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General DiscussionNot a classic "my teammates suck" post

Not a classic "my teammates suck" post in General Discussion
Friendly Gaming Community <3

    I just wanna say that i know, that u have heard this a lot, but I have the feeling something is not right.
    I have a game time of 12000 hours on dota 2. I was 5000 mmr solo. While suffering a big depression in my life, I used to play a lot. During that process I lost a lot of MMR, which resulted in 3k or less solo. Since then I just can not make it out of this MMR hell.
    It is not only that I get bad teammates, it just feels that I get matched worse teammates than usual players.
    REMEMBER: I know u have heard this a lot, but I can explain why I am posting this.
    The difference is, that after I win 2 or 3 games the matchmaking system is searching for a game for 7 minutes or more.
    After that long search time I get thrown in games where it is just totally impossible win because of following reasons:
    -I have NOT ONE SINGLE teammate that is actually trying to win at all
    -all 4 players in my team just random or pick a useless shit hero without thinking
    -everybody is flaming instantly from the start(i played low priority a lot, and it feels actually worse in ranked)
    -focus on the game is not possible, even when i mute everybody
    -while i try my best people just randomly start to ruin the game on purpose for minor reasons
    AGAIN I SAY: I know that this happens to a lot of you guys, but with my gaming experience I know, thatit just happens to me more than to other people. I don't know how the system finds out about those ruiners and matches them together to build a team for me, but it happens so frequently that i feel disturbed. I am actually suffering under more physical and psychical problems than before, and it is not getting better. I did make time to stop playing for a while and felt better instantly, but i still love the game and actually do not want to stop playing.
    I just want to know if anyone knows how to get out of this calibrated shit without using boost service. I just want to experience fun again while i play dota and want to get out of this cancerous environment.
    I apologize for my bad English in forward and am happy if anyone has any ideas of solving this...


      how the fuck do you drop from 5k to 2k, that's incredible shit play.

      -I have NOT ONE SINGLE teammate that is actually trying to win at all

      you don't need any teamplay at all to win up to 5k mmr, just good solo play.

      -all 4 players in my team just random or pick a useless shit hero without thinking

      like i've said, teamplay doesn't matter in low mmr

      -everybody is flaming instantly from the start(i played low priority a lot, and it feels actually worse in ranked)

      so bad that the mute button doesn't exist in dota.

      -focus on the game is not possible, even when i mute everybody

      your inability to focus is your own problem, turn on some music or someshit.

      -while i try my best people just randomly start to ruin the game on purpose for minor reasons

      if you get people like that, then so does the enemy.

      the system has nothing against you, you simply suffer from dunning kruger and selective memory thinking that you're the only one getting bad teammates.

      You simply don't have the brain cells to comprehend your own self contradicting lack of logic:

      ''it's impossible to get out of this bracket i always get ruiner teammates, but i acknowledge that a 5k booster would win with the same teammates"

      you didn't grind your way to 5k, you overcalibrated and slowly fell to the bracket you belong, deal with it.

      every low mmr player will want to shake it off as ''behavior score'' ''hidden pool'' but that is simply not the case, you might get more ruiners more often, but even on the worst accs that i boosted i had still 70%+ winrate sub 5k

      and i've proven this 1000x over that no matter what teammates you get, a good enough player will compensate for their lack of skill

      regardless if your teammates are polite or flamey.

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        Could be behavioral score n stuff putting u with players with lower scores, but thrn that means u either abandoned games or got reported a bunch and ur score is low

        Still it's not something "special"

        chicken spook,,,,

          I'm actually wondering how can you drop over 3k mmr


            whats your behaviour score? just pay abooster to play your account and see if he gets stuck like you. lol. ill bet you 10000bucks its you.

            Friendly Gaming Community <3

              "you didn't grind your way to 5k, you overcalibrated and slowly fell to the bracket you belong, deal with it."
              I was calibrated 3800 when ranked matchmaking was introduced and then got to 5k in 2 or 3 months. Then i was playing at 5k for 2 years and then dropped because as i said I was suffering that depression and flamed a lot and some of what you said is true, for example that i might have selective thinking and i have trouble staying calm. But it is hard when the same shit happens over and over again for thousands of times, like i go 10-0 with am almost every game consistently but it doesnt matter in the end because in the meantime i have 4 players who are all 0-10. And it is not just happening sometimes that way, it is repeatedly happening EVERY.SINGLE.GAME.

