General Discussion

General DiscussionWin Rate and Improving

Win Rate and Improving in General Discussion

    I think it's laughable that people trust win-rate to be so indicative of skill.
    Take me for example. My win rate is shit. Why? Not because I'm shit. I WAS really bad when I started. Dota 2 was my first MOBA ever and upon signing up I clicked the "experienced" option. (mistake) There goes about 20 losses. I have learned a ton since then and become a much better player. Average win rate can't tell you that. (at least within a reasonable amount of games)

    Also, a great many variables such as teammates skill/communication, teammates lag, your lag....etc could either go or not go your way.

    Another important point is that what role you play is crucial to win rate. Carry and Support do not have equal game impact. Here's why:

    Good carry good supports, likely to win
    Good carry, bad supports, less likely to win
    Bad carry, good supports, EVEN less likely to win.

    I don't care how good of a wisp you can play if your CK is awful or lagging hard your efforts aren't worth much. The point is that the competency of the carry is more important than the competency of the support; so playing supports, at least solo-queue won't give you a win rate indicative of your skill.

    A common counter argument I see is "That's the beauty of statistics it all evens out". Sure. When though? The more variables that need to "even out" the larger your sample set needs to be. Even than it is possible to be dealt a shitty hand.

    Yes, win rate does give you SOME idea of where you stand, but there are so many variables it's just best to trust a more experienced player's advice on your gameplay.

    ❤ Ashley ❤

      drow picker


        Picked Drow once. Randomed her once. nt


          Not to mention it's Rape's highest played hero (all pick) and he is constantly whining about how every hero in the game is imbalanced. He's a terrible troll and just ignore him.

          On topic,

          I pretty much agree with you.. I don't find it to be a worthless statistic but I think people overrate it a bit sometimes.


            Dotabuff does not gather a lot of stats, that actually mean sth in the game- like the amount of stacking, pulling, tps, moments when you interrupt your farm to help team mates, giving vision via wards/hawk etc. Small things that make you a good player. The only stats shown and looked at by most are kda and winrate. Some people just want to distinguish themselves from the rest, and to do that, they imply that a goooood player is measured by the amounts of kills/ by winrate. Dont get sucked into this madness.

            Makise Kurisu

              dota2 stats will reset after the oficial release?


                no ^

                Josh  :D

                  This was my first MOBA too. I played a bunch of bot matches then a ton of Drow. I'm much more well rounded now, which is good, because the higher tier you get the less viable she becomes. Very rarely does someone pick drow in matches that I play where she actually becomes menacing. You've got to keep an eye on her, but even late game she just falls apart too fast to be a serious threat.

                  As far as the stats go, they are only a part of the puzzle, especially if you're solo queuing. I have matches where some some folks wait around for you to die, then get the last hit on an enemy hero, then say "look what I killed, stop dying noob". It sucks, but it happens. Good supports will make the game more strongly in your favor, but they're usually going to get crapped on. End of the game you've got a tide that that is 0/10/30 and the only stats the carry at 40/2/10 is going to point out is the 0/10 on tide and say "feed more noob" while everyone high-fives the carry. That's crap. The tide could have easily died 10 times trying to spare the carry and setup all of those 30 assists, but the stats on that guy would suck.


                    Man, i know that pain SO MUCH, its like you described some of my games. What is more, people dont realise, that if you are trying to be good- you are trying to leave the killing blow to your carry. So ofc you have less kills.


                      All pick is full of retards, as I noticed people with which I can play with are only in all random and random draft modes. Sometimes I go all pick to play my some favorite heroes, but then I regret about it :D

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!