General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I wrong?

Am I wrong? in General Discussion

    Can somebody gimme correction about this game?

    What should and shouldnt do?

    I tried so hard on this game and cant deny that this is almost unwinnable game. But on the other hand, it seems I had some crack on my gameplay that make me and my team lose.

    Thanks in advance :)


      unwinnable cus u are normal skill, it's not unwinnable game seems like a very easy one


        Having both Aghs and linkens confuses me. They had very few single target spells and none worth blocking. An abyssal and possibly a BKB or heart would have been much better. With abyssal you could initiate on anyone except QOP and either kill them or burn enough mana that they can't respond fully. You could even be a threat to QOP with a lucky bash. Can add in a butterfly somewhere too

        Another option would have been to get travels and try rat them.

        What your team really needed to do though was get the initiation. If they start the fight with a 2 or more person chrono its basically over. You had to make sure void couldn't get chronos, especially not onto you or invoker. I think your main problem was the itemization though.


          aghs linken for what ? easy winnable game.Bf,manta,abysal,bfly,skadi/ac/bloodthorn.Burst void/sniper and game is won.

          dont be thrilled by this ...

            1- why in the hell you need aghs+linkens? snipers only targeted spell is magical, qops only targeted is magical, items are so trash to block, void no target spell, bristle goo and wd caskets ... i see no need to waste 10k gold!!! at most aghs was enough ... thats your biggest mistake which wasted your farm for nothing (and wow qop no orchid!!!)
            2- if void was your problem, aeon disk would help in chrono
            3- you had great magic resist, you just needed armor+hp since they had powerful rightclicks ,or adding some agility, butterefly,ht,even ac/shiva
            4- you killed sniper mostly which is acceptable for me cuz others were elusive, but filling a slot with dust would give you kills over wd too
            5- rat match!!! only chrono would stop you which aeon disk is the answer for it and then EZ RAT
            6- another big mistake is your talent choosing ... ffs youre playing vs void and qop with blinks and a good slower which is bb... why the fuck you went for greedy +15 agi and blink illusion over +400range and -2.5 cd ???? even you have few deaths i bet you had trouble running away or feared about gettin chased and hence you never pushed or ratted ...


              @TheMaverick427 Thank u very much. I thought that I wish I had some double protection against qop orchid and another abyssal from void. I really suck at itemization, u are right. Some nervous when I didnt know what should I do. I really appreciated ur criticsm and suggestion. I will learn more.

              @this aint fun anymore It will be a long answer haha.
              1. I thought I need like a double protection and I feel like I should initiate myself. I will think twice next time.
              2. Thank u. I dont know what should I buy against void.
              3. Yeah, u are right. I will try it later.
              4. In that game, it was really hard to aim wd cuz he was always on the back. I tried to get closer but I'm affraid of chrono.
              5. I will trying to rat next time. But sometimes, I feel like I should join the war cuz I just hard to trust my team while they are in fighting.
              6. I never try that talent, like I choose them by default. My bad. I should learn more.

              Thank u guys. U are all awesome :D


                why tf wud void have abyssal u moron


                  @NA+Cl Yeah u are right. That's why I'm still an Archon


                    "Double protection against qop orchid and another abyssal from void"

                    When both of them literally didn't build the items. Lul.


                      I'll analyse the full game for u when i get back home (Wednesday :c)
                      Add me on steam or discord and send me a message so i dont forget

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