General Discussion

General DiscussionHitler finds out about the mute system

Hitler finds out about the mute system in General Discussion


    After this recording, hitler was muted for 18083847032 hours
    he fixed it by making another account and ranting late in the week when people have no reports left

    ((Can you guys believe I received a PERMANENT ban from the DotA2 forum for sharing this? X)


    They dont have any humor apparently
    And weird...the video doesnt shows with the /YOUTUBE brackets I just posted the link ))

    Retard Security Detail

      So awesome, Ive never felt so connected to anyone before, Hitler is channeling George Carlin. He dares to say what we are all thinking :)


        Haha, I feel hiter's pain. Whoever made that, is a genius.


          Can someone make Valve as Hitler? And blame their stuff for not ignoring and not banning so fast all those who cry for it? Also Hitler raging for not so good sales in shop? :D That would be fun too :D


            OP, valve will find u, and kill u, btw, why they perma banned u?
            the video directly targets valve, thats why they banned u..
            I am with the video, but just explaining


              That video just made my evening. I had a really good laugh. Thanks OP


                It might be funny for me as well, but the same video parody for 9000th time, rly..

                gj anyway


                  Thanks, I know its old but X) Hey! Hitler bitches about everything X)

                  And yeah I know, But I read the forum rules and I wasnt breaking any of them, its a parody, and a lot of people say WORSE in the forums and they only get their threads closed, they banned me and deleted the thread because they dont want people to keep talking about the mute system, and a video doesnt helps stop it X)


                    BRING ME MY WARCRAFT III CD'S !


                      JUST GOT 1WEEK BAN...FML


                        Follow hitler's advise <,<:
                        - Make yourself multiple accounts
                        - Try not to play on sundays or mondays when people have new reports
                        - Voice your dislike of the system in the DotA2 forums