General Discussion

General Discussionmatchmaking

matchmaking in General Discussion

    what the fuck is wrong with this matchmaking... i have like 65% winrate and the players i play with are like fucking noobs with 47% and below.. arent there critirias in matchmaking to prevent pro players playing with noobs?


      people with 1000 wins complaining about being matched up with people below 100 wins
      A guy with 86 wins complaining about being matched up with people over 500 wins.

      Safe Base

        the 47% guy was in a stack with his 54% friend who has 800+ games, that guy's rating pulled their stack rating into your game.


          %65 win rate wow you must be good at this game

          Woof Woof

            check what pro player actually means and dota 2 is casual game and thats how most people treat it thats why u see players with 1k wins and 50+% not buying wards with supports and so on

            tldr valve turned dota 2 players into casuals

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