you guys wanted a bad game well here
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you guys wanted a bad game well here
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just your average american gamer looking fellow [US west/east]
if you hate people like below and wana just havea good time like dota2 was ment to be
join me in the pursuit of high wlr/kdr that dont buy couier/wards/dust/gems or just plane item the team needs
2.people unable to speak or understand english
3.afk laner that dont help other or call mia/ss
4.supports cant stack/pull try to last hit over you
5.feed & leave players
here area few videos of me messing around witha few people i meet online
[support whisp] "17-2-32 support"
[Alchemist tank carry] "568 gold per min"
[Spectre mele hard carry] "692 exp per min"
yes i know most of the games i vs noob but im a noob in dota2 as well
feel free to check my profile out or ask any other question