General Discussion

General Discussionwhat did i do wrong this game? need help

what did i do wrong this game? need help in General Discussion

    im playing at crusader bracket and steadily climbing (was herald 5 awhile back). your teammates seem to get worse and worse. why is that? is it a test by gaben?

    but i know i have some fault in there too. ALthough i would like to point out that i have the best stats in the team despite not plyaing mid that game.

    look at the amount of feeders in my team. and jakiro wasnt buying wards. what should i have done to win the game?


      You just can't make storm work with phase into desolator build, you just can't


        Spam Zeus, it answers all your problem lol.

        Seriously though, using Zeus is extremely helpful because your teammates will gain vision when you use your ult. Using Zeus will make your life quite simple.

        If however, you use SS watch PVGNA or go to the guides given from the game itself. I know that most SS go aggressive.


          So I think you wanted to play SF or TA but forgot to actually pick it. So You had a lot of Damage output but you really don't play Storm for Physical DPS. Normally you pick storm to apply a lot of Map pressure forcing teams to rotate into Team fights and waste spells catching him much like slark. I think you did not disable enough heroes. The Hurricae tells me you were standing in one spot for far too long. Id have recommended, Linkens, Orchid, Bloodstone, AGHS, Bloodthrone, BKB OR Nullifier. You would have been able to pick a lot of these heroes off and make it nearly impossible to kill you under call timer. an Aghs Pull into MK ult, Jakiro Ice path/Ult into Drow silence is a wipe. AGHS shoulda been a Definite pick up. Your build is why you lost this one. Also its ez because you go 12-2 to blame mates or go 21-15 but in reality your deatsh averaged right along your team-mates. You didn't play much better. Especially on a hero that should be very difficult to kill.


            I'm obviously no expert but in the lower brackets, I've noticed it's beneficial to play position 4 if you know the game fairly well. It lets you control the tempo of the game, help your team win lanes and of course, let's you ward up. I've started going Tusk/Venge/Night Stalker/Rhasta and of course Pudge and Spirit Breaker.

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              exactly the same thing happened next game. at one pooint i was level 19 every1 was like level 10 or 12. but then no one was doing anything and i would get caught without help and feed 1k gold to enemies


                also what the fuck is that level 25 PL talent. its so stupid


                  any idea how to itemize against a PL? im playing against another PL as storm


                    your build lacked hurricane pike and sb, perhaps u couldve won buying those


                      against pl blood thorne nullifier would do wonders or hex


                        guys. third game in a row. what is going on?

                        always getting bad teammates who are passive because i give them a good lead at the start? and then suddenly the enemy always has superior late game while my teammates just struggling to farm all game and keep feeding?


                          why my team so heavy fck diz shit


                            man you are playing storm with deso AC dragon lance and Mjollnir that's not how storm works, o would report that storm in my game yes i m 2.7 k player but you'll never see storm like that in my bracket LD


                              and please never pick phase boots on storm again pick mana boots into boots of travel and blodstone or smth


                                well obviously items are not the problems if im killing shit all game with good dmg good farm but somehow my teammates just refuse to push the early lead and passively farm and feed. i cant 1 v 5 forever yknow? how do i get my teammates to take objectives with me?


                                  i mean looking at the game again i know why we lost. preciesly because i cant 1 v 5 a spectre OD PL in the late game while my PA has no bkb and my sven gets one at 49 mins when the game is already lost and over at 53. he was never in fights too, otherwise PL wouldve never been a problem.

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                                    your items > cancer > autism

                                    HAHA the poodle

                                      Bro, do you want to kill or do you want to win? You seem to be fixated on the number of kills that you get every game. Overall Game Impact > Individual Kills. Look at to see SS trends. Not one of them uses the build that you are using. Can you run us through your thought process when you pick the items? Because storm isn't really picked for his Phys. DMG. He's there to be an evasive damage dealer with decent crowd control. His catchphrases literally reveal what kind of play style SS uses.


                                        not sure if serious or not


                                          Dude, who the heck goes for desolator nowadays, buy sny man, 700 more needed gold but provides stats then you can get assault cuirass.

                                          2k player :)

                                          Saucy Edwin

                                            Why... why did you even go for that build on storm? If you want something you can do to have won that game, buy actual storm items, and become an unkillable god zipping around the map and blowing up anyone that showed.

                                            Mad Scientist

                                              Killing enemy team doesn't mean you doing good, sure you can pick off a lone enemy but sooner or later when they start grouping up you zip and kill one enemy and then what? you ded out of mana, ever thoughts how feeding comeback gold can change the gold advantage? try to look at your games networth graph, i'm sure there you'll find some huge gold swing, trust me if you are not on a divine rank yet don't ever deviate from the mainstream build, it's most likely has <20% chance to win you a game

                                              Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                                Obviously a trol post....
                                                Damn... so much cancer in his build... like i remember that 2k braket where everybody was thinking about kills not objectives, where they were buying daedalus on literally on every single core ( liek look OMG +80 dmg and 30% crit omfg i'm gonna destroy deemm ajajaj).Crying everytime that they got shity teammates... man ur teammates are shit because u're shit too, so the game had put u in that braket that u deserve... and hope u stay there for ur entire life.
                                                P.S.: plz stay forever in 2k shit we don't need u here in 3k with ur memebuilds that doesn't show ur skill, but only ur retardness.


