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    To the guy who said am got instantly nerfed over the high win rate. You gonna turn a blind eye to his pick rate? Also necro got heavily nerfed in the last few patches


      articles on dotabuff are worse and worse everyday.. no wonder nobody reads them


        He needs to be silenced and stunned so he can't get away. Pick Sven and get a Bloodthorne. You will wreck him.


          If you want to nerf AM so bad, just make his blink follows the same rule as Blink Dagger. Taking damage from hero, reset. Ah, I love how that works against AM.


            just pick shadow demon and watch him cry.

            Pick those items:
            blink, force staff, windlace... any mobility item... he will try to run from you, just make sure to follow him whenever he goes.
            Once he makes manta go ghost scepter.. GG


              Nobody mentioned Axe? That son of a bitch can shut down AM literally in the early game


                spec with radiance can be better at handling the fight as well as pushing thing.


                  60 comments indecate how community aware about this iconic carry. No one concern about CM maybe


                    lol what are u doing in here grammar nazi idiot
                    i use my own language

                    the best counter is teamwork - 6k++ can handle AM , but 6k below , like a shit vs AM

                    excellent - BS sure counter, TP ? u had teammate / eul , BS can snowball hard in early , his rupture reliable , almost every minute
                    AM not move , force staff with double bloodrage justu , or pick teammate Sky , he can decrease resistance + discord too

                    core - the best is OD(pure) , Sven(flash farm n disable) , Magnus(flash farm n disable) , Void(skill 2 + ult) , Doom(pure)(many ppl dont know the epic potential of doom , but his doom cd like a shit , octacine needed maybe)

                    supp - NS , CM(her skill 3 buff her team so much) , Lion , Bane, ShadowShaman , SD(expert user shadow demon)

                    ability - Viper(disable passive, then u can fingering him with Lion)

                    best item - nullifier , no manta , no BKB , no blink

                    once upon a time , i saw a broodmother with nullifier + travel + shadow blade (search AM on jungle), rape AM almost 24 hours , nullifier slow 5 second guaranted death for AM , he hunt down AM when AM alone , as usual , split push AM

                    im no kidding about BS can counter AM really hard
                    coz i know how to use BS to have fun rape 3k mmr ish

                    i can do double bloodrage jutsu very fast , one blink AM will die in my hand


                    do u guys has 80% winrate++ hero in your account ?
                    i has

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                      my ez counter to AM and so so sooo effective even in late game is Axe just farm ur dagger and blade mail ez game for u guys


                      Road to Immortal69

                        @¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nova lol? with his new 300range to blink range, he can actually blink out and not get rupture dmg. also aghs and linkens counter BS. early game BS is hard but later on not really

                        stand proud, you are strong

                          I usually pick offlane Doom against an AM, but a simple silence and enough burst is usually enough to kill him.


                            Fala galera, esse texto foi traduzido para galera que fala Portugues em:

                            Stoic Beta

                              I actually use disruptor on AM because Skill1 can let me track where he blinks ang then glimpse him back for mfkin SS. Sometimes it works, just make sure no other heroes you need to use your SS with e.g. Storm Spirit. Just my 2 cents.


                                prior to update: bloodseeker with a Heaven for mid game and Basher/sb for late game. Now: idk


                                  Doom is too weak after mid game. You need a game good team coordination to remove the linken for you in order for you doom him.


                                    So sad seeing some of the ill-informed comments that debate the article's points terribly. Other than mentioning Disruptor as a counter pick to AM, most other "pick this [carry] to beat him" are very bad suggestions from inexperienced players. The list of carries that beat AM in a man fight or team fight is large, and misses the point that AM can pick and chose how, when, and where to fight and a good AM player knows what situations not to fight into and will avoid them - exploiting cooldowns, team composition, etc. Maybe he can't win a straight team fight and is trying to high ground you, but your viability in stopping him is with a long cooldown (Black Hole, Chronosphere, etc, so he secures map space -> Aegis -> now you gotta choose to when to spend the long cooldown. First life or second? Of course, there are lots of other things that can be done to affect the team fight one way or another beyond one cooldown and one hero, but the point is the single hero has that much influence over how the game plays out.

                                    Given that so many heroes easily have the damage to kill him, the real issue is lockdown. In that sense I think Disruptor and Lion are the best supports to pick against AM. Disruptor should pair up with a teammate that has reasonable damage, Thunderstike first to lock vision on the hero, let AM attempt to blink out as the second hero charges him, glimpse AM back (Thunderstrike gives the vision for this), and on the spot AM is coming back to ult then Kinetic field in rapid succession and right click AM while he's stuck under there.

                                    Lion aggro can just blink->hex on a farming AM from out of vision; followed up with Earth Spike with an ally that can put out enough damage during the disable period. Defensively, if AM blinks in and instant manta's, Earth Spike first to disable all illusions and the real hero (defensive on the ally he jumped out, if you got jumped you were probably already out of position). Earth Spike first also damages all three units and quick players should instantly know which one is real, allowing you to follow up with a hex on the real one.

                                    Rubick isn't really a counter pick in a normal sense, but the fact that basically every spell steal will give you blink is a great bonus for survivability and initiation. Blink Dagger -> Blink is OP. Blink (either dagger or ability) to Telekinesis is just about as strong as Blink->Hex.

                                    Other teammates who have non-instant, or non-critical disables should use them to disable AM's Aghs/Linken's cooldowns if he gets that. If AM gets a new BKB, run and kite. Try to wear it down to 5-6 seconds before you lose map control. AM does not like to have to buy this item because it massively nerfs his offensive power but may be necessary for him to operate at all versus some team compositions.

                                    *FarizTampan 1st

                                      only foolish people let AM farm until he finish his 6 item

                                      in 5k++ bracket AM winrate not that high
                                      u can check at dotabuff

                                      if enemy pick AM , means u must rape him , or rape his teammate if possible
                                      or pick carry that can match AM late game power

                                      *FarizTampan 1st

                                        so many foolish comment from ppl under 5k mmr here
                                        so enough to comment in here

                                        is AM be ban/pick material in pro scene ? no , coz his team can be destroyed in early game if not super duper carefull