General Discussion

General Discussion2k and 4k are same? Which genius guy agrees?

2k and 4k are same? Which genius guy agrees? in General Discussion

    Tell me who believes this bullchit


      Other than seeing a few, VERY FEW, number of 4Ks who look like 2Ks playing, and a few 2Ks who look like 4Ks playing, there is a clear difference between 4K and 2K MMR. With a one thousand MMR difference, skill gaps are already deeply defined(until 5K, at least). Efficiency, map awareness, mechanical skill, movement control... The list goes on. What more a two thousand MMR difference?


        Well there are some brainless people here who don't agree with u


          Even a 500 MMR difference will show a high difference in skill. You'd have a 55 - 60% win rate at that mere difference.

          So I disagree. I was smurfing in 2k, just the other day. My MMR is 3.8k. Here's the match stats, I'm SF:

          There's obviously a big difference. I mean I can't really keep explaining without gloating, but like, I never do shit like kill pudge ganking me <10 min mid AND the enemy mid laner for a double kill in 4K, but I did in this match... because it's fckin 2.5k MMR.

          Every subset of skill is inferior in 2K compared to 4K, it's really that simple. They farm worse, have lower awareness, bad mechanics, everything is inferior.

          Hatrið mun sigra

            Let me guess: a spoiled 6k said that lol
            Of course there's a huge difference between 2k and 4k in every aspect of the game, every role, every everything.


              No just some stupid 2k started thinking they're as same as 4k and challenges 4k players for 1vs1


                I suggest u Should read what happened in other discussion called 2k community giving 2k advices


                  i agree ... 2ks dont know shit but they know that they play bad ... on the other hand 4ks think that they know but they dont understand that they dont know shit which is very bad and they lose u games very easy.


                    I know some 4k are overconfident but still they shouldn't be compared with 2k who are good for nothing


                      The thing about most lower skill players is that they don't comprehend what/why they're low skill. It has to be shoved in their face with a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in order for them to maybe start to understand.

                      With that being said I'm pretty garbage at drafting and moving around the map efficiently. Probably other things I don't even know yet.


                        no , please , its not even close . U cant compare these 2 players , they got ancient for some reason right ? theres no way some 2k plebs getting the same knowledge and mechanic like 4k player, most of my games , i rarely saw enemy core doing creep agro in 2k games , even if he did ,i guess he's just some smurfer who trying to have some fun smashing low mmr pubs

                        Friendly player

                          From all my arm, i state, that 2k and 4k has no differences.

                          low prio master

                            2k and 4k are same 4k just grinding x k games more

                            aloha fangirl

                              lol, 2k and 4k are pretty the same, but difference 2k and 4k is that (4k) can press buttons better, but another shit like mistakes, playstyle is the same. I have some friends who is playin' on 2k, but they are doing more better than 4k trashes (outzone, warding,dewarding, smoke after 4:00 and another stuff)

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                As a 4K player, I have 92% win rate in 2k games

                                муки с рылом

                                  Exactly the same tiers of shit people. Same toxicity, same arrogance, same double mid 'cuz i picked first' different speed of button-pressing, both are delusional irrelevant trash tiers.
                                  Also, thank you for shitposting and making the formus better




                                      1k and 5k are the same. I can’t tell you how many times I beat 5k players.


                                        I can the answer is 0


                                          1k and 5k are the same. I can’t tell you how many times I beat 5k players.

                                          I bet you had a 4.5k+ player on your team to balance the skill out, but you lack the knowledge to be aware of the fact that you got carried, so your ego feeds itself with its blissful ignorance.

                                          "1k and 5k are the same" is the biggest line of bullshit I've seen all year. Even 2ks are better than 1k, holy shit you're actually stupid.

                                          lol, 2k and 4k are pretty the same, but difference 2k and 4k is that (4k) can press buttons better, but another shit like mistakes, playstyle is the same. I have some friends who is playin' on 2k, but they are doing more better than 4k trashes (outzone, warding,dewarding, smoke after 4:00 and another stuff)

                                          Basically the halo effect; because they are your friends, you gravitate towards a positive point of view when judging your friends. If you didn't know them, you'd have an objective lens.

                                          If your friends were better than 4k, they wouldn't be fucking 2k players. They may be more consistent with some things than some 4ks, true that is possible, but if they're not 4k then clearly they don't have the overall skill level of a 4k.

                                          Stop with the nepotistic bullshit.

                                          2k and 4k are same 4k just grinding x k games more

                                          That's not true, everything a 4k does is superior in consistency minimum, to a 2k; decision making, farming speed, item choice, picks, etc.

                                          I like how NONE of the people judging the differences between the 2k and 4k bracket in a condescending light have managed to gain even high 3k skill.

                                          You know why? Because you guys are haters. You'll never work for the things you want in life, it's much easier to just put down people who have nice things, since you don't possess the will to keep moving forward and be self aware. Lame ass people. Instead of having respect for people who have the determination and power to be superior to you, you feel emasculated because you suck--probably at everything in life.

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            1k = 5k

                                            Play me Einhänder

                                            Friendly player

                                              If your friends were better than 4k, they wouldn't be fucking 2k players

                                              Not everyone is a grinder. Not every game you have a perfect team who doesn't troll or feed the lane. Nobody can get thousands of mmr in minutes just because they deserve it.


