General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 Strange items show offs?

Dota 2 Strange items show offs? in General Discussion

    LOL about 5-7 games with invoker after getting this off grimorum (no kills on it yet) and heres some results :P

    whats yours? wanna show off?


      dayumm ^ .. Ursa is kinda OP though so it doesn't count >:c haha nah jk , Nice . That is some serious shizz bruh , I gotta play more invoker games to fill my cape up :P




          dont have any strange items


            Holly!!! thats a lot of sunstrikes Hitt XD


              I had 2600 kill count with first account. After transferring, it was reset to 0. Now it is stuck at 1995 because dev are ridiculously horrible at fixing bugs. Even today, there are 2 stupid bugs ruining my invoker games since may 2012.

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                Yea, my ursa counter is stuck too sadly.

                0r G

                  My voker items have stopped adding kill counts, gold spent, ss/nados etc... i found it has done this before after re-naming an item, but it's happening again



                    Would've been way more without the bugs, I added first blood after the new patch but it is not shown because of a bug

                    Captain X

                      jesus i have like 10 games with jugg sword for omnislash jumps and 10 games with the sword for kills and counters are still 0 ..
             i thing its bug becouse everyone have the same problem


                        i feel so naked with all these strange items im only a weekend player so i dont have much items but seeing some of the thousand plus kills are crazy 200+ sunstrike kills -_-


                          plz check my "Strange Dressed Pauldron of the Flameguard " and "Strange Tayrnhelm of the Swordmaster". I have just played 1 game, but these is counted.