I for one will be setting mine to public as soon as the patch drops, but since its private by default.. there goes everything.
I've never been more proud of valve.
Besides, lets not over react. Once DOTA2 is ready for release I'm sure there will be stats, just not in the mean time. Instead, I don't have to see a rubbish value that means nothing boost players ego! Seems like an all around perfect situation to me.
you kids are both scrubs
dotabuff simply did what this community required and they are shunned away by a bunch of babysitting scrubs that care about your feelings because you feed every game
@Infinite Regen
You just can't admit that you are insecure about your stats. You just can't, it's really sad. You keep saying you don't care about the numbers, then don't come here in the first place. No one is forcing you to be here.
The guy above me is right, dotabuff was implementing the most important thing the game is lacking. Unfortunately Valve seems to be turning to shit now.
When have I ever said I don't care about the numbers? Apparently, you seem to have lost the ability to read and instead have decided to just make shit up. DBR means absolutely nothing to me, and their own example has proven to me that it isn't accurate. Why would I be insecure about a stat that means nothing to me? Don't think, you're bad at it.
I love stats, what I don't like is DBR. We don't need to be making up new stats, the current ones are fine. If valve won't let you share MMR, then trying to make your own 1 doesn't give you the MMR that you wanted in the first place and 2 is a breach of trust against valve. Valve did the right thing by giving us the option not to give our data to dotabuff.
@Infinite Regen
You just keep proving my point over and over. DBR means nothing to you, yet you are so worried about other people seeing this made up number that supposedly means nothing. L-O-L
@Troll Warlord
Obviously, can't you read my post 2 comments above? Was that your best attempt at wit?
@Infinite Regen
from dotabuff twitter: "We're looking into the patch Valve has just released which may have a dramatic effect on Dotabuff, and statistics for Dota 2's community."
So, if it has a dramatic effect on dotabuff, is it right from valve to shut down a site wich roughly 30% of the dota 2 community visit regularly? Its not. This is just valve producing bullshit and preventing a tool wich is much needed for a competetive oriented game. They have just proven that LoL is more competetive.
I don't need to resort to wit. All I need to point out you didn't make a single argument yet other than attacking others.
I've made plenty of arguments. Considering how much you are a fan of me, you should have an easy time scanning the forums for my beautiful posts.
To the people working for dotabuff.. My heart is with u guys. This was a much beloved site and will be dearly missed. If the site is shutdown Valve will never be forgiven fr choosing to protect the modesty of shitty insecure kids.
well, if you really need a ruler to measure your 1.3-inch...candy to compare to someone else's 1.1-inch candy to feel your superiority then so be it. However, society frowns upon retards running around without pants on.
I see where ur comment comes from. But apparently not every person in this community is a tiny candy assed dick.
There are people around who genuinely wants to improve their game and track the progress with respect to the rest of the community. And nthing proves a point more than numbers.
All who is crying here about Valve's turn.
Imagine if you all would have a label on your forehead with your penis size.
I am sure most of you wouldn't be glad to show it to everyone you meet.
About tracking the progress. I really wanted it as any of you. But Dotabuff failed trying to make a "pay-to-flame" model. If they would just implement the DBR, only as private, I bet Valve wouldn't do anything against it.
Dotabuff are really dumb. Why would you try to implement something that Valve has tried to keep within their realm of responsibility?
BTW I'm for making it public but the way Dotabuff went about it is just wrong. So now instead of having a site with stats we have obscure almost irrelevant stats for the future. Dotabuff has ruined it all for us by trying to go over Valves head.
Why couldn't you just think for a second about whether Valve cares about what you were planning. Valve listens to the community, what they don't do is have people try to over rule them and shape the game outside of the boundaries they create.
Dotabuff have only themselves to blame on this one.
sure, but in the meantime there's gonna be 1.3-inch candy lovers running around naked.
You don't put children in a train full of child molesters without getting rid of the perverts first, which isn't going to happen for a while since valve hasn't even touched the reporting feature yet - and probably not until near release date.
