General Discussion

General Discussion[LOOKING][EU]Fresh VH bracket position 4 looking for serious team

[LOOKING][EU]Fresh VH bracket position 4 looking for serious team in General Discussion

    Hi, I'm Martin, AKA LockDown92.

    Continuously played DotA2 for well over a year now (some DotA before that). I specialise in item support.

    I actively use a mic, speak fluent English and am very serious about advancing in the game. Can play throughout the summer, after that it's weekdays after 13:00 GMT, weekends whole day. I prefer STABILITY - playing on a schedule, as often as possible with the same people (no constant player swaps etc.) with a set schedule.

    About me: 21 year old med student, currently residing in Estonia.

    Favourite heroes: Witch Doctor, Bane, Sand King, Warlock, Disruptor, Io.

    Just hit me up on Steam and we'll go from there: (Actual winrate ~52%, dotabuff is glitchy)