manually replying to threads is not practical as we have limited man power.

                                                                                    I've patiently made 3 replies to your topics already. Please read and stop posting things that I've already covered. I replied because I believe you are trying to help the community. If it's some advanced trolling then I will stop replying, and especially if you keep being racist towards Russians I will ban you from posting.
                                                                                    For example, I've said already a few times I believe the original ban should stay and I saw enough evidence he exploited. Your newest post is just spam/trolling?

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                    Mongolian Throat Singer

                                                                                      He was banned for calling someone jonathan stated by dotabuff support, stop making up reasons, he showed me the email

                                                                                      Russian FEEDERation

                                                                                        again, there is no "report ticket" on his profile and he was banned before and he was also the main reason why reporting profiles was added in the first place.

                                                                                        He is an actual exploiter, do you seriously believe 100+ kills in 20 minutes is a reason to unban him for?

                                                                                        I can find the thread for it if you don't believe me.

                                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                        Russian FEEDERation

                                                                                          ok sec I don't have Steam on my work laptop


                                                                                            @hatsune dickhead

                                                                                            Doesn't matter, I agree with the ban. Maybe the staff can come up with a certain percentage threshold for accounts to be eligible for top players, like less than 5% of matches being LMP or something, but come on. 5 man stacking in LMP is just pathetic, on my main account I selected all modes and queued into a LMP match once. The skill level was so low it was fucking pathetic, and I immediately removed it from my mode selection.

                                                                                            Other players who did 5 man smurf stacking in LMP received a similar punishment, and its fair. The top 50 win rates are supposed to represent some of the better players who have done well against other players, not those who 5 man smurf stack into fucking LMP.

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                              I got banned because I played limited hero pool for like 30 games and they think I dodge games to appear on dire side always, do you want me to stream with my fantastic internet to prove you wrong?

                                                                                              What is disrupive behavior LMAO all i did was call this tharuler guy by his first name like it said on his Steam profile, I have the email where it said "zero tolerance policy calling them by their first names". The moment i was banned, his steam name was changed to Tharuler.

                                                                                              Feel free to add me safe base so we dont have to ruin this wonderful thread

                                                                                              P.s dotabuff is more corrupt than north korea, every email i send to support gets deleted and blocked by that tharuler guy

                                                                                              P.s again im saving the emails so dont come up with new reasons and take a look at any random AP game and you will find verified players and good players

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                              Safe Base

                                                                                                Ok I'm online. Do it quickly.

                                                                                                Russian FEEDERation

                                                                                                  Can you show me the emails? I added your other account linked by Miku.


                                                                                                    No i wont lol i dont want to piss anyone off

                                                                                                    I cant even add u bcus u blockwd me, ask vrok to add us to a group chat

                                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                                    Safe Base

                                                                                                      My block list is actually empty. I don't know why you think I blocked you.

                                                                                                      dookie daddy

                                                                                                        I would like to make something abundantly clear to all the thread trolls and abusive name callers.

                                                                                                        As someone who has moderated forums and had to deal with your kind there should be no surprise that a number of you will have your emails ignored and/or be blocked from communicating to the staff.

                                                                                                        You need to understand in the simplest of terms that you cannot verbally abuse staff on forums, be unruly ilk, flame other individuals and expect not to be hit back on with the authority they have. Also about the first name and such this is what my concern would be. The gaming community is toxic, vile, aggressive, irrational, and filled with a few pubescent techno geniuses who would do anything to find an identity of a forum admin who "ruined" their post or blocked them and get back at them in some way.

                                                                                                        A lot of this may or may not be the case and the dotabuff staff are friendly and respond in a timely fashion to queries when sent. Use manners people for crying out loud. No one owes you this service its a free reporting platform that a few people have given their time to doing so be polite and courteous and respond to threads like adults where possible.

                                                                                                        @Russian FEEDERation
                                                                                                        Grow up dude, go about your day like a mature individual. All of your posts are just verbal diarrhea.

                                                                                                        @Aesthetic Man
                                                                                                        I wouldn't be so cocky. You queued with very good players and you seem to also be quite a solid player yourself. That being said you heavily abused over a period and I would just slink back to your main account in silence. Again, nothing against you personally but with the friends you have and the skill you possess I wouldn't think it needed to abuse. Right?

                                                                                                        @Safe Base
                                                                                                        Thanks for the responses and thank the team for the update to the games and stats. Looks impressive.