              Friendly Gaming Community <3

                Where can i see my behaviour score?


                  yeah, the only way someone loses a ton of mmr is because of his attitude/mindset. you probably tilted so fucking hard you can no longer play the game properly. lol


                    like your brain chemistry got fucked with your depression and you get so emotional u can no longer win unless every single second of the game goes perfectly. which is never gonna happen

                    Friendly Gaming Community <3

                      behaviour score: 1307
                      I think that explains it...



                        is too short (minimum is 6 characters)

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          You need to learn to not give any fucks about your teammates
                          Or keep up with the meta because your skill can't compensate your old school shenanigans


                            you didn't grind your way to 5k, you overcalibrated and slowly fell to the bracket you belong, deal with it.

                            yeah, he overcalibrated 3k mmr higher... rofl what are you? fucking retarded?


                              can u lend me your account so i can see what its like playing with 1k behaviour score players?

                              Mlada i Luda

                                All muted 9 hours ago
                                behaviour score: 1307
                                I think that explains it....... yes indeed that explains it all. dont listen to cuki, i mean ihave nothing against him, he is right almost 99% with his post even when he is trolling. but when it commes to this bs part , he is full ignorant at this part, he never experienced and even if he will , he will not notice it, cause it will not effect him that much, cause of his playstyle, i spam arc warden and he win solo games no matter how his team mates are, and i respect him for that. 'i walked in his shoes " . he did not in yours or mine, thats wh ywe had a long fight in this forum about bs system and how it effect matchaming , and in the end valve prove me right. now if you want to hear some real talk about your problem M- GOD is here. im assume , im 100% sure actually when you climbed to 5k your behavior score was prety much good at least normal i think, and you used to play at those circumstances, and you developed your playstyle automaticly based on those circumstances , and it was workin for you , than when things changed cause you droped your behavior score, 'for your own reasons' , it will have a rly big impact in your gameplay, cause your used to play with not 100% retarded team mates everygame, and you probably dont see dota 2 the way cuki sees it. that change effected you and you did not developed or evolved or changed your playstyle based on those changes thats causes you to loose mmr. its like a human being going to live in another planet whre the gravity is much higher , you will not even be able to move. but cuki even he sounds confidend in waht he says cause he is actually, he is wrong. cause the way he aproach the games is not same as mostly of other gamers, and that works for him and good for him i respect that, but mostly of the players are not like, he developed his skills based on his high mechanical skills and a rly smart way to climb mmr which is spaming a hero like other which dont relay at all on his teammates to win games if your actually good with him, and from waht i seen cuki is. thats why he will never understand this behavior score thing is cause of his 'different' experience. about jacked and others jsut completely ignore them, they are like sheeps they go with whoever sounds more confidend on waht is saing and wh ohas better reputation, they have no brain to comme with theyr own ideas.


                                  that's not true, i don't have to spam arc warden to win 70-90% of the games in low mmr:




                                    and if you think i don't get retarded teammates you should check out my last 2 matches and just cry after you find out i won that.

                                    in both matches, i didn't just solo 1v9 i actually managed to untilt and command them to victory, because i'm not heartless as you think.

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      you keep posting with acc for smae reason all other the time, andi keep saying it is something suspiciuis there. THERE ARE ASLMOST ALL PARTY GAMES.


                                        i played party on those accs after i made a post on dotabuff telling people if they wanted some free party mmr, scroll some pages back to see the solo games.


                                          i was basically doing the all hero challenge here:

                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            cuki buy , you not paying attention try to open your mind and dont judge others based only in your experiences. did i say that you dont get bat teammates? no. i say that probably bs system will not effect you at all cause your skills and your playstyle you developed, i know you probably solo win 90% of the games even in 1k bs thats why you dont consider it a thing, but can yo utry for 1 sek and not consider everyone like you. like there are many ways and playstyles that different person develop to gain mmr. your a special case you not like the rest of the majority of players , dont make me repeat myself jsut read ccorect my previus post iexplained everything. despite my bad english give it a try XD


                                              yea but your post will only allow OP to conclude that it's impossible to gain mmr because of his teammates, rather than improving his skill to get higher mmr.

                                              You have to understand something, these guys don't come here looking for a method to get out of low mmr, they come here looking for someone to confirm their delusional ideas.

                                              Then if you allow them to continue like that, then they'll start spreading those ideas like a disease.

                                              I get that BS will make you have below average teammates, but that isn't an justifiable excuse for someone to drop from 5k to 2k.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                ok thats my bad now for not reading well, cause dottabuf did not showed me your 2 sentences at the first time iwatched. thats cause your in your skill bracket now and despite that its completely another bracket , and it seems your forced to change and develop a little bit your playstyle , cause yo ucant anymore solo win with arc , cause players know how to deal with him as a team prety much, and waht you jsut said proves my point. what if you had 1k bs , trust you could not be able to untilt and command them to victory, yoy would have lost 100 %


                                                  cuki u have a mic that changes everything


                                                    that would still only drop my overall winrate from 70% to 60%, that only slows it down, it doesn't make it impossible to win.

