General Discussion

General Discussion[UsE/EuW] Guild 7th|Legion is looking for players

[UsE/EuW] Guild 7th|Legion is looking for players in General Discussion

    Requirements: 500+ wins, 50%+ win rate, very high bracket,
    Servers: Us East and Eu West

    Hi. I'm starting a guild to gather people to play with. We are going to start from regular MM and if we gather enough people TMM, scrimms and guild matches. Ragers are not welcomed, positive attitude is always a plus. At early stages I won't set any hour when we gather so be prepared to play when there are enough people. In the meantime I think it's good to just play together and get to know each other. I hope to get to the point where we are organized enough to get small site to keep everything in one place etc. We will use Raidcall for start, but if majority decides to use something else we will switch.

    Contact me on steam: or just msg me.
    If I'm online on steam I'll probably respond instantly and we will have a talk.