General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do you prefer dota over league of legends?

why do you prefer dota over league of legends? in General Discussion
Pale Mannie


    Defense of Templar Assassin? is this a custom game?


      My friend is 3K in dota, started dota first btw, but challenger in League. Says something about the comparative difficulties of the 2 games.

      casual gamer

        says theyre completely fucking different skillset and little else


          i would play a defense of templar assassin,seems like defend mooo moo game

          wat about arena of valor?

          vainglory too

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            id stop playing dota if i could learn lol in 1 day


              Mobile legend is cool and good

              Friendly player

                I was annoyed of the players in dota, so i transfered to LoL. Both games have their own +,-.
                In LoL you cannot be toxic or you will be permanently banned after few temp bans. In dota it doesn't matter what you say.
                I can strongly agree that dota is a lot harder to learn and play than League. There's always a thing you can improve on. In league you just have to learn few champs, mechanics and you are good to go for high ranks.
                In general i think League is more for a younger players and a bit older for dota.

                Also dota kinda encouraged you to be toxic. If you want mid you have to first pick the hero.
                Yeah, in league there's an option to choose a role before you search for a match. But there's also autofills, if a player gets autofilled some other role, he may dodge which wastes a lot of time to actually get into a game.

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                  Dota is the game that I always come back to no matter what other games I play. It just feels so much better that all the other MOBAs. I played some league and really disliked it. Played some Heroes of the Storm too and liked that much more than League. I know it's more similar than Dota and League, but I think the Heroes in HOTS give me a nostalgic Blizzard feeling

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    Actualy LoL is superior to dota 2 in one aspect, that is selecting your role before the queue and then you have it in game, so in LoL its impossible to play a game without support where in Dota thats pretty much every second-third game, especially in lower brackets!

                    That alone is the reason dota 2 is bleeding players and LoL is growing, dota 2 will never in its existance be close to LoL for number of players and honestly number of players is everything, shorter queues in dota they started hitting almoast 5 minute mark even in lower brackets i can imagine how it is in higher.

                    So face it guys unless something radical changes in dota 2 it will continue bleeding players, do you remmeber golden days when there was 2-3 milions playing dota 2? Now its barely over 500-600k in prime hours!

                    Potato Marshal

                      Already spent 4500 hours in this game, might as well stick with it. It's like being a lawyer for 30 years then suddenly deciding to go to medical school to become a surgeon.

                      casual gamer

                        lawyers can contribute to society however

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          Yeah seriosly your argument about lawyer/surgeon is dumb, better one would be "i dont prefer Call of duty ill stick with Battlefield" or something, same arguments for MOBAs go to shooters, but there is no doubt about that LoL has better queuing system than dota 2 that puts you with bunch of randoms and you pray to RNG gods that your role is free and you wont play something thats left and even if you win that game you will have much less fun than playing your favourite role on your favourite hero.

                          Also counterpicks! This account i made to goof around and rest from the boring meta and find salvation in lower brackets but guess what i couldnt! In last match i went with mentality "Hey Dragon knight has that +40 str talent i wanna try that" there wasnt room for DK in that matchup and ofc i lost, i could pick and play utility Doom to shut down that Omni and win the game, but i wasnt feel like it and we would probably loose anyway cause we didnt had support! That situation would never hapend in LoL!

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                          Potato Marshal

                            I wouldn't need an analogy if all I did was change the name of the games

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              Meh dont listen to me im just salty because i had epiphany, Dota 2 is a game, you play game to have fun, but you have fun in dota 2 only when you are winning because, then you gain MMR and your e-peen is rising!

                              Problem is hero-pool i can play this patch successfully is so fucking boring that i dont even log on my main anymore and im just messing up other people games on my smurf by playing some random shit, what have i become? :/


                                i play doto with my friends on many unranked games,and i'm seriously hating solo mmr since it's super boring
                                so mmr is not equal to fun lol


                                  Also counterpicks! This account i made to goof around and rest from the boring meta and find salvation in lower brackets but guess what i couldnt! In last match i went with mentality "Hey Dragon knight has that +40 str talent i wanna try that" there wasnt room for DK in that matchup and ofc i lost, i could pick and play utility Doom to shut down that Omni and win the game, but i wasnt feel like it and we would probably loose anyway cause we didnt had support! That situation would never hapend in LoL!

                                  Are you being serious here? i am pretty sure they also have thing called counterpick there. No matter which game you played, having more knowledge does give you some edge over your opponent, be it LoL or DoTA. The reason you lose at low MMR is because you are not good enough. If 5k or 6k MMR players play at 1k-2k MMR whether they are counterpicked or not, they will win regardless. The reason is they have better game knowledge, mechanics, gameplay than 1k-2k MMR. It also applies in LoL. Who said there is no counterpick in LoL?? Why they ban certain champion when he is gonna pick the champion he wants to play? please type LoL counter in google and search, see what you found there.

                                  par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                                    lol is a garbage ripoff

                                    par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                                      every league pro jelly of the dota pros getting it in while they picking up the scraps

                                      Friendly player

                                        league players give no fucks about dota.


                                          When I watch LoL gameplay its just 10 heroes tossing skillshots at each other from half a screen apart and they all have a dash move. All the abilities seem so boring and minors effect compared to the plays/counterplays possible in dota.

                                          Player 345996680

                                            its possible that your 3k friend who moved to league plays it in a shit server, if its not europe west its easy and their rank does not mean anything.

                                            coz i know a guy from League highest ranks who moved to DotA2, he is already Divine after playing DotA2 for 4-5 months (he installed DotA2 in September).

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                                            Player 345996680

                                              The reason why I play League now is because I have friends there XD

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                                              Tu tayta

                                                Rofl. "I know a guy who did X" posts in 2k18

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  I refuse to try league just cus of the paywall/grind fest to unlock every hero and all your upgrades or whatever. I like dota's model a lot better, just sell hats! And the compendiums are very cool when they actually release them.

                                                  Player 345996680

                                                    i mean i literally stacked with him for 20 or so ranked games, if he had a dotabuff profile i would link it to you right now.

                                                    also all those upgrades are free to all and its more of a build customisation rather than upgrade at this point coz everyone has them.

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                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!