General Discussion

General Discussionhelp, too much throwing :(

help, too much throwing :( in General Discussion
TikTok Uncle

    What do i do when my team decides to be stupid and feed and resulting throw the game.

    Well what would you do in this scenario?


      once your enemies are going to get feeders in their team too.
      you call this a throw?

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      sex skquirtward

        Pick slark

        TikTok Uncle

          @HeLL_RAISeR yes i do, rubick gave up 20min in, [lich his mate] , just hoarded the observers at about the same time . SB didnt listen once to not yolo it. And huskar begged mid and lost :|


            no bkb on sven, nuff said


              From time to time I get throwers...I assume everyone does. There are a lot more when LPQ opens every Sunday.

              If you have a thrower or for whatever reason the game seems impossible you don't have to despair. Just change your objective. Try to kill a certain hero or snipe the courier or Fstaff them into the fountain or steal the ageis. Winning the game in really bad situations only happens when someone makes a big play anyway so try to make one. If you were going to lose just go for it.

              In this game BS has 2 divine rapiers and no defensive items at all...mad focus on him could have taken 2 With Sven, SB, Huskar you do have the power to kill him with his paper build in about 3-4 seconds...and you can easily stun him for 6 seconds.

              Also try to get everyone to report intentional losers so they can't keep doing it. Send them back to LPQ where they belong.

              Ce commentaire a été édité
              TikTok Uncle

                thanks for the tips :)
                yeah we tried killing him, but huskar decides to ulti naga's illusion or something and not bs in the final moments , was saddening :'(


                  report them go afk fountain / jungle and hope for ff

                  Woof Woof




