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43 commentaires
Bobbyx Qrwa Mac


    very good csgo player

      I'm I think 4th

      beware globalists

        heart is awful on huskar. huskar wasnt to stay low to take creeps fast, if heart is re-genning him, its more hp than spears are doing damage.


          4th comment

          360 AWP no SCOPE

            5th comment :v

            UNCLE KUSH


              Competetive Pac-Man player

                No mjolnir ? It does the most damage when you try to hit carries with 40-50 armor. Imagine You have 200 damage and hitting to 50% physical reduction. Having mjolnir literally doubles your damage, like getting 200 damage - 80 as item for 5700 gold. No need to mention jump and active ability


                  7th i love the troll feature image he's so strong!


                    I learned nothing lul

                    Potato Marshal

                      How are Mjonllnir and moon shard not considered DPS items?

                      while (!"false");

                        Isn't satanic way better than heart for huskar?

                        The Medic Guy

                          dear hooman who keep complaining
                          "The final part will concentrate on core utility items."

                          The Robot Devil

                            Good article. I can't remember the last time I bought heart, probably as Centaur as a late game who cares purchase. It's just not a good value right now.


                              People purchase Heart because they're lazy. You get Heart when the enemy has high Pure/Magical damage to survive it. Pure damage can't be reduced (Bristleback, Dispersion, Overcharge and Enrage notwithstanding) so raw HP is the best way to live it. The last two reasons to purchase Heart are when A: your actual HP is too high to regen through other means, like a Centaur lategame. B: your hero can leave a fight to heal up before rejoining the battle (i.e Weaver.)

                              Uther Partybringer

                                armlet yo

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  mjollnir not here for some reason


                                    MKB is pretty useless except when you really need the true strike or when you are ranged and you need to interupt channelling. The DPS factor from MKB shouldn't be put into consideration as they much more efficient items for that department.


                                      where's mjollnir?


                                        A very good read though


                                          What a article teally enjoyed reading it well done... nice to read the difference between raw damage and stat damage


                                            I found heart today gives me less health than it was before. Not recommended item for huskar. Think, if he has tarass and 3000 HP then use ult, he loses 35% HP, that is 3000-1050= 1950 HP, thats a massive reduction



                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                i guess that's the point @waw

                                                but what makes heart a shit item on huskar, is the fact that once he gets it he'll hit creeps like a since his HP is always maxed, regenerating. which makes him farm so much less, or even push lmao


                                                  My favorite hero to build heart on is weaver, after deso and linkens.


                                                    KawaiiSocks is such a noob. He makes no mention of stat based damage being increased by auras like Vlads, Venge, God Strength or double damage runes. Also PA w/ butterfly has 80% win rate so why not? Evasion still works for towers, creeps and any unit without mkb

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      Remember when an Abyssal Blade required a Sacred Relic? Good times man.


                                                        And for those wondering why Mjolnir isn't mentioned, it's component Maelstrom is used primarily for farming speed in the early game (like a Battle Fury). The item itself provides more chain damage, it's active, and increased attack speed, but only 24 raw damage.

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          I just love stacking moon shards, then transition to the 'proper' items later on!

                                                          Derp's missing tax files

                                                            @KawaiiSocks "Aibilities" in one of the Bloodthorn paragraphs. In the words of young Artour, "Everybody's human"

                                                            Dr. Banana

                                                              The best DPS item is blink and BoT2


                                                                Dagon lvl 5


                                                                  For those who are wondering why are mjolnir and shard not included: dotabuff is probably trying to talk about some items that gives 'raw' damage, or items that provide stats to give you one. These two items, however, mostly purchased for their attack speed potential (as stated above, "The extra damage is rather lackluster without the backing of extra attack speed"), which is maybe why dotabuff thought these two are not really worth mentioning. Yes, mjolnir provides damage from the hammer, but again, mjolnir is not really a dps item. I think. Maybe. Or just dotabuff being forgetful


                                                                    Thank you. What an insight.. I will definitely buy 4 Deadalus and 1 MKB on Techies now..


                                                                      been awhile since I saw "buriza"

                                                                      小鳥遊 六花

                                                                        buy midas ofc

                                                                        Crispy Bacon [Amadeus]

                                                                          Another nice article :) informative and helpful - Keep it up :)


                                                                            I was very suprised with the heart positioning. It's main role is in non-stop late game push and creep tanking which can't be underestimateed. It's more important than hp or dps and other items simply doesn't posses such powers at all.


                                                                              For clarity, when you say 'On attack of a hero with more than 6 armor, MKB is actually expected to provide more damage from the proc' are you really just saying that the 25% natural magic res is lower than armor dmg reduction when armor is >6? Because that's super disingenuous. MKB's proc is a fixed 160 magic damage (=120 'actual' damage) with 35% proc rate, whereas daedalus deals massively more physical damage (bonus 120% of attack damage) on virtually the same proc rate at 30%.


                                                                                bloodthorn also provides critical hit rate which you have not considered and is great in my opinion.


                                                                                  Can u please get someone who has a clue to do these articles? Huskar never wants heart...


                                                                                    Следующую ждем на суппортах.

                                                                                    Obergruppenführer Scher

                                                                                      я не понял
                                                                                      почему столько не русских? статья же на русском