                                                  My eyes hurt from your builds.....

                                                  This is how you play storm.


                                                    berry cool build
                                                    if ur team wont push try meme hammer good sir
                                                    add in an early aquila too
                                                    get blink + abyssal if enemy get linken
                                                    drums for movespeed
                                                    god bless you


                                                      Shadow blade works too

                                                      Tu tayta

                                                        I see you still haven't learnt anything. This message is not aimed at HanYolo.


                                                          >no battlefury
                                                          it's like ure asking to lose

                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                            You're fucking autistic


                                                              Only road to 6k providing real advice. Rest of y'all are posers.


                                                                if you insist on making deso,medalion is way better btw

                                                                medalion-blight stone-deso-bkb or medalion-blight-bkb-deso


                                                                  you lose because you didnt buy heart of tarrasque


                                                                    Op would it do if i analyse ur game when i come back home or do u wanna know the psychological answers like how teammates never hold u down, neither the patch nor picks and nothing but urself. Stuff like that.

                                                                    I can give psychological strategies to fix the issue from its route or i can watch ur game, see what you did wrong, tell u, and help u fix that one.
                                                                    (Can also do both if u wanna)


                                                                      I still can’t believe people still get Baited by Han(Jacked) so hard.
                                                                      This topic is the same as Sven 3x Battlefurys
                                                                      This topic is the same as Perseverance into Aghs Undying..
                                                                      Grow some brains


                                                                        Really? I did think this is one of the dbuff guys didnt recall who. So jacked jebaited me lol


                                                                          in this bracket ( was there done that ) dobt worry about stats , watch the game first 10 min while farming
                                                                          decide who is the biggest threat and think how u can beat him
                                                                          later u jump kill them best player and die knowing that your team have a much better advantage after the threat is killed


                                                                            im fine watever the guy wants to build,as long i won't be meeting the person on my games lol
                                                                            if he's really trolling a serious answer should work,rather than actually feeding him/tt ing him


                                                                              I hope you're trolling us xD.. but if you don't, You just simply don't understand the concept of the hero, and what really needs, looking that storm spirit, I imagine you building a tarrasque in a crystal maiden at the first item. He needs mana and fast mana recover, you get that by building Intelligent items like Orchid, bloodstone, vyse.


                                                                                plis stahp Jacked


                                                                                  Pls Chen eblade dagon - next guide.


                                                                                    wtf ppl who say im trolling. my games have been a breeze. im legit trying to win here, but i don't understand how i can be losing to these noobs 3 games in a row, even though im way better than them. so what if my build is a bit different from 'optimal' build?

                                                                                    looking for real advice here.

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                      i mean im owning the laning and early to mid game every game. but every game my team just fucking does nothing and i somehow end up feeding (my fault) and we lose the game just based on this comeback mechanics?


                                                                                        Hey yansolo, i guess i added you recently. I am legend 4 trash who never plays storm but give me your account for a couple of games, i will play storm and probably go 20-0 or something with traditional item build for storm and show you what you are doing wrong to win games in your bracket.


                                                                                          He must be a troll. I clearly answered his question and he does the exact same trash next game. let me help you. ONCE AGAIN YOU ARE WANTING TO PICK TA OR SF BUT YOUR CURSOR MESSES UP AND YOU PICK STORM- YOU PLAY HERO WITH ONE OF BEST ESCAPES IN GAME YET HAVE MOST DEATHS ON TEAM. YOU CANT TAKE ENEMY ANCIENT DEAD. SINCE YOUR A TROLL GET GUD! Also comeback mechanics have been nerfed hard stop blaming the game.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                            Sorry I didn't ask for item build suggestion. Just how to play when you have brain dead teammates.


                                                                                              retard like you should have been banned for 6 month

                                                                                              Dotes and Depression

                                                                                                > Realize that you are the one being brain dead
                                                                                                > Gain mmr

                                                                                                worked for me


                                                                                                  Funny how I leave dbuff for like 3 or 4 months but whenever I return jacked has a new smurf and new jebait

                                                                                                  Mad Scientist

                                                                                                    idk how this guy get excitement by trolling some random dudes on dotabuff get jebaited by his thread, probably trigerred some of his teammates too, i mean is there any psychological explanation for this kind of stuff?

                                                                                                    ofc I'm get excited too when i do fun stuff like jerk off or shit but this kind of activity our big guy han yolo doing, just feels weird for me dedicating smurf like this then go to make a thread about it, he doesn't even get revenue from this.. or does he? :thinkng:


                                                                                                      guys im playing seriously not even trolling. last 3 games, always doing the best in my team, but they are hopeless. lol


                                                                                                        Just be more positive :)

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!