General Discussion

General DiscussionMatch vs Match Solo

Match vs Match Solo in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Generally speaking, what are your experience between the two options?


      first one stacks

      second one muted russian retards in both teams (aka free wins)

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Match solo is full of retards. It's like Compendium MM. It sucks. In regular MM you might face stacks all day long but you might be in a team of 4 stack too.


          both suck but normal mm is more fun since u get ganked 24/7 mid..

          just gotta hope your stupid safelane carry know how to farm and free win

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            solo is some terrible shit. or at least was month ago. never touching that shit again. i'll rather play against stacks than have to endure svens who don't know how to use their spells.

            Ples Mercy

              both crap, dota 2 mm is still broken.

              tveni tveni

                out of my experience solo mm is generally a lot easier to win due to everybody being terrible

                normal mm is a battle of whether your qop with 3500 games somehow dies 6 times to solo pudge in 10 minutes or your enemies get a carry that farms at a pace of 3cs/min, completely random

                both are crap tbh

                Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

                  %99.9 of players are terrible in this game so dont expect much

                  Woof Woof

                    normal 4 russians
                    solo 2/3 russians


                      Solo que is easier for the first batch of games. My winrate was like 65-68% for my first 70 solo Ques.
                      But my past 30 games have been much harder, I seem to get more retards on my team now.
                      I still prefer to play solo que over normal MM because its still better than vsing stacked teams, since I play
                      solo 99% of the time.

                      Solo que games aren't always easy, because you'll have more retards in your game.
                      Also, I believe the color you are represents your skill level in solo que.

                      Orange being the best player on radiant , Blue is the noobiest
                      Brown being best on dire, pink is the noobiest
                      You will see a difference in skill level by looking at the colors , if you pay attention.
                      I once had a game where my team stalled the game for over an hour (us having many more kills for like the first 50mins)
                      for our main carry an alch that only knew how to farm , and only had a 630gpm, went for heart to helm to halberd late late game vs a husk on the other team, just to be out carried by an enchantress. Eventhough I told him to go for abyssal, which could've won us the game. (The alch was pink)

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                        Compared to playing Team matching both options are aweful. I have had the most fun by far with the team matchmaking games.

                        If its just me, the solo matching que is a far better choice. If I solo que into the regular matching I will nearly always get 3 feeders I have to carry against some stack. Surprisingly I can still win that sometimes because as swiftending mentions...the enemy carry randomly is someone who can't lasthit. But I think the balancing is better for solo que.

                        If there are 2 or 3 qued normal matching seems to produce relatively fair games. Queing with 4 is terrible. The 5th is always muted and a feeder...if you have 4 don't start the game, just wait until you can find a 5th. Why suffer for your impatience?

                        Try to que with 5 as much as possible for best results.

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                          Well, I am brand spanking new to the game Relentless. I get something that is called smurfs? or something, troll accounts i think. So i have to go just find match. So i dont think queing with 5 will work or at this time is an option even for me. At most I can get one or 2 others.

                          Also soloing wait time for me (dunno bout anyone else) is like 8 min on avg

                          makes no sense why, cause of lower end pool?

                          Oh hey! I am at the top of the posts :-)

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                            The experience is worse as it can get in both, unless you have a stack.


                              Never touching solo MM again. I randomed void, & had a dazzle come with me to support. Some scrub decided to choose rikimaru & whinged saying it was more important for him to farm & that void needed none. He lost his lane, sat in fountain & complained the entire game. The other 2 players DC'd & we ended up just letting them push & finish.