Classements Plus

Players with Dotabuff Plus can see your world rank, percentile and chart of achievement points over time.

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Récemment complétés
You've been playing Dota since 2015
Tout compléter:
  • Within a single match, get 2015 or less Match Year

  • Within a single match, get 2015+ Match Year

The International 2015 took place at Key Arena in Seattle. Evil Geniuses won, taking home $6,634,661.
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Haut-faits les plus rares
You've been playing Dota since 2011
Tout compléter:
  • Within a single match, get 2011 or less Match Year

  • Within a single match, get 2011+ Match Year

The International 2011 was the first ever held. Na`Vi won, taking home $1,000,000.
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You've been playing Dota since 2012
Tout compléter:
  • Within a single match, get 2012 or less Match Year

  • Within a single match, get 2012+ Match Year

The International 2012 took place at Benaroya Hall in Seattle. iG won, taking home $1,000,000.
Voir tous les détails