General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    @Game Is Hard
    Good: Decent win rate with some "skillshot" heroes
    Bad: Most of your records are games that you still lost

    Whoever gets mine, have fun trying to find a good :P


      Good: Win rates on top heroes
      Bad: Pudge WR

      John Matrix

        Good: Nyx WR
        Bad: PA WR is quite terrible :(

        EZ MID 9k mmr

          Good Pugna, Nyx could use some lovin'


            Good: Over 15k healing record, holy shit!

            Bad: Still lost that game, your teammates must have sucked.



            Good: Tree person!

            Bad: People seem to hate your Tinker a lot.

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            jess the goat

              good: good support player^.^

              bad: gpm a bit low but I guess that makes sense eh
              also, does anyone know why every time there is like 2 people that are bad they are always in a stack, and why they will instantly call the person who did better then them/got more kills then them noobs at the end and spam it?


                Good: Pudge Scores, not often you see that.
                Bad: No supports among top heroes.


                  Good: 68k hero damage record

                  Bad: top 3 heroes easy heroes np riki naix...


                    Good:nice SF WR, excellent Sf LH record

                    Bad:i guess your invoker still low WR,latest match u keep in losing streak


                      Good: Nice winrate and KDA with slark and overall winrate.

                      Bad : Need to play other heroes too...

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                        Good: Nice Batrider and even top played heroes
                        Bad: NP picker

                        jess the goat

                          good:zeus templar darkseer kunkka

                          bad: lost longest game


                            Good : Nice winrate with pudge.
                            bad : too low kda on invoker

                            PMA player

                              Good : Crazy good winrate with friends
                              Bad : Lost Longest game

                              beyond imaginable

                                Looks like you're good mid lane player.
                                Bad: Picked Pudge 132 times and have only 41% wr.


                                  Good: Fine legion commander
                                  Bad: Overall winrate,bad slark


                                    good: nice slark + only plays ranked games
                                    bad: brood picker + smurf (i think?)


                                      good: good wr without much stacking (i guess) + all most played >50% win
                                      bad: that drow wr, how is this even possible?


                                        Good : very nice win rate as CM, and all other support heroes.
                                        Bad : not good scores as carry heroes, not playing carry heroes much.


                                          haha, a combination of my early dota days when i had no idea what to do and being terrible at drow


                                            good: nice amount of games played
                                            bad: some quiestionable top heroes ie sniper huskar etc


                                              Good : Nice rat heroes winrate
                                              Bad : Lost longest match


                                                Good: Invoker
                                                Bad: Mirana, decent kdr yet bad winrate


                                                  Good: played almost every hero, number of games.

                                                  Bad: rat, bad storm, almost no supports.


                                                    Good - Decent winrate and good meepo
                                                    Bad - Few games on a lot of heroes


                                                      Good: Seems to have a pretty solid mirana
                                                      Bad: Highest gpm 702, not very strong


                                                        Good - nice winrate as support heroes.
                                                        bad - viper!


                                                          Good: 39 assists, that's a nice one!

                                                          Bad: 11 matches longest loss streak.


                                                            good: 81% winrate with warlock, how?!
                                                            bad: gpm record ):


                                                              GOOD: crazy winrate + br
                                                              BAD: something's fishy 'bout your you play on odd times or with strong 5 stack most of the time?


                                                                Good: WR with the two best heroes in the game TA and Invoker
                                                                Bad: Prophet picker


                                                                  Good : winrate with nyx
                                                                  bad : low winrate with almost all most played heroes


                                                                    Good: Ursa win rate and KDA
                                                                    Bad: No supports in most played


                                                                      Good: Amazing winrates on heroes like Luna, Kunkka, and Dark Seer.
                                                                      Bad: Holy shit what is wrong with your DK. Just...stop playing that hero and spam other heroes to get him off your front page.


                                                                        Good : nice kda with weaver
                                                                        Bad :decent winrate

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                          @Satellizer Pretty much the only hero I'm guilty of tryharding, he's OP.

                                                                          Groov. Good: Very good Invoker plus 36 wins in a row.

                                                                          Bad: Negative winrate Rubick I guess.


                                                                            Good: Very good Warlock
                                                                            Bad: Low H. GPM (Most likely cause he's a support player)


                                                                              Good: games won
                                                                              Bad: games lost


                                                                                Good: Meepo
                                                                                Bad: Vague and Smurf


                                                                                  not really, I don't 5 man stack, somehow I got a 34 win streak by just playing duo and a few games trio

                                                                                  good slark
                                                                                  bad pudge

                                                                                  Pure & Miracle + Zai

                                                                                    good: support picker

                                                                                    bad: np winrate

                                                                                    have mercy

                                                                                      Good: wisp. dat wisp

                                                                                      bad: died 27 times with huskar

                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                        Good: 40 kills record on Lanaya

                                                                                        Bad: higher loss streak than win streak


                                                                                          good : high winrate with nightstalker
                                                                                          bad : tiny


                                                                                            Good: That's a lot of beefy heroes in your top list.

                                                                                            Bad: 11 losses in a row.


                                                                                              good: nice winrate on warlock

                                                                                              bad: gpm record

                                                                                              TikTok Uncle

                                                                                                Good : win rate and interesting hero choices

                                                                                                Bad : No love for meeps D:

                                                                                                PMA player

                                                                                                  Good : loves / good meepo player.
                                                                                                  Bad: didn't win a Bristleback game yet :(


                                                                                                    Good: Nice Tinker
                                                                                                    Bad: Stats arent very good on a lot of top heroes