General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for serious players to make a team -US East or US West ONLY-

Looking for serious players to make a team -US East or US West ONLY- in General Discussion

    Hi, i will start telling you my experience in Moba genre.
    Dota : 5 years ( wasn't playing seriously i was still a teenager back then )
    LoL : 6 months ( realised that this game was too easy for me )
    HoN : 3 years ( i was in the 99th percentile as mid player and carry )
    Dota 2 : 1 year ( now that is the real shit )

    What kind of role i am the best : Carry,Ganker,Initiator and Mid

    What kind of players i am searching for : Mature player who has an advanced understanding of the game mechanics. also i like people who perfectly knows their role.

    more about me : i am very friendly and i never blame other for their fault. i am someone in constant evolution. i am very competitive and i am eager to become better and play agaisnt better team. i am a hardcore player and i love hard game, so if you think you are not as eager to win as me dont even bother replying.

    World Emperor

      Sounds like we are meant to play together <3 add me if you like. I can play all the roles, my favorite role is solo mid and i think i play carry better. I can play support but i'm not that great of a supporter but i will play it if the team needs. Played dota 1 for ~3 years and dota 2 for almost 1 year. I am also as eager to win as you. My winrate is not really good cuz my friends dont really care much about the wr,( they usually random or have crazy picks) but i do. I play everyday and a lot on the weekend. I play on US server and can play on EU West with 150 ping. I dont flame or blame and i have a good temper. I can speak english very well. I can communicate through raidcall or skype.


        me mememememe

        Crazy Dave

          I play support and jungler. Add me up if you want.


            Vaikis VaikissVaikissVaikiss

            Pandamonium(You Died)

              All here.
              add: p0tramp_kun
              Can play us west/east, also Europe.

              Ce commentaire a été édité
              Ken Bone

                I'm looking for a team that practices regularly, but at hours that fit around my 9am-6pm job.

                I play off laners pretty well. I have almost 100 games with lone druid and a 60% winrate in solo Queue with lone druid. Other solo offlaners I am good with: Clockwerk, windrunner, mirana, broodmother, weaver, puck, and I just started practicing nature's prophet.

                I can do more than solo offlane, but my specialty is with hard carries, and semi-carries.

                I'm 25, have a job and I'm good with teamwork I played NCAA in college.

                Dota2: Stache'd (yes I have a mustache)


                  A Friend and I are looking for a serious team. I fill the Carry/ganker/offlaner and my Friend can Support/Ganker

                  My dota buff Steam -

                  Friends Dota Buff Steam - http://steamcommunit...561197988466837

                  My name is Matt and Friend is Jeremy, we are both 27 and have been playing dota for a long time. We are available in the evenings on weekdays around 8pm EST and whenever on the weekends.


                    I love Dota 2 and am a Mid-lane/offlane + support hero with an advanced understanding of competative gameplay mechanics (800 or so mostly solo queue games, with 500+ competative games watched). I tend to be really chill 90% of the time, but I take the game seriously and am always striving to get better. :D


                      i'm glad to see so much people. i have added : Where's Waldo, Omgeez, Stache'd, The terrible and Latty for their ability and role. i'm looking forward to play with you guys. I am free every night between 5 and 12 hour most of the time. Note that i am not yet the best drafter so whoever is great at this would be nice. If more people wish to join and try to play with me or us go ahead.