General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about public stats has to be made clear

Question about public stats has to be made clear in General Discussion

    Still I dont get it - is there going be a time when I can check other people dbr? The whole dbr thing is almost useless without this feature. Moreover, I could have had a clue why this mm is trash by checking dbrs of my mates and enemies - I dont think that a 1900 dbr guy should play with a 1200 dbr guy.


      Do you really need to see other people's DBR/MMR. IMO knowing your own rating, the game average rating and the rating gain/loss for your own games is enough.

      Actually rating gain/loss per game is the thing I would like to have the most.

      Anyway, this is all irrelevant as with the latest changes from Valve, DBR cannot be calculated any more.


        One more time. If I knew dbr of guys I was playing with, I could tell exactly why this mm doesnt work. But smartass Gaben turned this feature off.

        Im sitting on 1900-1920 dbr and have 98% percintile and my mates playing like they all came from bronze. How the hell am I supposed to win?

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          Yes, but valve wouldn't want public to know how shitty their MM is.
          So.. they try their best to hide these things.
          If db made dbr public then valve made their best to stop them (Just like how they did) and hide their intentions behind a "The community wanted it.' statement. Which casuals approve.


            So, it is stated like official that Valve wants d2 to be as casual as possible.

            Retarded as hell, turning one of the most difficult games into some casual moba.

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              Would you rage less (and play better) if in a bad game you can see that all your teammates are 1900ish rating and just getting outplayed by the enemy team so they look like scrubs?

              The reason why Valve is hiding the rating is exactly the distribution, or the so called 'percentile'. 90% of the players are below 1600 rating, do you think 2,4 million people want to know they actually are worse players than they think? Otherwise there would be no reason not to privately show the rating and progress to every player.


                agree, casual for me is lol, but even there is some ranking,LOL

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!