New Ability Builds and Hero Trends

Today I have the pleasure of telling you about two new updates I have worked very hard on: Ability Builds and Hero Trends!

Ability Builds

We are finally re-launching Hero Ability Builds! They were gone for far too long and we have been working hard to bring them back stronger than ever. Our previous implementation of Ability Builds was full of issues (such as impossible builds). We have rebuilt the system from the ground up to ensure that any bad data we are given is thrown out.

There are some very cool new analytics you can see regarding a hero’s ability builds…

Most Popular Priorities

The new Priority feature analyzes how players are prioritizing their abilities to give a great overview at a glance. Note that this isn't the order in which abilities are skilled (we'll get to that later) but rather a measurement of how eager the player is to put points in an ability. Here's the most popular ability priority for Puck Puck:

Puck's Priorities

First Point at Level

This view analyzes when players are putting the first point into an ability. This is great for answering questions about when a point in an ability becomes critical. In addition to showing the rate at which it's picked we also show the change in win rate based on that decision. It's great for answering questions like "Should I get a point in by level 4, or hold off until level 10?" Here's the first point analysis for Invoker Invoker:

Invoker's First Point

As you can see, those who don’t Invoke at level 2 may have a bad (or boring?) time.

Ability Maxed at Level

Much like the first point, we thought you'd like to compare when players decide to max out an ability. Is it critical to max an ability right at level 7, and how many players do that anyway? For some heroes (like Pudge Pudge below) it's pretty crystal clear what the right decision is. Results for other heroes may surprise you!

Pudge's Max Point

Around 4.2% of pub Pudges don’t max hook by level 7 - and they’re always in my games.

Points Spent By Level

Points by level is a very powerful look into how players are spending their points for each level. How dramatic are the differences with level 1 abilities? How many players don’t get their ult at 6? Of course we had to use Crystal Maiden Crystal Maiden as the example here. How much mana did your team need anyway?

Crystal Maiden Points by Level

Trends Tab

We also decided to add a new tab to Hero Profiles called Trends. You can now see the win rate of heroes based on the maximum level in the match and compare that to the average for all heroes. As you would expect for most heroes, the higher the level the higher the win rate (since it often implies an experience advantage over your opponent).

Death Prophet Scaling

As you can see above, Death Prophet Death Prophet starts out very strong but eventually falls below the average as she drops off very late game.

We also added Win Rate and Pick Rate graphs over the last 30 days. Check out dat hat effect.

Records Update

If you did not see our previous update on the records page you should check it out here. I’m pleased to announce that more than 40% of you now have access to the new records (random lottery) with more being given access every day. Of course, Plus supporters are given access to these new features automatically as our way of saying thanks!

Let me know what you think of our new features in the comments. Did you see anything that surprised you? Stay tuned, our next update will be dealing with player profiles… :)

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21 commentaires

    awesome! im excited to get my patch!


      great job guys


        I still do not manage to see the record update :(


          Love it, can't wait till you do something similar with item and when they are acquired.

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            thanks for the record update! I love it!


              Keep up the great work


                Woah this is awesome, so much information

                Tonton Balkany

                  Thanks for those blog post and good features! Keep up the good work!

                    Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                      I'd imagine a large number of the pudges maxing hook at 8 simply got 2 levels at once and skilled rot then hook




                          I don't understand this, at all.
                          Playing only by chances is nothing.

                          What the majority does is pretty uninteresting most of the time.
                          You need to play flexible and do your skillbuild flexible depending on matchup and situation..
                          .. that is only the right way to play =)

                          Too much sparetime for economics students :D

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            why no add "best with" for heroes stats, where will be showed winrate with whatewer hero in team

                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                              When are you going to release stats by player experience?
                              Right now, all the winrates are useless for experienced people, because they assume that you don't know how to play the hero.
                              For example, maxing Icarus Dive on Phoenix over Sun Ray. It has a better winrate, but of course it does, since people who don't know how to use the Sun Ray will lose with a Sun Ray heavy build more often than with a Dive build which is pretty easy to execute.

                              All the winrates that are shown in Dotabuff currently say ONLY how easy a certain hero or build is.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                Also, winrate by level is skewed, because winners always have a higher level than losers. It should be winrate by match duration.


                                  Agree with Smaug.


                                    ok :D only


                                      i agree with MikeDarker

                                      you need to think of a build that outperform your opponent heroes ...


                                        идите нахуй

                                        Sup m8

                                          Thanks for your hard work


                                            Although it's interesting to see what's most popular and such, it's totally worthless information.

                                            You build according to situation and lineups, the choice between level 1 frostbite and frost nova can decide a death.