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    wk go brrrrrrrr


      Это чистая правда,сейчас при игре на инвокере очень трудно выдать урон,у каждого по 3 к хп,гривсы,пайп,кримсон,а у тебя 2к здоровья и весь твой сейв это инвиз.хочется реворка героя и за


        I dont mind the new high HP meta. It helps against instant burst by a carry you cant avoid unless you are a literal scripter. Getting 2-3 crits in a row from PA was just death even in immortal. Yes, unlucky death, but it shouldn't ever be a win condition. Thats the whole reason we have methodical facet now.

        The problem IMO is old hero designs are just poorly balanced for two new meta things: "Big HP" and "Escapes".

        I dont mean give jug stun, but at least let him handle one of those lol.

        Like, give juggernaut straight 3-4-5-6%HP damage per second on spin. And spectre desolate 1%HP on every attack. Changes nothing for supports even at 50min, but that Timber that is just tanking fountain with aghs+crimson, now feels a tiny bit less strong.

        P.S. Bloodseeker is actually not that bad vs tanks imo, because he goes aghs and does 7%hp per second.

        chama (all pick mode)

          add items that deal %hp damage


            Don't add items with % based damage... It removed the edge the tanky heroes have on the other heroes. And they just become normal heroes with weaker other abilities in comparison. Rendering heroes to be "more of the same" than the individuals they are and are supposed to be...

            I would say that the mobility of the heroes is too good at the moment. I don't know how to fix it, but blink is way too powerful, be it on an item or skill. And this has been addressed multiple times, but it still always creeps up again and again. Best way to avoid a gank or gank is to either not be there or have the ability to jump the target with little to no time for reactions... I guess the tankier heroes are part of the attempt to solve this issue.


              Easy solution, roll the game back to TI5 patch (metrics and heroes wise), but with the new items and heroes. Balancing only the rewlly broken heroes.


                high EHP, but still 25 min highgrounds. boring meta

                сын кассела

                  Я считаю что команда которая хорошо инициировает должна выграть файт, а не команда которая сделала ошибку и потеряла позицию. Так что считаю что надо уменьшить хп, а то файты сейчас прям долгие и могут идти вплоть до 2 минут


                    Hella right, it's not ok that you literally get 2 bracers on any hero on any position and become slightly immortal for 2 players against you, cause they'll never have enough damage to bring you down, with some exceptions

                    not a chill guy tbh

                      Yeah, hp has gone up but damage has also gone up by A LOT. Not even considering Time To Kill (TTK) now vs then makes this entire article moot

                      Apex Proxima



                          It is an interesting discussion certainly, one that I think it's on people minds but has not been voiced. If we take into consideration the Time To Kill (TTK), I believe there isn't a huge discrepancy (in general cases) of how the game used to be and it is now. The way I look at it is that in a given scenario, where a 10 sec fight breaks out, in the past as a support if you got picked off cuz they had better vision you couldn't do anything about it, nowadays there is room for a counter initiation and possibly for you to reposition yourself and be able to cast your spells, where as you would've died in the past. You can say that teamfights in dota became WoW Arena 2.0 and I would agree to some extent, I do prefer it this way as I don't think it is skillful to pickoff a target without him having any room to react (voidspirit with orchid and nullifier that mutes items comes to mind). Since the facet patch I feel like it limited the meta for ti quite a lot, which happens, some heroes are simply stronger, but I'm sure overtime there will be a better power curve that will allow more heroes to be viable and participate in the current meta, with different nuances for multiple styles of play and drafts.

                          lil y3lon

                            мета безруких идиотов (игроках на танках) покупающих шиву, тараску, бм, кримсон что слишком тежяело пробить даже с критами и 25 лвлом на snapfire
                            и так каждая вторая игра, удалил эту мерзость до следующего патча