General Discussion

General Discussionhow to balance SB

how to balance SB in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    starting armor = 0
    gains 1.4 agil per level
    str gain 2.75 per level
    charging will grant enemy vision of you
    speed aura from 18 down to 12
    greater bash from 17% down to 12%
    ultimate does 100/150/200 dmg


    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Do whatever you want but if you give vision of charge to the enemy, he becomes the worst hero ever. He is not even that good atm.

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      Woof Woof

        I summon icefrog


          no thanks we will leave it to IceFrog


            -Main HP reduced >>> 205
            -Damage reduced >>> 10
            -Armor reduced >>> -2
            -Charge max movement speed reduced >>> 150
            -Charge now drains 3% for every 100 radius you take
            -Bash chance reduced >>> 1%/1.5%/2%/2.5%/5% (5% to consider maxing it first)
            -Speed aura reduces your allies movement speed by 10%
            -Ultimate now needs channeling before the strike (5 seconds), While on channeling you take increased 50% magical damage
            -Spirit breaker's inventory slots will be reduced from 6 >>> 3

            -Extra : When a player picks Spirit breaker. He will have lag and 0 starting gold
            -Extra : Upon engaging with an enemy with less than 5% HP. Chen will randomly heal him.

            For more ideas to nerf Spirit breaker, Contact me via
            And any site in this list

            #Balanced #Dota2 #SpiritBreaker #Nerf #Cry

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            Pandamonium(You Died)

              ^Thank god, now I finally dont have to learn how to play this game and win against what I think incredibly imbalanced character(s)! THank you very much!

              Woof Woof

                just lower his move speed to 200 and hes fine

                ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                  He is alrdy one of the shittiest heroes with no definite role, not a tank, not a carry, and can't gank after minute 15..


                    lmao. as soon as a hero gets a high WR people scream and cry for nothing. Spirit breaker is a terrible and useless hero. I think he should get a buff tbh.

                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                      At least they removed the status icon of charge


                        -Greater bash now stacks with Cranium Basher.


                          Spirit Breaker is good if ur bad. Hahah jk, but i don't know why he needs a nerf either he's not that great. I can honestly agree with the above comments.

                          ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                            ^U mean this comment:
                            starting armor = 0
                            gains 1.4 agil per level
                            str gain 2.75 per level
                            charging will grant enemy vision of you
                            speed aura from 18 down to 12
                            greater bash from 17% down to 12%
                            ultimate does 100/150/200 dmg


                            Or this:
                            -Main HP reduced >>> 205
                            -Damage reduced >>> 10
                            -Armor reduced >>> -2
                            -Charge max movement speed reduced >>> 150
                            -Charge now drains 3% for every 100 radius you take
                            -Bash chance reduced >>> 1%/1.5%/2%/2.5%/5% (5% to consider maxing it first)
                            -Speed aura reduces your allies movement speed by 10%
                            -Ultimate now needs channeling before the strike (5 seconds), While on channeling you take increased 50% magical damage
                            -Spirit breaker's inventory slots will be reduced from 6 >>> 3

                            -Extra : When a player picks Spirit breaker. He will have lag and 0 starting gold
                            -Extra : Upon engaging with an enemy with less than 5% HP. Chen will randomly heal him.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Nope he agrees with your's and mine etc. But really he is at best a tier 3 pro pick.


                                another Rape balance thread,
                                still too stronk anyway, have to agree with Sheboz

                                ❤ Ashley ❤

                                  Sheboz's idea is actually pretty good, alot better than mine , commended for leadership


                                    You can call me IceFrog