General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat If I want to be on a team...

What If I want to be on a team... in General Discussion
Ken Bone

    But the few friends I have only add me after I carry or have a good game, so they're mostly much worse than I am, but I still suck far too much to join up on a lot of these random teams on forums. Dota 2 makes it hard to gauge individual talent. What's the best way to get a group of people that are about at my level, and are willing to practice on a regular basis?
    You guys have any tips on finding like-minded players?

    King of Low Prio

      play games, learn from your mistakes and take all the criticism you can get. Once you do that start networking with the good players you play with

      Pandamonium(You Died)

        you seem to be decent, I usually play stacks only, but if I have time ill play with you, so feel free to add.
        Generally just friend people in your games who were good/mannered (later is often more important), and then slowly build up friend list, deleting unmaners and baddies, and leaving those people who you enjoy playing with.