General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do still retards think that winrate = skill?

Why do still retards think that winrate = skill? in General Discussion

    Really, why do they?

    Ofc it reflects skill in some way, but after dbr was added it is clear that wr doesnt fully reflect skill, as the same wr players could have 1500 or 2000 dbr at the same time.

    But there are still people that fap on wr and think that only this shows skill, I just want to know what makes retards think so?


      LOL :DD


        they are retards


          For a while i thought u meant windrunner, i was like "WTF?!?!"

          then read it again and knew u meant winrate, anyways, winrate doesnt mean much when u have high amount of games, because u will be playing against rly gd players, but if u have a low number of games, and a low winrate, then forsure u r a fucking retard..


            I have to agree that DBR is a much better indicator of skill than WR (although it can be still inaccurate). But you said in your main thread:
            "49% winrate, that does prove that Im right."
            "Why do all who protect mm have 49% winrate? :P"

            So you used WR for prooving you are right. I hope you don't use double standards.


              Because they're retards?
              People need some kind of skill indicator so they can feel better about themselves by bragging and/or flaming people with low WLR. Too bad they don't understand stats mean shit.


                Dont hef to be med OP

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Winrate doesn't mean anything at all. The most winrate guys on pubs being non-skill pubstars show that perfectly. You can just stack or pick an OP hero to win the game. It doesn't show your skill at all.

                  Woof Woof

                    "The most winrate guys on pubs being non-skill pubstars show that perfectly"

                    can u show us some examples

                    naga siren

                      so what do u think does matter? kda?

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        @Iareyou Do you know who D3XTR and The Aesthetic Man are?

                        Woof Woof

                          top notch pub players that arent good enough to be tier 1 pros?

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Yeah. They are just a few baddies that win only because of the Wisp they are playing with. Did I mention that they are unmannered as fuck?

                            Woof Woof

                              they are all russians and ua players what do you expect Lol


                                ^ Vuk, I just dunno why you have such a butthurted Pooty to follow all my threads and whine here. Maybe that just means you are retarded.

                                Anyways, ofc if matchmaking is designed to make people have 50% winrate and if you have 49% winrate that shows that even this system cant drag you to 50% winrate -> you are bad then. Hope it is clear for you now.

                                Btw, gtfo.

                                Woof Woof

                                  lie to me agen fagt you should stop qing with people from this forum cos at this rate u will hit 50%wr in a month

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    @lie to me agen fagt
                                    "butthurted", "retarded", "whine here"
                                    Ironic. Good job being the clown of Dotabuff.


                                      "if matchmaking is designed to make people have 50% winrate and if you have 49% winrate that shows that even this system cant drag you to 50% winrate"...this part is true, and contrapositively if you are at 51% the system can't "drag" you down to 50%.

                                      "bad" is rate is win rate. You have to factor in how much is due to playing in the game and how much is due to extra-game factors like (stacks with strong team, stacks with weak team, solo ques, picks only core of best heroes, randoms every game)

                                      To judge skill you really just have to watch the game and then besides that skill at using dota heroes doesn't translate to "good at dota" since the game is actually decided by who takes towers and highly skilled players often don't understand this or don't really want to win and would rather go for more kills.

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                      ∞ regen

                                        After dbr was implemented, it was also clear that dbr didn't reflect skill. Winrate is as good as anything to measure skill, which is to say it sucks just as much as any other method.

                                        Pandamonium(You Died)

                                          It's true that winrate doesn't give u 100% of the skill, however, statistically, player with lower winrate is worse than player with higher winrate.
                                          First of all, winrate only matters if you play solo/maybe with 1/2 friends, IE not getting carried by your pro friend every game.
                                          Let's assume player sits at the fountain every game and does nothing-he should not get 50% winrate, as it will put his team to 4x5 disadvantage.
                                          The more player contributes to the team, the more likely that team is going to win. Dota inside skill system can't really account for the things like stacking/pulling, good supporting in general, knowing little tricks, like blocking pathways with skills, and juking. So if you do things of the higher level in the game of your level (I.e you improve your play by doing those little things), you should contribute more to the team> potentially win more games.
                                          I used to have 50% winrate, after watching few positioning videos, warding videos, and other guides, i managed to increase my winrate to 53-54% mostly playing supports/ganker heroes. I did stack with 1-2 friends usually, but most of the games were solo.
                                          Now I have enough people in friend list to play 5 stack pretty much all the time. It's much better than soloing as you know that chances of getting retarded players on your team is smaller.
                                          TL;DR: Winrate isnt perfect indication of skill, but solo player with 55% winrate should be better than someone with 48% winrate, in one way or another.


                                            Vuk, unless you are more than 1-3 kda mere trash you cannot hurt my feelings, sorry, newb.

                                            PS Whine moar on my threads, its so childish and funny for me.

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                              OMG, one more moaning topic -_-
                                              Looks like TS has serious psychological problems...
                                              But it is more possible, that he is simply noob=)


                                                I AM NOOB AND I AM PROUD!


                                                  @lie to me agen fagt

                                                  Old definition of whining, example:
                                                  "Why is everyone so fucking retarded? So bad playerbase, fix f***ing Valve"

                                                  New definition of whining:
                                                  Pointing out OP's misapprehensions.

                                                  Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                                                    win rate doesn't really reflect your skill at all , its a team game


                                                      @lie to me agen fagt

                                                      I admit man, im bad at dota, but ffs, who the hell are you to call people trash, queen of the world? I dont give a fuck about bad players, but people with your attitude should not play with others.


                                                        lol i have 49.7 % tho.. but i dont really care that much.. i just want to win, at the same time % doesnt matter much..


                                                          Silvers, and I think that 1-2 kda trash shouldnt play with others. We all have different opinions.



