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General DiscussionNot a classic "my teammates suck" post

Not a classic "my teammates suck" post in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    You said you were 5K (not sure how much into the 5K bracket you were, if you ever where that is) but I just don't see how someone can go from let's say 5.1 to 3.2 (you're not even very high skill) it's not possible. Highest ive been is 5.0 a few months ago, sitting at 4.5 now, the lowest I have been is 4.2. You should be well beyond losing to 3Kers at this point, let alone losing to mid and low 3kers like you currently are. So you're either lying about about being 5K, and/or you're 1K behavior score toxic shitter who's usually the worst on the team, but doesn't realize it. lol

    Try not talking anymore, usually if you don't say anything you get reported less, like if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say, that alone is enough to reduce the reports you get by half. (But of course sometime we snap, everyone does now and then)

    Ce commentaire a été édité

      pretty sure thats possible
      i saw 6.8k guy drop 2000 mmr

      Livin' Real Good

        Hi Arin! hehe' That's insane!

        I feel like recent behavior (literally within the past 5 games) matters more than actual behavior score in terms of what kind of teammates you get, that's just me though.

        I'm currently sitting at 7100 behavior score, lowest ive been was during my minus 500 mmr rage tilt a few months ago, went from 8K behavior score to 2000. If you abandon a game, it literally drops it by 1000.

        Ce commentaire a été édité

          I dont know how anyone can have a 2 page arguement about this. Its basically opting for getting a higher BS and praying you have team mates to carry you or to either get good on your own and be proud of yourself. What the fuck guys, brain cells please.

          Hatrið mun sigra

            Normally I'd say that it's only about matchmaking, hidden pool and stuff, just look at my name and you'll understand. But in this case something in your real life changed, your mental state changed. You get worse teammates, winning is impossible, alright tell me about it, but if you were 5k you should still be able to win more than 50% of your games due to the huge gap, 2-3k mmr, between your skills and the skills of the other 9 players in the games, no matter how trash the matchmaking is. If this doesn't happen and you keep losing at much lower mmr I think it's because you lost your ability to focus, you probably tilt a lot more too. Don't underestimate the power your mind has to fuck up everything, even in a simple online game. Focus on this problem first, THEN you can rant about this dogshit matchmaking all you want (and I'd support you on that). Just remember that the ability to focus and a head that is as clear as possible come before everything in this game and life in general. Take care of yourself in real life, that's the most important thing, exercise, read, go out, find a hobby, do anything that makes you feel better and more relaxed, as a result I'm sure you'll be able to win again on Dota 'cause your mindset and mental state will be different. If you don't wanna completely quit dota play normal games only, try new heroes, do it for fun and forget about winning at all costs for a while. You first need to rediscover the pleasure in playing, otherwise it's pointless. So take it easy, irl and on Dota, and things will get better as a consequence, don't get stubborn or try to force things, as you can see this only drags you down more and more, in terms of mmr and mindset.


              Uh oh......not this again...seriously we should make a thread in which we put link to every thread made about hidden pool that ended up in cuki diox mafioso and slq fighting

              死の恐怖 Haseo



                  I know this sounds like my just making excuses but I really think my upgrade to a large monitor is hindering me I used to be able to look at mini map and everything on screen without moving eye balls but now I can't . I wish I still have my shorty monitor lol.

                  Hatrið mun sigra

                    Who's fighting? I'm sorry OP is having a bad time especially outside of dota and was trying to help.

                    Mlada i Luda

                      (TIBDP) stan... wtf are talking about whoever fought diox? lol, he is just a clown we replay sometimes to him to make the thread more entertained.


