General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you play PA?

How do you play PA? in General Discussion

    I know PA is supposed to be a pretty easy hero, but I just can't seem to do anything right with her. And I know it's just me, all my friends who play her always seem to pwn. Is she supposed to be an afk farmer till late game or can she fight relatively early on? And is the phase/bfury/bkb/helm core a dated build or am I just playing it wrong?


      boots then balis then phase boots then bkb

      Pandamonium(You Died)

        In my experience PA just doesn't contribute enough to the fights, except for very rare games.

        DMT: Dumbfuck Moron Teamm...

          PA like Ogre Mage is kinda gamble hero. IF you get those lucky rolls early and get a lead you can snowball with her. I never was good at using myself, kinda a dive and roll the dice hero with little team support/disable skills.


            Just don't bother to team fight without bkb. Any nuker can wipe the floor with you.

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              i seem to have been pwning with her early on as I was quite a noob but later on I started failing more and more as players I am against are more experienced.


                get phase boots + PMS + wand and be aggressive as fuck - even gank with allies.

                Work up BKB/Abyssal/HotD->Satanic where you can, you generally want to avoid going too late

                TikTok Uncle

                  phase , fury , helm[satanic] , bkb , mkb* / diviine , not sure how the game is still going on if you got all that

                  Woof Woof

                    if your rng luck is none aka 1 crit per 15hits or less and u cant multicast once with ogre magi for 10/15minutes and more or your ck hits lowest possible stun durations most of the time then you shouldnt play her at all


                      or spirit bear entangles only when the enemy has 10 hp left.


                        dagger > blink > rightclick > rampage


                          personally, I'm not getting battlefury but yeah that bfury crit is something nice ;D, u just need dmg. and of course satanic is great.


                            you dont play it your repick it


                              I personally don't like phase boots on her at all because it just makes her more squishy than she already is and u r only relying on crits. I rather go with treads and drums early on and skip battlefury early on so that she can go into teamfights earlier.


                                Dont play pa against big nukers(lina, lion , sky...) or against big disablers. unless you dont join team fights till bkb..!