General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy I has to lose spree

Why I has to lose spree in General Discussion
okmol de grace

    Everyone have losing spree unless you have a stack team.


      i heff stack

      Ples Mercy

        when i heff stack, i lose, when i heff no stack, i win.

        okmol de grace

          ^if your stack is weak of course you lost. If you want to win find 5 friend who is pro or 5 pro pub and must be low level then you can have winning steak.


            This must be the "Worpfst Inglesh" - threat the world has been waiting for so long. *sniff* "Fannk yooue." *sniff*


              I dun like losing spreez :(


       y i always heff to git matched with the nubs

                Ples Mercy

         - UNderlvled bcause?
         - your the useless one there
         - you cant farm shit and you bought shitty items
         - shitty pick, cant farm, died without a kill
         - shitty pick, they have 3 hard counter against you
         - Got outplayed, there you can blame mm
         - raped by pugna, lol, again mm putting against better people
         - Shitty pick, shitti item build, again your fault

                  2/8 mm fault, rest bcause you simply decided to be a retard, your welcome.


                    UNderlvled bcause? - if my team feeds I don't waste my time trying too hard
                    your the useless one there - Omniknight is well known for his ability to survive when his team feeds the first 10 kills
                    you cant farm shit and you bought shitty items - You wouldnt be able to farm shit either if your support death prophet kept dieing
                    shitty pick, cant farm, died without a kill - Team straight up fed so I couldn't do anything and eventually got a few deaths from it.
                    shitty pick, they have 3 hard counter against you - Was doing fine till pudge got 6 and hooked all my teammates
                    Got outplayed, there you can blame mm - Pudge didn't seem to realise that he can't kill Huskar with rott and his ult
                    raped by pugna, lol, again mm putting against better people - Kunkka was laning against him and got killed early, so pugna got a dagon
                    Shitty pick, shitti item build, again your fault - Cough witchdoctor bad attitude intentionally fed

                    Yeah let's call people retards on the internet and buff up our E-peen

                    Ples Mercy

                      1.) throwing game, your fault.
                      2.) ability to survive? Thats why you fed so much, gud.
                      3.) I am able, i even outfarmed as tiny jungle with a morbid mask bcause a shitty support stole 2 much farm
                      4.) No, you fed and did not fine.
                      5.) Well as i said, mm's fault, the enemies were clearly on a whole different level
                      6.) As i said, not your fault pugna has more skill than you and your team.
                      7.) Throwing game, your fault.

                      Yes your still retarded and my e-pen is GIGANTIC. Cant find any e-condoms.

                      King of Low Prio

                        It is never your fault right?


                          I didn't throw anything for fuck sake


                            You are looking at these games from the end game screen can't you get it through your head that if my team feeds it is gonna have consequences on me


                              my analysis is

                              ur bad


                                My analysis is this, fuck up, and the same advice to valves inability to matchmake solo players

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I think Valve is out to get you because it works fine for me


                                    Sorry if i sounded angry but yes they are

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      Sam iz mad. BRO YOUR BAD


                                        I always thought MM was fine. It sometimes puts inadequate players in your team, sometimes in enemy team. sometimes it puts you in awrong team. I bet there were tons of games where it put you in higher-rated matches where you were a problem. It can't be perfect, or even close to it, unless they hire tons of employees to monitor each player and determine their skill.
                                        If every lose is fault of team-mates, does that make everyone a pro or a noob.

                                        Kanye Best

                                          You guys are fucking morons. Playing with a stack wont help you win more, because it'll just try to match you against other stacks.

                                          If you lose, the fault is mostly your own. aquilesdf's analysis is correct.
                                          In OP's case he obviously picks shit heroes.



                                            I think this game sums up the matchmaking, check naix items..... very high game?_?_?_?


                                              Actually drums is good on luna, naix, and rubick. but.... 3 drums on a team. that's not cool.


                                                I dont think you got what i mean, he has fucking dominator on naix and NO armlet.......


                                                  not being able to look at your own play critically makes you a typical lowskilll retard dota2 matchmaking is filled with, congratz you are the 99%.


                                                    Example of a game you won:


                                                    Witch Doctor. Only REAL support on your team. You didn't get heal until level 10.

                                                    They had a Pugna, and a Sand King, and a Troll, and you were a squishy support. AND YET you bought a Shadow Blade? Enough AoE to warrant a BKB over a Shadow Blade? I think yes.

                                                    Not even a Mek vs an AoE-heavy line-up?

                                                    Carried by teammates, I think (Luna and Faceless), and by the enemies farming poorly (and strange item builds).

                                                    I dunno if I would blame MM for your loss streak, based on your recent wins.