General Discussion

General Discussion[Looking] [Recruit] Competetive team searching for 1 Very high skille...

[Looking] [Recruit] Competetive team searching for 1 Very high skilled player, postition 4/5. EU SERVERS in General Discussion
BOT Adam

    Hi, Im the manager of the team. Running Website, practice times, scrim booking and cup/tournament sign up and future sponsors.
    We are now a team of 5 but we decide cause of the practice time, im going manager.
    The other in my team can practice from 20.00 PM - 23.00 PM or 00.00 AM
    It is very important, that you can practice during those specific times. /r/compdota2
    Postition 4/5: We are looking for someone who can play, Visage/Rubick/Treant/Shadow Demon/Jakiro/CM/Wisp very well.
    We are looking forward to hear from you, with your application.


      Let me give u some advice. The main role in team is support. In most pro teams captain is support. And u are looking 4 the support... I would suggest u to learn to play dota, before creating a team. It is looking curious now...

      Kanye Best

        Do you pay a monthly salary?
        Will you provide equipment for events?
        Is housing included?

        (if the answer to even one of these is no, dont even bother replying)

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          You ain't can't find no one that knows how to play Wisp well here. Ask Relentless. He plays only support. But US I guess.

          Penis Monkey

            What country are you based?


              i m interseted in joining your team
              i play dota since 2006 and joined dota 2 a year ago. i m playing a lot of champs prefering hard lane and support.
              practice times are no problem.
              I hope this short application is enough, if you want a "real" application maybe we can exchange emails.

              BOT Adam
                Ce commentaire a été supprimé
                BOT Adam

                  Ulti, EU. Swedish and 1 from serbia

                  BOT Adam

                    Kanye, you dont have any TMM experiance. Dont bother reply this post.


                      Link the teammembers please

                      BOT Adam

                        Check my team please, And replance ''Eken'' with


                          I could be interested. Im from Denmark. Add me and we can look into it more deeply. I dont like many of those heroes however.

                          BOT Adam

                            Well, we dont need carry :p


                              Add me.