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    sd is meta tho


      Not in average games, for some reason a lot of players are afraid of playing the hero


        Necrophos, with a decent -regen talent on top
        Lifestealer, as always, and the innate +hp was buffed
        Blue dragon DK


          -regen talents are scams, they dont reduce healing and lifesteal unlike the regen counter items

          Nemesis 1941

            The game does suffer from a lack of clarifications when it comes to healing reductions and if they reduce all types of healing or only certain types of healing. Things like Spirit Vessel, Skadi, and Shiva's all state they reduce all four types of health restoration, but Pudge's Scepter upgrade for Rot, while it only states it reduces health regeneration, it too also reduces all four types of health restoration, not just health regeneration.

            Heartstopper's talent reduces health regeneration only, while Oracle's Rain of Destiny reduces healing amplification only (for enemies of course, allies gain the same amount in that same effect).

            Likewise, the other way around has some clarification issues. LC's new innate says it will increase her health regen, incoming healing, and lifesteal when activated, but it may also have an effect on spell lifesteal and potentially any outgoing healing (if she were to carry Mek or Greaves for some reason), that's something someone could test.

            To further note, some healing is granted as a burst heal (which qualifies as incoming healing for the one healed and outgoing healing for the caster), while some healing is granted as extra health regeneration (which is not affected by incoming nor outgoing healing, only the target's health regeneration amplification can manipulate that. For most cases, healing spells and items are considered incoming/outgoing healing with the exception of Urn/Vessel, as they increase the target's health regeneration (visible in the HUD for that unit), much like Tangoes.

            Paladin Sword is just lowkey broken. It not only improves all four health restorations (regen, incoming healing, both lifesteals), but it also increases OUTGOING healing you do as well (Mek, Greaves, Locket, healing spells, etc.). I am a huge fan of Paladin Sword, but even I recognize when an item is just too busted for its own good.

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              How about a patch to fix the game not deploying on Linux and MacOS systems?


                I think 9 out of 10 games that I've played with or against an AA, the guy with the AA ALWAYS loses lane and or end up feeding. Or they just get run over by the mid game if they miraculously survived the laning stage. I don't remember if I ever thought "Gee, you know what we needed this game? AA." If you want to deal with regen, there are already items for that. The hero just gets screwed over the moment you try to jump him or he can't help the carry.


                  @Nemesis 1941
                  What about Nagas ult?


                    penis penis