General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the best Pub Team Picks and which lanes?

What are the best Pub Team Picks and which lanes? in General Discussion

    To make things easier just fill in the form:


    Long Lane:

    Long Lane Combos:

    Safe Lane:

    Safe Lane Combos:

    How the team works:


      Mid: Pudge

      Long Lane: Riki , Crystal Maiden

      Long Lane Combos: Maiden just nukes the team then freezes 1 letting riki get an easy kill.

      Safe Lane: Life Stealer , Invoker

      Safe Lane Combos: Life stealer Open wounds invoker can sunstrike or after open wounds cold snap then easy kill.

      How the team works: Pudge can just play mid and if needs help, invoker can go and cold snap for him/ tornado for the hook. Riki can give vision for pudge to hook then if target somehow gets away, Riki can finish him/her off.

      HEAAAAAPS of combos available.

      Note: If jungle or trilane then just add in that slot :P

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        If you seriously do these lanes, you must be beyond terrible at this game.


          The best pub team is Ursa-wisp aggressive dual lane, start with level advantage by lvl 1 rosh.

          Tree pulling safelane, living armor spam ursa-wisp as needed.

          ++any mid hero mid, any other hero farming safelane

          That is the best pub team. Actually doing it requires an excellent wisp player.

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            Mid : Void
            Safe lane : Gyro -Anti mage
            Hard lane : Phantom lancer - Phantom assassin


              Mid: Maiden, infinitely mana, infinitely harassment
              Offlane: trilane sniper + tinker + sf, ultra high burst damage, instant kill enemy carries
              Safe lane: solo ezlor, stay under tower, push the creeps, no one can kill an ezlor

              Late game with cm stun and ultimate, sniper and sf double ranged dps, tinker infinitely pushing lanes, ezlor with the ultimate aoe and defense power. No one can beat such a awesome team.


                I do the same thing that @Relentless has said. I just armor the wisp and they kill everyone = gg in any skill bracket


                  B2=strategic genius

                  mid - sf
                  offlane - beastmaster
                  safe - vs, luna, cm
                  SUPER AURA TEAM
                  also has anyone seen the 5 necro strat in dota 2? i find necro book 1 of the most underused items in dota 2


                    Did NiueanBeast actually just list out a team of THOSE heroes?!
                    I can not believe it....
                    This lineup that you gave has absolutely no synergy.
                    How is wifestealer going to do fine in a lane with invoker as the support player?
                    Invoker is a hero that needs massive exp to work well.

                    Safe Base

                      Mid - Slark + Wisp

                      Just feel it's more stable in pubs than Ursa + wisp for most people who actually plan to play without exploiting abandon system. E.g. if you tab out immediately if your team spawns on radiant side, and if you are the dire side still have a 5th player not pick until lvl1 rosh is over.
                      Some can make it work without being a time wasting exploiter but harder than wisp slark in my opinion.

                      Safe lane - Warlock + Bara

                      Solo offlane (or can abandon if it's really not working out) - Tree.

                      Should be pretty obvious how this team works.


                        invoker can be great supporting ANY hero. Cold snap + whatever hero = secured kill.


                          agree to NiueanBeast, and there is no best team to play... it only require best player (in attitude, not skill)