some dude wrecked havoc by forgetting the change servers but we still won anyway
- killing ward in 10 hits because miss
- ally Sven farming jungle with 2 rapiers instead of finishing game
- ally Disruptor leaving glimpse at first level
When I lvl up twice > didn't notice (that it was 2 lvls) > press lvl up button > lvl up wutever lvl I want (just one)> can't cast any spell (probably cus maxed) / or lvl up wrong lvl..
When someone drops the items flying towards me somewhere in the trees where you can't find them, seriously, that happened to me once.
i do that all the time
OT : relocate an ally to enemy fountain and ghost myself
was mid solo got fb and got my bottle courier'd to me had a fail naix jungling he took my bottle and didnt give it back got me so mad...
when you take support, buy wards and smoke .etc
and the carrys give up without a fight, even when theres a chance of winning
When i fucking play the game. Or, okay, when i play it solo.
^ too low for frustration. When u pick a support and when u stand with one hand in ur mouth, the other on the mouse just to move the screen, and see how ur lanemate cannot fucking get a single lasthit, even in freefarm lane.
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What was the most frustrating moment u had in the game? what happened?