General Discussion

General DiscussionTOP 50 Drow Ranger

TOP 50 Drow Ranger in General Discussion

    Help those who have Plus. I want to know the top 50 drow ranger :D


      please screen :)


        You need to find other heroes to play, man.


          Also, you only have 500 games. I doubt you are top 50 of anything.


            DARKLY | Discodude, i know dude. I hard abuse pub :D

            I'm good enough to play heroes like: Phantom Lancer, Puck, Shadow Shaman, Wiever, Lich, Phantom Assasin, Bloodseeker, Bristleback,
            Cristal Maiden, Whitch Doctor, Troll Warlord, Chaos Knight, Windrunner, Skywarth mage, Nyx Assasin, Necrolyte,
            Juggernaut, Mirana, Enchantress, Queen of Pain

            Kanye Best

              You are number 51


                Your KDA says otherwise, OP.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Holy shit. 1.03 KDA on Riki. How is that even possible?


                    I have not played in the old Dota. And started playing Dota 2 on riki, I do not really know how to play - and i am feed.


                      he has below 2 KDA on every carry, how can you not even think of that he is trolling you?
                      obvious troll is obvious 1/10