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General Discussion[Need Expert Comments on my Matches] Season 1 - Episode 1 - Nerubian ...

[Need Expert Comments on my Matches] Season 1 - Episode 1 - Nerubian Weaver in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    I want to implement a new approach in order for me to get better in playing Dota 2.
    I'm already used to watching my own replays but never really bothered to document and study it in a more critical fashion.
    Please excuse me if I may not yet be up to your standards but I'm here to accept all the criticisms and learn.
    I plan to post not only those games where I excelled but also those where I failed heavily.

    Match Id: 281147150
    - played as Nerubian Weaver
    - 14:26 - 28:50 ::: Need more "Last Hit" practice
    - 32:24 - 34:04 ::: Noticed that my farm strategy went to a lull (literally strolled through the enemy's jungle :-/)
    - 34:50 - 40:xx ::: Should have been able to farm faster and more efficiently?
    - 47:40 ::: Need more micro skills during team-fight, wasn't able to attack Tinker properly
    - 1:09:40 - 1:10:03 ::: Got totally confused during the fight, didn't know how to attack. Did I also activated the BKB too early? I guess the trick is to activate BKB only once I hear the Linken pops off?

    Kindly post your comments on all aspects of my game - item/skill build, how I clash, last hitting, farming technique, etc


      why would you post a match you stomped.

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      Der absolute harām boi

        holy dogshit 30 deaths

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            <LUXON> As I have said, I will be posting eventually other games where I also failed.
            I'm just very concerned on how I used weaver here because I think I was kind of given free farm but I still didn't have the highest number of Last Hts. But your point taken, maybe I can find more errors on those games where I didn't stomped? It's just that this was the game where I became inspired to review critically my mistakes.

            Will post not lop-sided games in the next coming episodes.

            EDIT: If you dug up my entire match history. You'll find worse "intentional feeding" matches. lol. Anyways, I've learned from that and moved on :)

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              First to gauge the level of play...
              Both drafts are reasonable for pub dota. Radient has better initiation and stronger lanes.

              Wow, Radient team starts starts seriously tryharding with a completely useless smoke 2 heroes to place a river ward...even if they did encounter someone they could not use this to get a kill without a haste which case smoke would be pointless. Your NP apparently has never played offlane against a tri-lane or forgot that such things exist. Feeds FB.

              People seem to understand how to lane, how to control runes, how to ward...not impressive execution but they certainly know what they are trying to do. Match is in Normal...probably the top...nearly in High. This means we should compare to Gold level stats.

              CK had a very easy, safe tri-lane and managed 55/5 cs at 10 min compared to the average Gold CK stats of 23/1. He is your competition. You got 41/16 also on a safe tri-lane compared to the average Gold weaver stats of 29/1. I think you started out very well...but this is an area that can improve a lot in theory since you missed about half the lasthits...welll above average, but still missed half the farm. LD failed to deny any creeps against you. Part of this is just a question of "can you click on things correctly" and that's really unlikely to get much better, but recognizing the pattern of how to do it...that you can improve. Find the best weaver player you can and watch how they do it.

              If you got those early lasthits the period you are concerned about 14-28 min, would have been much easier because you would have more dmg. Your early game skill and item build makes sense for the lane you were in. I saw you checking enemy items, that's very good. Try to get into the habit of doing it all the time so you don't have to think about it. You tried to do some flash farming, but didn't quite seem to know how many attacks each creep needed, that needs some work.

              Your target selection and positoning in teamfights is very good. That is why you have a high KDA and winrate on weaver its more important than csing. But since you have that right...its time to work on the farm side.

              Flash farming is important for weaver to push the lanes and rotate to have more impact. You need to get it right. You got linkens delivered at 21:20, just after proving you could solo kill tinker without it. At this point you should have kept the pressure on the enemy taking the dangerous farm and making it easy for NP to split push, easy for your team to gank, choking off the enemy's map vision and resources. But instead you spent a lot of time in the jungle allowing them to catch up.

              Your team positioned badly and got caught 3 v 5...that mistake scared you back into the jungle, but the sitation did not change because your team still had a huge advantage and should have kept pressuring the T2 top...ravage was down, LD still did not have radience, 3 of them were on boots of slowness...there was a 4 min window when you were a god and you spent it hitting neutrals. That is when you needed to attack. Because you were too cautious they got more chances...tinker got tankier, LD got radience, Tide got mana boots to spam skills, vs fixed their lack of map vision. Fortunately CK just failed at everything but you could still beat them late easily...but really your lineup should not have won late game.

              I think your team could have won this game at 30-35 min if you kept the pressure on so LD did not get his radience or tinker his hex, or VS level 11 for level 2 swap. But since the game did go late...desolater is what you really wanted to kill that bear. Butterfly was a selfish defensive choice. You need to get radience out of the fight. You need to make him afraid to use it to chase your supports down.
              Yes, TA should have got it...but TA was quite shadow can't count on a TA that does that to get things right.

              At 30 min when you got eaglesong, when you could have got a full desolater 30 seconds later. With the eagle song you hit the bear with a germinate attack and it takes 246 dmg. With a desolater instead it would be 420 dmg. That is what you needed. To siege the base...a way to kill that bear. Chipping at the bear with germinate 6 times to kill it is so much better than 12 times. You can sneak in 6 hits in 1 or 2 creep waves easily. Also all of your other kills on heroes also take far fewer attacks.

              If you coordinated correctly with TA the stacking minus armor of desolator, swarm, and psi could kill that bear in about 2 seconds from full health. Meld hit +one extra from TA you do a germinate and 1 extra hit...with the minus armor from swarm, deso, psi the bear has and effective HP of about 840 because he had no extra armor on it. You guys could have killed it so fast he would have to change his pants.

              You are stronger than you think you are. At 37:30 you chickened out and let your NP die instead of getting an easy kill on CK. It looks like you really fear being visible. You need to learn instead to know what the enemy can and cannot do. You have to be confident that you can decided when that linkens is popped...know before it happens can they kill me or not?

              At 40 min you retreated from nothing again instead of taking the T2 tower.

              Then you get MKB to not get lasered, OK, but still desolater is what you needed. If tinker is close enough to you to cast laser, he is going to use hex anyway removing the utility of all your skills and items. Desolater into bkb was the way to go this game. But maybe you were uncomfortable with using the bkb.

              If you want to max farm efficiently on weaver late game what you need is radience, but farming efficiency was not your problem. Farming for the purpose of map control, farming intentionally is what you needed. What you did was randomly farming whatever you happened to be closest too.

              As for your super late game fights...its better to win sooner so you don't get to the point where 1 tiny mistake can kill you.

              In the 55 min siege mid you started with one germinate attack on the took over 900 dmg despite now haveing AC, because of that desolater. LD sent it back to the fountain after just that 1 germinate attack. Then TA fed so the fight went badly. You really screwed up your ult, only healing 500 hp when you had 2k. Wait 2 more seconds to ult and you get an ultrakill there despite TA's feed.

              57 minute fight you were fine. Tinker escaped because lion's position was terrible. He hid so far back he could not even see the fight on his screen until it was half over. If he ulted tinker during that ghost...easy gg. Well you got megas on the back of that fight anyway...but really its because the other team massively failed lategame. They had a far stronger team combination and had just taken your XP lead down from 20k to 10k in one fight. If they stayed together they should have won the game, but they farmed solo like nubs instead and died.

              Autism is great


                Der absolute harām boi


                  your life must be full of adventures!


                    just checked this post again. thanks so much <relentless>. This kind of analysis is what I'm talking about.

                    Let me grab a minute first to digest all these info :)