General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 Educational/Informational Stream!

Dota 2 Educational/Informational Stream! in General Discussion

    Today I am starting a new project. I am going to begin streaming as frequently as possible, not only my personal games but the games of others who have requested coaching and instruction from me.

    This will be completely FREE, and solely for the purpose of helping others learn DOTA and hopefully break the barrier that many players wont do because of fear of learning DOTA.

    I will be hosting in house matches for newer players to practice with each other while i cover the matches VIA stream, commentating and noting each players positives and negatives in their play. I will go over the match with each player individually.

    If you are interested in a lesson, or just wanna play some Dota, post here, pm me, or find me on steam EndOfEden.

    Thanks, and help me make my dreams come true!


      thanks ill check it out if I ever want to 'learn' from a total dogshit player.

      Woof Woof

        waste of time, people are always as good as they want to be

        Woof Woof

          unles they are handicapped but thats different pair of shoes

          Mr. G

            People are harsh here huh

            some guy here wants to help break new players into the game for nothing in return and instead gets shit on

            Woof Woof

              if u want to help new players just tell them to search for dota 101 on youtube it covers laning, playing support, mid, carry, how to last hit , stack creeps etc

              Woof Woof

                + there is also tons of other guides on youtube + there are sites like dotafire where u can find very detailed guides about each hero in game

                la the yeezy

                  Sorry to say but this is not the forum to post this kind of stuff. People here are usually trolls/assholes who have low levels of maturity. They will always flame you and always rate themselves higher than you. Just ignore them. I recommend you post it on or or other forums and surely you will get some decent answers.



                    Woof Woof

                      ^^ sure bro he isnt going to waste his time on something that was done allready many times


                        Really such a nice idea. No need to point out that there are hundreds of guides out there. I think his intention is to teach and maybe create some nice relationships while doing this. Nothing bad about this imo. But Dotabuff might really not be the best place. At least I didn't know Dotabuff as I began playing this game.

                        Yes he is probably not the super-pro player. Thing is just that this doesn't has a lot to do with being a good or bad teacher. Don't let people outface you Drazy. Try it out.

                        Hakuna Matata

                          Can't believe people can be such assholes to a person who is putting his time in helping others for free. Those so called guides on youtube work for someone who is fairly familiar with this kind of games but they don't help identify individuals weaknesses. And this is a quicker way too.
                          Some people also seem to think that they are the best players with 53% win rate. How the fuck did you lose 47% games then? (now blame it on matchmaking).

                          Woof Woof

                            assholes? i am trying to save him some time because theres no reason to reinvent the wheel
                            besides most people would rather learn from good/famous players rather than unknown average joe that wants to help others

                            Woof Woof

                              and how is he suppose to gain any following ? none knows him + he has shit stats if his personality+voice is bad literally none is going to watch his stream

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                This is great idea. Many thousands of nubs read this forum and have got your message despite the trolls. Don't worry about that. Good luck with your project.

                                A relatively weak dota player is actually a better choice to introduce nubs to the game than an highly skilled experienced player. People who are very good at dota are so far out of touch with nub problems and the typical experiences and plays that occur in a nub game...they can't really instruct nubs that well.

                                Edit your first post to include a link!!!! You are trying to get nubs =>Make it easy for people.

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                                  sigh meow