                        Maybe fight wasn't the word...sexual harassment is more appropriate

                        Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                          same shit happening to me ,from 6.44 dota 1 and got to dota 2 at 2012 more than 8000h played dota 2 , i know i am not bad player i am not arrogant or somehting but i know i am not that bad to get drop from 4200 to 2800 in 40 days (in main acc)
                          before vavle change mmr calibration i was making new acc , playing and get 4400 mmr and then sell it already sold like 5 acc.
                          now i am in 2800-3000 and all it's like this i lose cuz some one afk or abandon in my team (20% of times) , some one play really bad and we lose (70% of times) they steal my lane by randoming and i go afk (%10 of times) otherwise if i win it like i am the onlt one trying to win (80% times) or enemy team gets feeder or afker or bandoner (5% of times) anf yeah some times whole team play good and we win (15% of times).
                          all i mean is there is too many bad players and new players or toxic players which cost me(and some one like me) lose game , it is not a 1 vs 1 game it is fucking team game every one has his own part , i bet if u put a 8kmmr player in 2k rank and only team him with 4 noobs and toxic player he can't get out of there or it's take him like an year to do it.
                          matching system is real trash at least you should be allow to rest your mmr and calibrate it again every 3 months.
                          so unfair.
                          even csgo got better matching system i am new in csgo but i got from silver 3 to gold nova master in 3 months.(only csgo problem is too many russians).
                          i hope new update (which give us 2 new heroes) include new matching or major changes for it.


                            My 5.8k friend played with us 4 1k scrublord, guess what happened? He go 20-0-30 as a pos 5 Oracle

                            I bet 8k will go even crazier


                              i see all you idiots betting on this, then how much money are you willing to bet?

                              i'm 6k, i can guarantee you i'll have at least 70% winrate and i can get it to 4k in like a couple of days up to a week or so.

                              place your bets and give me the login user/pass.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                Since my point are aligned with you it's useless for me to place a bet on you cookie

                                Go ahead you hidden pool supporter


                                  cuki you're 1 game away, 5k scrup


                                    i might keep it like this just for the memes


                                      rofl when did we become friends, mafioso and SLQ>

                                      Friendly Gaming Community <3

                                        i have read cookie's "guides" and actually tried them, and all i have to say is, that he is just a dick trying to prove how long and thick his dick is, while he is totally talking bullshit ALL.THE.TIME

                                        Friendly Gaming Community <3

                                          like as if he can win games, when people leave in your team every game. And yes im saying abandoning the game after 3 minutes playing

                                          Friendly Gaming Community <3

                                            100% you can not win a game when FOUR PEOPLE cry and flame right instantly from the start and then after 3 minutes playing one guy leaves. you can be as good as you want and u will not be able to win. P-E-R-I-O-D.


                                              feel free to send me your user pass

                                              and how many arcanas you wanna bet on it?

                                              you're playing in a bracket where no one pressures anything ever, what a joke.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                yea truckernaut get fukin gud u little scrub. shitstain brackets are the easiest bracket to shit on kids on mid and carry 1v5. learn to play a carry mid

                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                  oh brood mid, LUL NEVERMIND


                                                    it's hilarious how on one thread cookie complains about getting gameruiners every game (even on low mmr accounts) and on the other hand calls out being other people and claiming that he can boost an acc easily

                                                    this actually sounds like some mental disease
                                                    you should better get checked


                                                      Nah it's 100% you can not win IF you cry and flame WITH the other 4 ppl


                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                        yeah indeed lol. the irony is real. just like the momment when he was convinced so hard that bs is not a thing related with matchmaking and next day valve confirm him wrong. universe is not working in his side recently XD


                                                          due to your enemies having no teamplay, ruiners in low mmr only delay the game.

                                                          ruiners in low mmr don't matter

                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                            is 6k high? is 4k low? it's relative depends on the point of the view, i made same question to you in another topic but you kepept avoiding me, can mid one win those games that you could not cause of game ruiners? cause you know for him 5k is quite low.


                                                              he sure would be able to win half of those, but i just simply prefer not to waste time.

                                                              it sure took me 2-3 days longer than it should've, but i rather like it to be less painful

                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                so fuck yeah thats it, thats all my point, you actually agre with me mostly of the time and you dont realise, or you dont want to admit it, or some missunderstaning happened here cause of my english maybe. that's all my point when i say that bs matters and it effect actually the winrate base on the players some effected more some less. thats what isaid about that guy that he said he lost 3k mmr or smoething, he probably want it as less paniful as possible who doesnt ? and dont know if you still doubt that bs can impact that shit, but you will prety soon. jsut imagine yourself playing every day all day long those kind of games, its exhausted isn' it?


