General Discussion

General DiscussionTusk ,, The Amazing Hero

Tusk ,, The Amazing Hero in General Discussion


    i just tried tusk few times ,, and i found him really amazing ,, his punch (ulti) is so amazing ,, and can kill 1 hit ,, and the stun ...

    agree ?


      I loved tusks Ulti in dota 1. You always remember the first time you saw it. "WTFFFFF FALCON PUNCH?!?"


        and if u remember the moment he was introduced into dota 1, his ulti was a bug, giving 4x crits even if ur health is above 50%


          Besides that it did more dmg when you landed, not sure... was like 100/200/300 extra. You could solo kill anyone at level 6. And it was easy to set up because snowball was so much faster you could not run from it. Shards and snowball also did like 50 more dmg each.

          Every hero intro to dota 1 was like that, way way OP so people would play it, then nerfed back into reasonable balance in the next few patches. Phoenix sun ray slowed a ton and he could easily kill you from so far away you could not see him. AA ult on 20 sec cd from level 6...he could kill you while you were farming or jungling just hitting 3 ults in a row from anywhere on the map. Clockwerk was initially able to just walk up and solo people at low levels with battery assault being so strong and clocks stat gain being insanely still does 525 total dmg at level 2, but clock can't tower dive with a million hp like he used to do, though they buffed his str gain back up to 2.7 from 2.4. I think it was well over 3 when he started. The changelog just says "lowered strength gain", lol it was more like "cut strength in half". Anyway clock used to be able to do up to 1200 dmg with battery assault. Slarks stats were extremely high when he started also, maybe was bugged since changelog does not show it. He pwned everyone, got nerfs then back up from unplayable 1 str gain to 1.8 in v 6.72.

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          ❤ Ashley ❤


            cool story bro

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Wall of text from Relentless even here. <3

              Woof Woof

                great ks tool
                shit tier hero

                / how is your day going relentless?

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                  lol at above

                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    how's the weather over there relentless?
