General Discussion

General DiscussionBeing a better support

Being a better support in General Discussion

    I 'd like to play more of supporting roles recently and i think i did fairly good at this game :

    However,in general, i dont know much details that will make me better . For instance i cant judge what's the best spot to ward in certain stages of the game or when it is the right time to "smoke gank" and stuff like this. I just keep playing in a certain style which in some games is proved to be quite good like the game i linked ,but it doesnt work in many other games . What i mean is that i can always ward a lot, harass a lot , trying to gank a lot, but in the end i will get stomped.

    Any tips to make a better game impact as a support?


      The game you linked shows you missed an important suport role. Denies. Deny creeps.

      Smoke ganks are normally used when you're behind and want to pick someone off and level things out, or as a sneaky maneuver to gank junglers or to wrap round behind enemies sieging towers etc.

      Try to pick your hero to synergyse well with your team. Lich with Void, Venge with Drow or Sven etc.

      I tend to ward where we're concentrating our attentions at the time. If we're defending I ward where they'll be attacking from. If we're on the attack I ward where they will defend from or where we'll be attacking from.

      My best support games are where I manage to stay alive. Supports tend to be strong early game and get less effective as the game goes on so managing to stay alive and get some farm is vital, otherwise, past 30-40 mins you're walking food.

      Stack and pull creep camps and leave your carry to farm alone if he's doing ok. Some early solo xp can make a huge difference.

      Please keep in mind I'm a bad player playing bad level games with bad skills and a bad brain. I do play almost exclusive support though so there's a few things I've worked out recently.

      I've even managed to get from 45% to 51% win ratio. I know right. Amazing.

      Good luck. Remember the deny thing. Deny deny deny deny deny deny deny.