General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: it's > 9000
    Bad: shitty posterino

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Good: Very good TA, Storm, Clock
      B: Ranked wr 50%, never played Drow :O

      Bad Intentions

        Good: 54% winrate is high
        Bad: That ugly recent loses


          G, u a vh player,
          B, dood why i awlays see u


            Good: Meepo
            Bad: SEA


              G: Earth Spirit
              B: Sub par winrates on other heroes when compared to your Earth Spirit


                g: 60%< carry player, overall winrate
                b: lost longest match 100 min ;---;

                jess the goat

                  good: earth spirt tho

                  bad: some low winrates on top heroes


                    G: pudge player ( I am terrible at pudge)

                    B: Sniper picker

                    white tiger

                      G: Evidently U can handle with carry the game

                      B: Recently the only non-carry hero U pick is a Tidehunter, which one is very hard-to-lose. A bit more variety for other roles shud make your dota time more enjoyable.

                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                        g: wr
                        b: donkey picture


                          g: Meepo
                          b: Mmr exploits, constant abandons with NP


                            G : high wr
                            B : still normal skill

                              Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                Good : Seems like a good support player, good winrate, excellent records :)
                                Bad : Low KDA on top heroes


                                  g: nice void win
                                  b: normal skill

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    G: trying out oracle
                                    B: dat lose streak in brazil


                                      G. Use alot of underrated heroes
                                      b. Wheres your bs now?


                                        G: Wide pool of heroes, all roles
                                        B: sub 50% on most played hero.

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          G: 60% wr, PA unreal WR, Potm also
                                          B: ??? nothing. Australia server mb


                                            G: High winrate
                                            B: Only mid heroes


                                              G: Slark
                                              B: u need to train more


                                                G:nice wr and rnked wr
                                                B:Alot of unplayed heroes


                                                  good: plays meepo and ta
                                                  bad: tp not most used item


                                                    g: teach me invoker and ta pls master, high kda on top heros, high win rate

                                                    b: i don't know, 37 kills record 2012?


                                                      G: Smexy earth spirit

                                                      B: Timbersaw winrate i dont really know man :P


                                                        G: good wr and kda with some heroes

                                                        B: high skill (?)


                                                          If i choose to solo que i get in very high skill bracket when i play with my friends they bring me down in high

                                                          G: Winrate and Kda with some heros pluss constant vhs

                                                          B: Kunnka winrate

                                                          Bad fat mad satan

                                                            G: Nice 93 denies,also 43 kills :D
                                                            B : You lost a game with 625 last hits :(


                                                              Good: You have got a high win rate
                                                              Bad: You have barely played any games :P (and probably had a previous account - who knows ;o)


                                                                G: dedicated cm player
                                                                B:half of your games are on her


                                                                  G: Win rate
                                                                  B: he tried techies and lost :D :D :D


                                                                    G: 100% wr on 3 heroes
                                                                    B: only plays sniper and still 50% wr

                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                      Good: Veteran invo player
                                                                      Bad: Good lord those no. of games in brazil


                                                                        Good: You have a ton of games with your most played heroes and have good win rates with them! Good kda also!
                                                                        Bad: There's a ton of heroes you still have to try


                                                                          G: win rate, vh bracket, good mix of roles in top played heroes
                                                                          B: es picker, some really low win rates despite quite a few games on naix and invoker


                                                                            g: dat kda on heros
                                                                            b: smurf on normal/high skill, HAHA SAD LIFE


                                                                              i only queue into normal/high if I queue a mode other than AP. i stopped queuing AP because seeing the same picks every game was boring as shit, and counter picking was lame, still not even level 13 yet so I can't play ranked (almost there tho)

                                                                              G: strong puck, VH games

                                                                              B: es picker, B R A Z I L B O Y S, low kda/gpms/xpms


                                                                                G: +60% wr with TA, SS and clock
                                                                                B: wtf is that np/qop?(cliff jungle?)

                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                  G: tinker, ember
                                                                                  B: kka, brazil :~


                                                                                    g: overall winrate + Zeus + Very High Bracket on tons of games
                                                                                    b: trying other roles might be a need


                                                                                      G: Your friends
                                                                                      B: Not so good KDA's

                                                                                      FEEED ME

                                                                                        G: mid player knows many mid heros wif good kda
                                                                                        B: 3k mmr player


                                                                                          G: Number of games, nice TA.
                                                                                          B: That QoP tho, you should play more roles.


                                                                                            G: Dat PA :D. and a nice range of heroes.
                                                                                            B: Dat NP :(

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur
                                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                                G: High no. of games
                                                                                                B: Competition in brazil is not that good, test your skills in SEA

                                                                                                Player 131019403

                                                                                                  +: good kda
                                                                                                  -: 45% wr bounty


                                                                                                    +: winstreak 10 on the run
                                                                                                    - : low winrate on captains mode around 17/30 33% win

                                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                                      g: ur kda's are good, good teamate i think
                                                                                                      b: stacker, can you survive on your own?