General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help me improve..

Please help me improve.. in General Discussion

    I played maybe 30-50 games of Dota 1 a few years ago. Just enough to understand the mechanics of the game.

    Last year I installed Dota 2. Started playing Enchantress.Learned how to ward, stack and some support stuff. But most of the time, that wasn't enough to win games. Come mid game, Enchantress can become an easy food unless your whole team is doing good.

    So I started to random heroes and found Lone Druid and Weaver to be the most comfortable to play. With Weaver you have an escape, but there's so many counter to him. So I focused on learning LD. It was awesome, 2 right clicking heroes!

    I started winning, but it's still not enough. I have the tendency to auto-attack once I got damage items on bear. And my LD is also so team dependent on how the other lanes perform. If the other lanes are losing, my LD has no way of making a difference. The other lanes must be performing good so I can push fast.

    If I start helping the lanes, my items are getting delayed and the bear is not so good at team fights. He doesn't have the AOE damage. I also have troubles with item selection. I can't identify the better items against the opponent's team composition. I always have 2 builds: Rush radiance and the 2nd one is phase maelstrom.

    Can you guys suggest another hero to learn that will improve my skills? I'm thinking of meepo or Nature. Both can push, better map presence and better team fights than LD.


      Wtf .. That made like no sense. You cant win every game. Stack with non shitty players and play games. Also how the fck you go from jungle support to weaver to druid. Pick a role and stick with it or you're gunna suck untill you have 2000 games played.


        I apologize if my path of learning the game doesnt make any sense. Probably that's the reason why I'm having troubles improving.

        I'm not sure what role I'm gonna stick with. I'm more confident playing a push type hero. I'll take your advise and try to explore other push type heroes.

        I can't stack either. I'm a 30 year old guy with a boring office job and all my friends had abandoned their gaming pc's for paperworks. I cannot play as much as I used to anymore so solo queueing is where I am most of the time.


          try out natures prophet enigma chen big heros that can push and jungle sense thats seems to be where you excel at


            Hi Atari,

            I would highly recommend playing all pick or limited heroes and just randoming every game. You learn the fastest this way (although you may lose a lot) because you learn what each hero's skills are... this helps out a ton later on then when you play against them. If you just stick to the same heroes, you will slowly get better with them but you will never learn how your opponents operate and will never know what to expect as far as skill usage.

            I hope that makes sense. I would also recommend watching youtube videos...check out DotaCinema, they have a bunch of stuff. Feel free to add me to your friends list if you'd like more advice or need someone to play with.



              Right on Jived! That makes total sense! There was a time when I used to run from a Bloodseeker skill or an Axe skill (I still dont know what it's called) and have no idea what to do.

              Maybe I'll play all heroes versus bots for now. I don't want to be the cause of my team losing because I'm not good at the hero.

              So like Mark said, I'll try to pick a role but first I need to familiarize myself with all the heroes to have an understanding how each one works.

              Prepare your asses Bots!


                Bots are a good idea but keep in mind that you really cant play bots every game .. Eventually you will get to a point where hard is easy for you but unfair is .. well ... unfair. Play your round of bots but what really sucks is having 2 games with every hero and having no idea how to play a hero if you random in a pub. Which is why I said pick a role and stick with it. Makes everything much easier on you and the team .. because you will have about 10 games with the heros in that same role and you will know how to play them with little trouble. When you get better at the game thats when you can start expanding into other roles/heros and really see what is the best for you.

                Edit: You can add me if you want because my lower mmr friends are looking for players to play with so i can probably hook you up

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                  Matchmaking is designed to keep with people at your level. So you may play worse by randoming heroes every game but you wont actually lose more games (outside of the first few) if that makes any sense

                  Random for a 100+ games to learn all the heroes, then if you want to improve watch tournaments and play with a stack


                    I tried random in solo queue. Lol! I suck! 2 losses in a row. But this is expected right?

                    Thanks for the help again guys. I'll take it from here.


                      my suggestion, also the way i learn dota(1), use one hero to familiar with the dota (better with a jungler, this is the most special part and hardest to learn if you not using jungler) , and then keep random until you try out all the hero (reuse the hero that lose until you win with your skill but not luck)


                        I'm 2-4 now since playing random at all pick. Most of the games are pubstomp. I think the best option is to play Least Played, Random Draft, All Random and Random to somewhat have an equal playing field with others and surely encounter others trying to improve like me.


                          play play play play and play more the only thing that helps to improve

                          playing cm/rd modes might help abit more since ppls usualy try to win there more and don't do random shit

                          playing team matchmaking is even better


                            Today, I got home from work and did a few quest in my mmorpg while eating dinner, then launched Dota 2 for a game or two of AP. Right from the start, something felt different- A team mate randomed a 3rd carry. He cancelled that and picked a support instead.

                            I asked for top playing as LD and as the game is starting, I saw the team buying courier, obs and sentries. Wtf! Then the two supports trilaned with me on top, harassing the enemy and pulling creeps. Seriously? On an AP game?

                            We scored the first blood right on the first minute and a few more kills after that.

                            I was not comfortable with the game. First, because there's a lot of movement and harassing which I'm not sure if I should parcitipate or just focus on farming. Second, I became conscious of my last hitting skills with 2 supports on my lane making me screw up more.

                            Middle game came easy. My team is winning clashes without me. Wards are always present, a couple of Rosh attempts and good communication within the team. It was the first time I encountered a team mate getting my attention just to say I should not bother building an AC anymore because he's a few golds away.

                            After a few clashes and aegis, the final push became so easy without any serious resistance. Game ended and we thanked each other.

                            i went to filter my recent matches and found out that i just played my 1st game in High Skill Bracket. Finally after a year and about 900 games.

                            Thanks for all the advise.


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