So proud of Valve, Valve listen community, Valve cares. Go back to your competitive Lol or Hon pls.. DBR killed Dotabuff, not Valve
You know what you guys should do? Do what I did and switch back to a game that gives you a visible rating and doesn't pander to casuals. Actions speak louder than words.
What do you mean, "going over valve's head"? Valve releases PUBLIC matchmaking data. If they don't want people to actually use the data, then they never should have released it in the first place.
You know you can still track your data, you just need to turn it from "Privat" to "Public". Also i dont really think that stats from pubs really matter because, pubs are for fun. No one takes pubs seriously... and if you do you need to get a life.
XP: Valve are fine with displaying the data in a general sense but if you want to use it to shape and determine player skill/ability, when Valve made it clear that they either don't want to display such information and/or they have other plans then that is going over their head.
Dotabuff clearly didn't think this through, thinking they could do for DOTA 2 what they did for LoL. These stats belong to Valve and up until yesterdays news Valve had no issue with the community using this data prior; it's only now that Dotabuff tried taking over the stats.
Dotabuff has ruined this for everybody now. This is the saddest part.
Let me tell you why valve did such thing, better yet let me show you:
"we have a major Dotabuff update planned that includes a host of major new features for the entire community. We'll also be releasing Dotabuff Plus, an optional service for those wishing to support the site."
Support? Paying? Money? If it envolves money and people playing dota 2 giving their money to not their cause then they rather do it themselfs and let people have their money to spent on their markets..
its the called centralization .. Bitchs plz.. if you kept this simple without bullshit of "supporting" they wouldnt do such thing. You want money, so do they.
@Mr. Cookie
But why wouldn't they just disable it completely then? Please tell me (In your opinion) why a company that is so hungry for money that they don't even care about their playerbase wouldn't just completely remove the feature to use a 3rd party site to see your date?
Wouldn't make sense they offer a WebAPI for replays and then take it away ;) instead they just destroyed anyway of getting money with this. Who would pay for a service that offer a small percent of games played and not the real statistics? And who would pay for a service that will very sure decrease ? They just cut legs of dotabuff.
"dear lord the stupidity on this forum...
no doubt dota is a competitive game. but public games are not competitive. they are competitive in the sense that your aim is to win, but it stops there. this game is a team game that is not often played as a team game, in the sense of public matches. in these games, teamwork is rare, and one player can easily lose the game for a team. 1 good death at the wrong point when you're holding 5 divine rapiers is a good way to get your whole team fucked.
is a vital mistake like this portrayed in your dotabuff rating? is it even encoded in the stats that are displayed on your typical dotabuff match page? neither. you can end up 14-1-5 and you carried the game but you can objectively have lost the game, even if your other team mates played well.
this is just one variable and one point as to why defining player skill as just one number is flawed.
a common response of players who are for the DBR is that you can just "report and mute" flamers basing their insults at your poor DBR. this is all very well and good but this doesn't just correct the problem. what it makes for is a very toxic community regardless of the fact that you can ignore said flamers. besides that, it can have other effects such as players feeding because they got matched with a load of bronzies. did reporting and muting a feeder correct your game and make it more fun? not immediately.
please settle down and realise that a public DBR is a stupid idea. the only people who are mildly interested in a public MMR are egotists who think they're good because they can go 20-0-4 in a pub as lanaya. good job." -quote XSL
dont u guys get it ? dotabuff wants to add something that will change a lot in valves dota 2.
there might even be an auto detecting overlay to see who has what rating.
people will leave.
people will flame.
people will "stats whore"
people will show everyone how good they are.
and all this because of this rating.
thats not something a mere third party site should decide.
The thing is DBR is meant to be a performance rating not based on KDA. Is a good idea if well though.
Like catch denies on earlies, catch neutrals kils on earlie while positioned down (means pulls), means ward purchase overall while playing support or NOT SUPPROT (2x), playing one init heroe and a sucessfull team combant starts with it first dmging enemies (more than one means probably ulty). There are a lot of ways to see performance in game KDA is just basic and retarded.
Dunno i'm gona off now let them decide. I just hope that valve does a better rating system or similar system of dotabuff it would please every1
I´ll leave my profil public, but coming from HoN i know Stats aren´t the Holy Grail.