                                                            I agreed with you, but seeing you mentioning kda shows that you are the same as those wlr scrubs. You really are.

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              @lie So I have 3-5 KDA and I call you a retard. So what? They are actually pretty much right about you. Especially after all that KDA shit you talked about.


                                                                If someone has played 1000 games and he has a winrate below 40 then the chance of this player being unskilled is higher, just because the game tries to constantly match you with players that have about the same skill as you.
                                                                But him being unskilled is not guaranteed the chance is just higher, he could just be very unfortunate and have a teammate staying afk in the fountain every second game.

                                                                -> The lower the winrate the higher the chance of the person being bad at the game. (In my opinion)


                                                                  Actually if someone has 1000 games and below 40% win rate the only thing possible is that they lose a lot of games on purpose. Being at -200 wins, which is what that is, means you will get a big stack on your side every game and feeders on the other team.

                                                                  Really anyone with a win rate below 50% and many hundreds of games has some kind of significant problem preventing them from winning. It may not be skill, it may be a bad attitude that causes their allies to play worse than usual, could be a lot of things. But being below 50% and not a new player indicates there is something off. What I find most with people who have plenty of skill and experience but maybe 48% or 49% wins is they can't adjust to enemies that don't suck. So in harder games they tend to keep feeding after the first couple deaths. They just don't know how to deal with being behind and still take map positions and team fight positions as if they were ahead.

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                    @Vuk, i <3 u
                                                                    OP sometimes with wr, sometimes with KDA, sometimes its volvl failure matchmaking, just play, no one fucking cares !!


                                                                      Because it does :)
                                                                      There are exceptions, but it does.


                                                                      Ken Bone

                                                                        But i use an OP hero to pad my stats in between playing horribly. Bad players need to feel good too.

                                                                        Ken Bone

                                                                          Also, I'm right there with you OP. I'd Fap to WR too. Dem Thighs!

                                                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                            >OP hero
                                                                            tell me more


                                                                              @relentless I think you actually just discribed how i play lol. I cant adapt to good players and then I just do crap in that game haha. I've feel like ive hit a skill block so to say, haven't been improving this last month :(


                                                                                So why are kiddos so mad about my kda? It shows the skill more than shitty wr actually, cuz mm drags you to win but cant change the fact that you are useless ingame.

                                                                                Handle the truth, newbs.

                                                                                sumstoner  oxx[=======>

                                                                                  CAUSE IM PRO. NUMBA1 DOTA2 PLAYER WORLDWIDE MOFO

                                                                                  JUST LOOK, JUST LOOK HOW FUCKEN BEUTIFUL I AM


                                                                                    ^ Yeah, I agree.


                                                                                      KDA represents ur skill, but it is in respect to ur winrate with that hero, and specific for every hero, like usually pro pudge players all have above 3.2 KDA, whereas with PL for example, it could be 6
                                                                                      heroes like huskar have exceptionally low KDA, because death rate is just too high

                                                                                      Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                        im bad as fuck


                                                                                          lol :D winrate is skill :D hehe


                                                                                            Imo the problem is more complex. First of all, a good kda means that you die less (much less) than you kill/assist-but its just the proportion, not the actuall amount. 4/2/4-kda is 4.00. Not bad. 4/4/4- kda is 2.0, so most people would call such a player trash, even though he died just 2 more times, maybe even because he tried to save the carry. 2 more deaths in a bigger scale actually implies a serious issue, but the point is- does kda really, trully show how good of a player you are? I think it shows the decision making and controlling the hero during the match, which is essential for being a good player, but still is not enough.

                                                                                            Now, the other side of the conflict. Players in this group tend to die a lot too often- they get out of position, they cant efficiently control their character, they simply do all the things in dota, but on a lower, if not much lower, level. But they have a good winrate. Why? Beacause during the picking phase, they actually pick and counterpick for the sake of the team.A simple example: Do we need a support? Yeah, we do- so he picks one. He would like to play a particular hero, maybe a carry, but still, he is not selfish.
                                                                                            Does that mean he is a gooood player? HELL NO.

                                                                                            Imo to be a good player, you have to "play" well and do it with the mind of a winner. Its a teamgame, so kda itself doesnt mean much- its, and "you" vs 5 enemies is not enough. But without the execution even the best team composition fails.

                                                                                            Training in Progress

                                                                                              loool. KDA doesnt = skill, its quite ironic when you say winrate isnt relative to skill and say that KDA is relative to skill. Are you dumb? Not any pro players plays seriously in pubs though. If you think you kill alot and is good , you're so wrong. So you mean that if i play 10000 QoP games and achieve 10 KDA = i am god of dota? LOL srsly.


                                                                                                ^ So if I kill a lot even in a failed team, that doesnt mean that I'm good, but if I'm a newb that gets carried by good players that means I'm good?



                                                                                                  lie to me agen fagt
                                                                                                  This game isnt about killing, this is not a shooter where the frag counter is everything. There are different roles, not only carries. Example: your team doesnt buy wards- they are idiots- and you play the carry. From a certain point in the game wards are a neccesity and you dont have vision. What do you do? Report them for not buying them, asking politely to buy them, and if not, report them? Or do you buy wards yourself? I dont know you man, but i can tell you, there are a lot of self centered people in dota, who wouldnt even think about these things and would whine about not winning later on.


                                                                                                    PLUS, read the whole thing.


                                                                                                      This guy wanted to play with me:

                                                                                                      He said he is pro because he has 61% WR.
                                                                                                      LOL he has 3 KDA on his best heroes.
                                                                                                      I told him "gtfo braindead retarded noob l2p"

                                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                        Vuk, that was a good one, you made my day.