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Spicey Nice Skibidi Express

    I love this nightstalker set.


      The "Make sure you are never greeding up with early Harpoon or Khanda purchases, though" applies to so so many heroes, if not all of Dota.

      Harpoon is one of the biggest bait upgrades ever (heh)

      But players won't learn.


        In other words, why is bounty hunter so good? Well simply, because many of you simply have no idea what to buy first on what hero and your buy order of items is so fked up, that the real time you get the correct items on your hero that he really needs and are in meta is when you get six slotted and then you start playing something, if I turn blind eye to all your bad positioning and bad plays in general, that comes from your low skill in public ranked matches.

        One such example is here this ''Tud'' guy that commented in this post. If you look at his profile, he has over 12 000+ matches played and yet he is still ranked as Divine 4 and on his most popular hero that he spams(Nightstalker), he buys such random items, like first item Silver Edge or Radiance or combining both Radiance and Mjolnir(primarily farming items) for no reason, not even mentioning these useless Power Threads, that he buys on the hero instead of Phase Boots or even buying Shiva on the hero for no reason. Like he makes so many mistakes that my brain cells are dying and my eyes are bleeding from witnessing it...

        Luckily players like him will stay at lower mmr forever and that will save me some headache from witnessing such atrocity in my matches.

        P. S. Everybody who has over 10 000+ matches played in Dota 2, should go outside and breath some fresh air, instead of being stuck in his basement, instead of being addicted to the constat release of dopamine that he gets from playing this game as such these kind of people are in my eyes on same level like alcoholics, drug users and gamblers. Or in short term, they are losers that will never achieve anything in their life or will live at best in mediocrity for the rest of their life.


          Dear Okofire,

          My brother in christ, who asked?

          Not the one who asked


            Your opinion has no value, Legend 5 player

            be water my friend

              ^ mmr is just a number
              - Dendi


                ^ says Legend 1 player with over 3k total matches played. That has 22% winrate in ranked matches this month and and 40% winrate from the last 6 months that he played ranked matches. That alone says enough. No wonder you need to ctrl + c and ctrl + v words from other player, if you can't think yourself.


                  Nightstalker is a such great hunter. I love it