                                                    all i'd have to do then is figure out a new way to 1v9 in this bracket and i'd be back to 70% again.

                                                    1v9 at 5-6k is not impossible, it's just hard.

                                                    it'd take me like 3-4 days of replay analysis and i would figure it all out.

                                                    think about it, your teammate feeding on one side of the map gives you the opportunity to do something on the other side of the map.

                                                    all i have to do is bank on them feeding, which definitely happens.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      thats what im saying. btw you dont know for sure how it will drop your playstyle you can only assume, once you experience it that you can say almost for sure. thats what isaid to OP is about playstyle you develop , and not every player is able to change and develop another playstyle in a short time, or have the will to do it.


                                                        2 or 3 months nobody has changed their mind about anything. Mafioso still appearing whenever behavioral score comes up and then dissing cookie, cookie answering these type of comments, and blunt is still blunt and so on


                                                          but OP is an exception

                                                          it's not a short time, he played this amount of ranked matches

                                                          given realistic probability, over 5k matches, don't you think at some point he would've been on a good behavior streak and gotten his behavior score back up.

                                                          behavior score changes quite a lot every 20 matches, given 5k matches there should've been quite a few streaks of good behavior teammates, in which case he would've banked on those and gotten his mmr back easily

                                                          as if you said he developed a playstyle more suited for better teammates.

                                                          I'm not saying behavior wouldn't matter

                                                          i'm just saying it's like a spec of sand being thrown in your eyes, it will temporarily blind you, but no permanent damage.

                                                          but if we're talking of a sample size near 5k, then it's like comparing that spec of sand to a whole beach.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                            thats why you will "loose" prety much every dsicus about bs vs me. its not balanced you dont have same 'weapons' on that fight. trust me you dont understand bs rly well, and you keep proving it wit every post you make. your completely wrong about that. if you pay attention he said he is 1k bs, everything below 6k is hell trust me on that, and the chacnes you climbing and haveing suddenly streaks of good behavrios score will not happen. its a thing that you cant 'commeback' from unles you work rly rly hard about it, it will not climb sudennly it will only keep droping more, its like 1 way ticked once you go down you keep going. the worst bs much worst wil it be eventuallt it commes to a point even if your ' jessus' himself, the reetardet and toxicity level that is there, wiill make that yo uget more reprots no matter waht yo udo or you play , cause thats what those guys litteraly do there 'tilts' about whatever it happens there and report others for that.


                                                              im 100% sure i can get his bs to 10k and his account to 5-6k in a month

                                                              You underestimate a good player.

                                                              overa a sample size of 5k those streaks will happen, they have to happen.

                                                              it is literally impossible to get 5k matches of all bad teamamtes, or else he would've been literally 1 mmr right now.

                                                              it's not even low probability that that happens, it's literally almost no probability.

                                                              next low mmr account i get i'll try everything in my power to drop the behavior score as low as humanly possible, just to prove you this point.

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                mafioso, seems you've gained a bit of intelligence since we last met. however, you are still about fish-level of IQ. while you make some valid points around playstyle, it seems you are just using that more of an excuse that not everyone can play like boosters or cuki. but put it simply its not about playstyle. its skill. 5k and 2ks are so different, any 5k could have a 1 v 9 playstyle and win. to you it looks like a solo mindset, but its not.

                                                                and yes, i think tis possible that u play emotionally andget worse and worse over time.


                                                                  for me to play right now in a 6-7k avg match i literally have to keep track of every single thing on the map my opponents are doing, but not just track it, rather also predict it before it happens.

                                                                  WHILE doing my own things without failing.

                                                                  playing at 0-4k means i literally have to do almost none of that, as i can basically do whatever i want on the map for free without consequences.

                                                                  mmr is a quite objective measurement of skill, and there's not that much difference between me, or any other carry/mid player in the low 6k/high 5k bracket.

