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18 commentaires

    This Is Spartaaaaan ! Ahouh ! Ahouh!


      "OG Wins It's Third Major Title" <-- cool Headline.

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      nagaMidge (Bot)

        The 3rd match between OG and AF was sooooo thrilling. And the earthshaker closure was a moment - was the stuff of nerves. So surreal.....AF won over my heart with that match. I wish every game of DotA 2 is like that one. :)

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        LukE 2.0

          Dream Green guys!!!


            Without Miracle LMAO. Where is Miracle fanboy now.

            Nero Scarlet

              And so ends the era of 6.xx....
              It's been one hell of a time.

              doc joferlyn simp

                I sense nerfs.

                Still more power to Ad Fidem, I'm excited to see their next performances in big tournaments.


                  3rd game though hahahaha
                  one of the best match


                    9th comment here xD

                    3V1L G3N1U5

                      Guys, looks like there is very big patch cumming: http://www.dota2.com/700

                      3V1L G3N1U5

                        Two traditions where kept today:
                        A) its always a 3:1 score in finals
                        B) its allways EU vs EU finals :D




                            Fucking epic third game!!! Odpixel got an orgasm lol


                              AdFinem deserves it, what a game.
                              Now I'm so excited for 7.00 update :3


                                THIRD GAME ES HOLY MOLY. ALSO THAT RUBICK PLAY.


                                  Now Arteezy will try to join OG because he's a winning-team joining bitch.

                                  DeadBeat dat Ass!

                                    good in the majors but no TI yet....