                                                                  but you don't understand my point

                                                                  but that doesn't matter, it's not just that proper teamplay almost doesn't exist at 0-4k

                                                                  it's also that people don't pressure advantage, and that's the more important part.

                                                                  that's why i say an actual 5k player wouldn't drop to 2k.

                                                                  so it doesn't matter how much your team throws, because enemy never capitalize on that

                                                                  i recently watched his antimage game, his enemies die and then he literally goes farming instead of taking towers.

                                                                  no 5k player would ever do that.

                                                                  and his enemies make the same mistake, they kill his team then go back instead of taking towers.

                                                                  any 5k player would've taken any of those opportunies, but him and his enemies and his teammates made thse mistakes like 50 times in a single game, if he capitalized on like just 10 of those 50 then that game would've been over by less than 25 minutes.

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                    trust me i understan your poin 100% . remember my example that imade with human going to live in another planet with higher gravity. you know when he climbed to 5 he was not under that 'gravity', and after that changed he did not realise it imediatly everyone would say whatever im not going try to win this shit, cause it will not happen anymore its jsut 1 in 10 games probably, but that shit keep happening again and again , you dont know wtf is going on trust me i experienced it, and some of my friends are right now. yeah its true that teamplay almost not exist at 0-4k, but sometimes they do the right things unconcesly at least they try sometimes, meanhile your team is being jsut like those games you described, 90 % of the time, ofc you wil get exhausted you not used to play with ' gravity'.


                                                                      i learned to play in the worst conditions, i've climbed with the worst ruiners on my team possible, if anyone knows it then it's me.

                                                                      even without his team he personally could've taken those opportunities as the enemy wasn't there to stop him

                                                                      these are basic things any 5k would do, if i were to add in the special booster things then those 50 opportunities would turn into 100 opportunities.

                                                                      no matter what gravity he has, he had hundreds of matches in his last 6 months that were long enough to abuse any and all of these.

                                                                      It doesn't matter if he's used to it or not, those mistakes the enemies are doing are so potent that a 5k with both eyes closed would notice them all, adding them one on top of each other would've snowballed him personally.

                                                                      only way that is true is if he was so inhumanly de-concentrated for the last 4k matches that he wouldn't be able to notice an elephant infront of his face

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                        here we have another thing that we see it differently and dont agre with. what a 5k represent for you. for me nothing, it can be anything , it can be you , a spammer mostly whith high mechanical skills. it can be purge he is 6k recently jsut like you but he was 5k mostly of the time, he is not a spamerr not even close to you when it commes to mechanical skills, it can be a slacks literaly 1k in mechanical skill, quite good in communication and interacing with his team , a spammer after all. it can be everything. you know op had almost 5k games, trust is completely different from someone that has 5k in 500 matches. someone that climbs to 5k after thousands of games doesnt look a tryharder that much, 'gravity' can effect him much more than someone else. btw im sure siraction slakcs would'nt be able to notice an elephant infront of his face. i made some examples from rly known players causei know you would not trust if i would talk about my own experiences.


                                                                          this is something i learn from playing with and against 5k players

                                                                          what i mean is ''what mistakes they'll punsih and what mistakes they don't notice"

                                                                          and i can write you them all down and find any core 5k player to find them for you, they would find almost all of them.

                                                                          and yes, that statement is quite objective, i could find you any 5k match with an antimage and compare it to this guy.

                                                                          as bad as Sir action slacks is, ironically even he would notice these mistakes.


                                                                            cuki get a puss.y


                                                                              surgery costs money

                                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                                well god damnit you always drags me into extremes , cause is no other way to deal with you lol. ofc loosing 3k or 2k mmr , its up on you ,
                                                                                getting sloopy, trigered, or something. but also that 1k bs helps a lot. about sir action slacks better dont bet on him lol


                                                                                  believe it or not, but you can check out recent sir action slacks games

                                                                                  an example: 3379948737

                                                                                  he stomps the offlane with amazingly co-oridnated kills, and as soon as he gets advantage he takes a tower at 5 mintues

                                                                                  then proceeds to gank the safelane and midlane and takes the rest of the towers and constantly applies pressure and takes more and more objectives

                                                                                  as much as you'd hate to admit it, even that meme of a person capitalizes on those mistakes.

