General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me!

Help me! in General Discussion
Power Ranger

    WTF with skill bracket? I playing with stupid useless players, who feed and dont understund how play with picked hero. 3-4 all time, and SO USELESS GAME. So, guys, please, help me! wtf i can do?

    sry for bad english, from ukraine PRIVET :D

    Power Ranger

      if i pick support, anytime game lose... useless players, if i pick carry, some carry feed or supports dont putt fucking ward, and more, more... useless team! void without bf, farm all game...

      Power Ranger

        want up own skill... help anyone!)

        Power Ranger

          you must see that retards

          Gnome Chompski

            learn english.

            packet canceled

              Get gud


                play like 100 more games, if you're still in that bracet you belong into it.

                Power Ranger

                  i'm be in high bracet, but after feeders now again in normal. how i must play? dont understund... really belong to high bracet, maybe to verry high... if you guys see that retards, around me... oooh...

                  Power Ranger

                    okay, i just play next and next games, maybe steam see me.. D

                    Power Ranger

                      get gud, like sayed "04"

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        high & very high there's retards, can't escape them.


                          Просто собери ребят и играй с ними вместе - мой совет !!!


                            when u are from ukraine, u are the same shit like russians, who destroy our games

                            go play russian server

                            PRIVET BLOCHA


                              Your builds suck ass.

                              Dr TJEckleburg

                                u r shit kill urself


                                  I encountered this on my original account. I started a new one just recently and it's currently 4-0. I'm now preparing myself for the same inevitable shit and I'm currently thinking of 2 options:
                                  1) play with one friend when this set of games start to happen
                                  2) play pubstomping heroes - ursa, blood, qop, spiritbreaker


                                    Seems like you got a problem! Better call the Win Service!

                                    Autism is great

                                      u can try one of these
                                      1st get through tons of shit games like 800 or more ( or way more i remember people with 1500games talking shit about retarded mm )
                                      2nd stack with players that got way more games played than you have
                                      3rd quit dota 2 and play dota hon or lol
                                      4th quit dota 2 and wait for proper match making system
                                      5th quit dota 2 for good

                                      /edit or use win service XD

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