Some people like to improve privately, don´t share every single detail about their playstyle, or simply not being flamed for their bronze tier. I completely get that and that´s why I voted for private in the first place.
It´s completely irrelevant if those people are insecure or bad - it´s a decision they should be allowed to make.
Kids don't understand this. They think they are going to be the best, they think they are going to have an excuse for insulting, they think everybody start to respect them for their rating. Blatant ego masturbation is what is DBR is was to be for these poor humans suffering from puberty side effects.
@valve fags
@TreZc0_ We had an open dialog with Valve. this caught us completely off guard. :(
@Mr. Cookie
"We'll also be releasing Dotabuff Plus, an optional service for those wishing to support the site. Remember - nothing that is currently available will ever cost money and your personal DBR will always be free!"
I think you should read it until the end, you will never have to pay in order to see what you already can see.
Besides that, running a huge database website like DB cost A LOT OF MONEY, and i'm pretty sure that only creators put money into it. As "paying" will not affect what people can see or not, i'm pretty sure they won't earn money, but will only ease fees for the people who provide you a nice service.
valve must have their own..stats in game -,- we cant trust total randoms to feed all game..this sucks -.-
@Chinese Mr Blue
"The problem is that DBR is impossible to calculate with private settings on, since it needs to calculate rating won/lost from the rating of the players in the match. If even only 1 player has his stats on private there's no DBR. Basically now we've got the DBRs calculated until now, dotabuff can publish that as a number but can't calculate it further after the patch hits, since 80% of the people will keep the option private due to not caring/not knowing about it." - swiftending
@other crybabies,
If stat whores really do affect the way u play and ur lifestyle in general, u hav bigger psychological problems at hand.
@ICE. xing
But Johny, look at your last games, you feed and not randoms.
I simply love the fact, that the people who are most concerned about the stats being removed, are players with ~ 50% win rates. As i see it, the only reason you got to keep the stats of DB, is so you can search random players üp while playing with them, and flame them and make them the cause of your failing.
If valve makes its own mm system, with hidden points, and it works, so you only play with people on your same skill level, then why would you ever need DBR?
Det only reason DB is awesome, is to see your own stats, and see where you can improve.
#0 stop whining - grow up, read some guides, become better, and maybe then you will enter a better skill-level of games. Gl
@Kaytray I read honney, i'm not the kind of guy that talks without knowing... well so you know :)
I will repeat myself, they will provide a service that needs to pay to and making polls to make some public for start when they simply could give a chance to users to configure it. Valve needed to jump to front and do that kind of configuration to bad for DotaBuff.
In this... i gona give the credit to valve. I wasnt aware of DBR system till a friend mention it on game and my profile was about to be public cuz DotaBuff made a poll ? lol.. You want it or not, being fan of DB or not its just against "NATURE" of LAWS public something in ur name without ur knowledge.
Be happy is about laws and stuff, i realize now how dumb i was. It is not about money or 3th Parties stuff is just Policies and laws.
>my profile was about to be public cuz DotaBuff made a poll ?
LOL at how dumb are you. Poll was about making DBR public, not your profile, since it was public WHOLE THE TIME.
DBR is not any how related to your personal information, because you don't know anything about your DBR.
DBR is how DotaBuff think about you. How must it be banned?
Btw. Even after the patch, anyone can open your profile and see all your games and winrate.
Clearly Valve are trying to hide how their MM works. I could've used this DBR for my study on how the 50/50 MM. Screw that really!
and now imagine that with stupid ratings. Im actually glad valve did this.
GG DBR lovers.
Better go back to HoN so you can flame others for their low wards per game average.
Glad this site will lose a ton of statistics. To everyone crying about DBR, i hope you realize that they wanted to charge you for seeing the DBR of other people.
https://elobuff.com/landing same company different game
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soo... dotabuff is dead?
fk you valve fking pansy ass casual game for garbage players
now i cant even see peoples fking KDAs or win %
man fking dotabuff is dead, or what are you guys going to do?