                                                                  they will all have the same principles, even if they use a different execution method

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                    ' will happen' , ' they have to happen" , ' it's literaly almost probability'. thats my advandage im talking about, you can only assume, and speculate about it. first its almost mathematicaly imposible to do it in 1 month. trust me its possible to have 90 % of the times to have bad temamates , and with ' bad teammates you have not a single idea waht im tlking about' . your ' bad teammates probably will look super good ' teammates ' in my eyes. and i know your consisten on that ' selective memory' thing, cause that is a true thing actually. and thats why you dont trust to the ' point of view' from others, cause yah mostly of them are delusional kids that thing they good but they loose cause of team everytimem, but i have experience this ' selective memory ' myself ,i have experienced bad bs, score i know to tell the difference. im jsut here to help OP with some concrete facts i dont care how he gets my words, if he takes it ' only as a excuse' thats his problem i made it clear you can go through it if you have the will and the skills, if you jsut want to get out of that bs and return again in your previous circumstances, im telling you thats rly hard to do it, almost imposible, im almost 100% sure even a insistent person like cuki would give up on it once he try it himself.


                                                                      Do i hear a challenge? Would you like to bet on that claim?

                                                                      im betting that i can come out with 70-95% winrate on a 1-3k account with 1k behavior score, and that i will be able to compensate for almost everything my teammates feed, even if they do it intentionally, cus i've won games quite a lot of times with actual intentional feeders in low mmr.

                                                                      i will be able to get it to higher BS and win as soon as i get onto it.

                                                                      you only have an assumption that it's impossible, but since people have a limited amount of reports per week, that means most people will not report you. as they either used their reports on someone else, or forget.

                                                                      if you play good enough then they'll commend you, simply enough the commends outweigh the reports so your BS skyrockets.

                                                                      you simply have less reports than commends per week.

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                        1v9 doesn't mean you play against your team, 1v9 means you compensate for everything your team lacks by playing instead of them.

                                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                                          meanhile you seems to get way much dumber jacked. first . there is not similar thing about cuki and ' booster' , wtf you thing your talking about when you say 'booster'. how many of them have you meet? how many of them are your friends? yeah thats waht i though 0 Xd. even 'boosters ' have theyr different ways on what they do. and not every 5k players climbed there by solo playing ' 1vs9' maybe wahts mostly of them think, buts its not true cause 1vs9 its an abstract term its not real it depends how you see it, mostly of the ' i win 1vs9 ' players are those who get carried mostly of the time but they dont realise it. if its rly hard fro you to opne your mind cause of your ' small world you live" jsut watch slacks , he is 5k and is like a support he even made a video how he make to win the games and its completely vice versa of '1vs9' thing. i can make much more ex and arguments to illuminate you but its worthles XD .


                                                                            ITs true I don't keep track of anything in my games I'm sure none of my opponents are doing that too. They're just playing their own game making mistakes and flaming.


                                                                              the only difference between a 5-8k player and a 5-8k booster is that the booster played a lot more matches in low mmr and is more efficient at winning them faster, example bipdongoe basically finishes all games sub 20 minutes as he needs to finish them fast so that he can be done with the boost and paid.

                                                                              that doesn't make your average 5-8k player not be able to boost in 0-4k, it just means they'll do it not as efficiently(games will be like 30-40 minutes instead of 15-25)

                                                                              зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                I have an account, where I have 950 behaviour score and out of 10 recent games there, I have 8 wins, despite people literally intentionally feeding, behaving weird, etc.

                                                                                Won a game, where 2 my teammates abandoned and one of the of 2 was afk farming jungle (literally).

                                                                                Recently won a game here, where I had a brain damaged team and Timbersaw 16-0 against me together with Bristleback.

                                                                                I was max 4800 at my last acc and then I created this smurf, I got VHS in 3 matches and calibrated at 3500 flat both solo/party.

                                                                                When going through 3500-4200 here, I've had an averaging winrate of ~65% in ranked.

                                                                                Why am I saying that? Because if you were truly 5k, not overcalibrated, not abused, you would perform better than me.

                                                                                Think of it. I am a max 4800 shitlord and still, when I get a fresh account, I climb the initial 3k part with 60-70% winrate.

                                                                                You can't be 5k and perform worse than me in the long run. It would make no sense.

                                                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                  And I tilt, I throw, I am not even a mid/carry spammer.

                                                                                  Sometimes I buy Shadow Amulet and go AFK rune, instead of playing.

                                                                                  STILL I am at 65% in ranked at this bracket.

                                                                                  Despite not playing mid or carry, throwing games sometimes, sometimes abandoning, staying afk, etc.

                                                                                  Think about it, OP. You're doing something wrong.

                                                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                    It's not about me being good, because I am not, but about 3k being utter dogshit.

                                                                                    A true 5.5-6k player would feel like playing with kids with Down's syndrome, were he to enter 3k.