                                                                                  siractionslacks wouldn't be even affected by 1k BS as he's THAT good at untilting his team.

                                                                                  so believe it or not, even siractionslacks could boost OP to 5k

                                                                                  not to mention what an actual 5k core would do.

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                                    well same as mmr , bs is part of you is something you deserve no matter you think. but since it is not a well known thing for most of players is different, it can change quite faster than mmr, it depends on your mode, your pc, internet problems sometimes its not on your control, and if you ar not ware of it you can ez fall in that trap. yes slacks have the ability to until his team and for that reason im sure he is mostly of the time at a good bs, but if something would change sudenly, and he droped somehow, or playing with op acc, im not sure aboit it anymore, even he is rly good in untilting team he is still a human its not a robot , he would get influenced a lot by that sudden change on his, teammates behave, it would be way out of his expectation, im not sure if he would be able to untilt his team anymore or getting tilted by them. those are speculation the fact is that it matters, it changes things a lot. you rly need to test it yourself i cant find anymore words to explain it.


                                                                                      even if he doesn't untilt, objectively in his gameplay he doesn't make those mistakes as OP does

                                                                                      aka not taking advantage of objectives and not wasting time.

                                                                                      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                        I say it's possible, since I went down from 4.4k to literally flat 3k.


                                                                                          ye but as soon as i fixed your mistakes you went from 3k to 3.5k

                                                                                          so even you can agree that objectively if you stop making mistakes like you used to then you started gaining mmr, same mistakes OP is doing.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                            That's true.

                                                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                                                              even if you playing constantly those kind of games that even you saw 0 hope of winning them?!!! you probably gonna say 'i watched , he is not playing those kind of games' and yo uwould probably be right. but who knows maybe even you after playing to many of those games even your half-robot, something would happen to you , some knid of malfunciont that would not allow you anymore to detect your own mistakes .


                                                                                                i analysed his acc yesterday, he gets the same amount of ruiners on his team as the enemy team.

                                                                                                if this guy can't notice his mistakes then he is truly a 2-3k player and he belongs there, simple as that.

                                                                                                i did not complain nor did i say anything about my own games with and against ruiners recently, i had way too many of them because i know those games come and go and are not an indicator of your overall ability to play, nor do they matter in the long run.

                                                                                                only reason i pointed it out is because that smurf boy uses those against me to say i'm terrible at all heroes and can only play 3, while using games that i had intentional ruiners, yet alone he didn't even mention the other games i played with other heroes and won like sniper pa terror venge etc. in the last 10 days.

                                                                                                because i'm not stupid and i know that those games are just stupid useless variance that in overall time don't matter.

                                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                  yeah in theory , or in another paralael univerese but in reality , its different. you still not including bs factor. i dont understand why is so hard for you to realise that those kind of games that you had, some others have much more of them even in long run, like isn't it simple. the higher the mmr you have less retards, noobs, bad dota players you will have in team, the higher bs is ,less of those retards , intentionally game ruiners you will have. those variances are different from player to player based on theyr bs, god damnit i know it is a new term for you , cause it was confirmed recently , but your not stupid, you those kind of persons that adapts rly fast, why not in this case. what is it that hard that you dont understand, or for some reason, maybe cause your foccused so much in that 'every game is winable",1'vs9', your brain refuse to see clear fact is same thing like you in this case not noticing an elephant comming in fron of your face. about op its sure he deserve to be where he is, thats not the point. just the reason is a little bit more complicatied that you think. whatever im not gonna push you anymore today you have enough to deal with those haters cause of 6k lol.


                                                                                                    i got an acc with 2.3k BS we'll see how unwinnable and how many games i get with intentional ruiners vs how many of them enemy gets.

                                                                                                    it's because it simply goes against everything i know, it's just completely illogical.

                                                                                                    that's how it seems to me.

                                                                                                    i've been in the biggest shit holes ever in low mmr, i had basically every game enemy riki 20/0 and my supports don't even know dust/sentry/gem exist. and if i can get out of torture like that to higher mmr than someone getting simple below average teammates can.

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                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!