General Discussion

General DiscussionWin Rate/Stats by Role

Win Rate/Stats by Role in General Discussion
Kameelyan #wtfc

    I sent this via twitter but figured it be best said here. It'd be nice if there was a win rate by role.

    It'd basically just sum the win/losses for each hero with that role tagged and then do some simple math. Based on the information on the page(s) already, I think it wouldn't be that difficult.


      Hey Kameelyan, this is actually harder than it looks at first.

      Even though we have the role information, for each hero, most of the heroes have multiple roles (for example Naix: carry, durable, escape, jungler).

      We could show him in each of these groups when you see the stats for that role, but since there is no way for us to know if you played Naix as a jungler or in lane, the stats shown wouldn't be accurate, so we want to avoid that. (Same goes for support heroes who can also be played as semi-carries, we don't have an accurate way of seeing the difference).

      Kameelyan #wtfc

        While I'd say that's a fair point, I don't personally think it's relevant. The reason is that even if you played Lesh as a semi carry 9 times out of 10, that hero is going to be mixed in with every other hero labeled a support. This should even out the %'s.

        Also, I think you'd have to add him once for each role he's in, because you have an unknown of how he was played - but that's ok. Remember, just because valve labeled those heroes that way, does not mean that's the way they're "mostly" played. Again, while it could skew the stats, given the size of the hero pool and the number of heroes in each role, I'm fairly certain it'd all balance itself out.

        Certainly, someone on your development team could at least code it and look at the numbers before releasing it to public. I mean, as of now we're both making assumptions on the matter.

        Just my $0.02, but I understand why you're against it.


          Is it possible to bum the very first thread?