                                                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                                                      hello ' one step behind' , no one gives a shit of what you did, or you pretend you did you know ??? were talking about op experience here and he did not say he is a booster or some shit , maybe he did not climbed ' forced climbed' his mmr by spaming or using an ' abusive playstile' that can easily break through weakneases of lower brackets. there are some players that play 'naturally' doto and still managed to climb to 5k you know? i know a lot of them. this way you need a long run to win mmr, op looks like that one. in a normal bs this is completely fine if you keep playing slightly better than others you will climb mmr eventually , but slowly, maybe he not even tried that hard to win some games that were 'harder' than others cause of bad team , cause he knows that he will get back that mmr if he keep playing constantly with that performance . this thing change when your in low bs, you will not have balanced games in long run that will not happen. i was fucking crystal clear in my first post when i talked about playstyle you develope , but since your' 1 step behind' i' repeat myself, im a benignant person andi take care of person with syndrome down XD. OP you can confirm what im assuming about your experience? cause im prety much speculating actually.

                                                                                      Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                        My behaviour score is 9868, yet I get multiple afker/outright intentional feeders, not to mention flamers everywhere, not that I mind, I got used to it.
                                                                                        I said a few times however I'm a fucking saint when it comes to how I endure every flamers, and now that I checked my score for the first time, I guess it's true.


                                                                                          no mafioso, a skill difference of 500 mmr is quite clear cut

                                                                                          1k is already insane clear skill difference

                                                                                          but a 2-3k mmr drop basically means you have no brain cells

                                                                                          behavior score over a long time will change, unless you're saying that op actually deserves to always have 1k behavior because he throws every game like an idiot then i'd agree.

                                                                                          in the long run behavior has to change, it is impossible to always be the same unless you're THAT much of an asshole.

                                                                                          no one is always flamey, no one is always polite, no one is always neutral.


                                                                                            I actaully dropped almost 2k mmr when I quit dota , I could only imagine how much more awful 3k drop would be .

                                                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                                                              sry cuki this ends here, i think i helped OP enough with my knowledge about bs, i will not continue this longer to cnonvince you about that, your full of theories son, if your interested about that thing go make your own test , and im 100 % sure will be surprised alot by the results, cause of your expectations. about op ofc he have that bs for some reason. not neccesarly cause he throws but, what harms mostly your bs are abbandons , or not being able to connect to a game cause of internet problems i was, banned for 24h. 3 times in a row cause of 'establishing connection' i did not have idea wtf was that, and after ichecked it droped my bs with 1.5k, and i noticed the difference in gameplay imediately, not that i care anymore honestly. about your bet cuki. you mad bro? you want your revenge cause yo ualready lsot a big bet against me, when you were insisting that bs is not even related at all with matchmaking, cause it was not confirmed at the time. you better calm down and control your feelings its guaranted if we make a sec bet will be MAFIOSO-2 CUKIBOY- 0 .XD. i will help y ua little bit and tell how bs works, cause your theory about going 10k . its not correct at all. you know you need 4 commends to be equal with 1 report. and at that point you will have 1-2 guaranted reports even if you win the game with 100-0 score, they dont care, yo uwil have 1 perma report only from the guy that you take mid from him( even he will be double midding you mostlyof the time), about commends lol, they dont even have that option at all XD.


                                                                                                you can't be a contestant and declare yourself the winner, the judges declare the winner.

                                                                                                So imma go stream right now to prove my point


                                                                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                                  this thing change when your in low bs, you will not have balanced games in long run that will not happen.

                                                                                                  No. You're just dogshit. I am not an angel. Lately by behaviour score is around 5000-6000, still, all my points remain the same.
                                                                                                  MUH BEHAVIOUR SCORE/ALLAH/JESUS/HIDDEN POOL/BAD LUCK PREVENTS ME FROM GETTING UP FROM MY RATING is just wishful thinking.

                                                                                                  If you put a 5k player to play a 3k acc, he MAY (theoretically, under some extreme unimaginable circumstances) lose 10 games in a row due to bad luck, but over a span of, say, 100 games, he will have a stable 60%+ winrate at the very least.

                                                                                                  Individual games don't matter, trends do. Long-term performance shows your actual relative skill level, regardless of teammates/behaviour/whateverthefuck.

                                                                                                  If you're in 3k, you have played 200 games and have 40% winrate, then you're just bad. No one's to blame. Just accept whatever your actual skill level is and improve. At a certain point, you will approach a threshold, where you just get better, then move on and so on.

                                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                    ahahahahahhahaha, you son of the bitch cuki XD. you knows that doesnt prove shit , you jsut fishing some more viewers with that lol, i camme to watch by myself only to be sure that you not a 14 years old kid XD


                                                                                                      can someone make a guide how to read posts longer than 2-3 sentences? I swear it's impossible.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!