General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy i cant see top performances of the new released heroes? (plus)

Why i cant see top performances of the new released heroes? (plus) in General Discussion
Ze Pintor

    No top performances avaible for Abaddon, Elder Titan, Bristleback, Skywrath mage and Tusk.

    Abaddon is the last patch, so its ok... But what about the others? I mean, tusk was released at february 14... Almost a year ago. I wanted to see some sucessful item builds with the starting items and the time table of itempurchases, like i can see at the Top performance stuff.

    Sadly i can only see the best players with specific char, but the table of purchases isnt avaible, and i think thats some important data...

    Hope you guys improve this... Best Regards.