                                                Glad to see someone here with a brain.
                                                Friendly player is right that not everyone wants to grind


                                                  Not everyone is a grinder.

                                                  Skill != Grinding. But if you spend more time on something, you are better at it.

                                                  If you are better at something, you have more skill.

                                                  If you have more skill, you have more skill than others and can outplay them with superior performance. Consistently. The better you are, the higher your winrate. A 5K can win 95% of his games in 3k. That isn't grinding, that's 95 wins and 5 losses. The worse you are, the longer it takes to go up. Because you simply don't deserve to go up.

                                                  If you have superior performance, you have earned it.

                                                  If you have earned it, you have earned it. If you haven't earned it, you have only yourself to blame for the position in which you reside in.

                                                  Is that so hard to understand?

                                                  Skill is earned. You don't get fucking participation points in this game. Either you got it, or you fucking don't. Fuck outta here with that "I should get a sticker for knowing how to place a ward." Fuck that, go play something else, then. In this game, you get rewarded for true skill, and true skill only.

                                                  Not every game you have a perfect team who doesn't troll or feed the lane.

                                                  Everyone who plays Dota 2 struggles with the same shit. Not every game do I have a perfect team -- not every game do you have a perfect team. The difference between us is the person; I navigate through these bad teams in my way to result in an optimal, overall positive winrate, and you -- you choose to bitch and whine about how the world is out to get you.

                                                  At your rank, if I get a team who doesn't want to win, I would still manage to win much, much more than you. And even in the games where my team doesn't want to win, the winrate would be about 70%.

                                                  Power like that is gained. If it wasn't, and it was easy to have, it would lack any meaning whatsoever.

                                                  Nobody can get thousands of mmr in minutes just because they deserve it.

                                                  If you deserve to be a higher MMR, it will come to you.

                                                  Just like with women, if you're successful and high achieving, they just come to you. It becomes easy, too easy.

                                                  You can keep blaming the world for your problems, or man the fuck up and stop being a punk ass little kid. Choice is yours, I strive to be a winner, personally.

                                                  Glad to see someone here with a brain.
                                                  Friendly player is right that not everyone wants to grind

                                                  It's not that he has a brain, it's that he's on the same bullshit boat as you. You are not in the real world. You want everything to be perfect and made just for you. It's not. You are nothing until you're something. Get the hell over it, and do something about it. If you don't want to grind, too bad. John does, so does Brian. They spend time improving their skill and they got a positive result, you didn't, you want the skill to fall out of your asshole. Too bad, it doesn't work like that does it?

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    I bet I can beat this scrub Einhänder. I’ll show you that 1k just as good as anyone.


                                                      Your account has 10 games on it. There's no telling what your actual skill level is; show us your main and then we'll talk.


                                                        mmr is just a number


                                                          Nice meme cookie :0


                                                            it's a game not your life how does it matter to you if one random 2k kid said that lmao. You started a pointless thread


                                                              medal is just a .png


                                                                This is my main.
                                                                Just admit you scared to play Me


                                                                  Just admit you want to suck on my ballsack.


                                                                    mmr is just a number! medal is just a .png!
                                                                    i was only 3k last year! and i beat 5-6k at mid on many 5v5 game/party ranked matches!
                                                                    praise meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                                                                    casual gamer



                                                                        Just going to say that I played on a 1k account once, and dumpstered literally everyone. I'm only 2k.

                                                                        муки с рылом

                                                                          Apart from Einhander being ridiculously dumb in each sentence he has written, I have to ask - how come do you, the one who wants to work hard to have success in his life (dota ranks, srsly) only managed to keep balance on 3-4K border IN SEVEN THOUSAND GAMES. You had a very good paragraph about grind != skill and blah-blah - does that mean that you possess cognitive abilities of an oyster, displaying such underwhelming results with great effort investment? And yes, the guy up there was right - most people spend the majority of their lives outside of dota, and do not consider it even a top-10 priority in life. I am glad that you can afford to spend your life in that manner, but most people have jobs to do, education to receive, working out, hobbies, even mystery social interactions. So with that rate of playing of course they will not show growth and go up through brackets. We can only dream to reach the godly numbers of lower 4K god tier.



                                                                            муки с рылом

                                                                              ^This sums up the thread so far. Also add autistic screeching from the guy that strives to be a winner and all that


                                                                                Einhänder dumb and scared


                                                                                  @The guy trying to talk about 4k being bad.

                                                                                  Hes in the mid to high 4k bracket which is already in the top 5% of 5 million dota players. Would just like you to know that before you carry on churning your spiel out making no evidence assumptions about his life. Stats referenced from site below:



                                                                                    @The guy trying to talk about 4k being bad.

                                                                                    Hes in the mid to high 4k bracket which is already in the top 5% of 5 million dota players. Would just like you to know that before you carry on churning your spiel out making no evidence assumptions about his life. Stats referenced from site below:



                                                                                      I haven't been playing much Dota since November of last year when I started working and going to college. I don't spend all day on dota anymore now that I'm in College and working, I think in the first half of 2017 I played about 60 hours of dota. I lost a lot of skill and dropped quite a bit. I used to be up to 5K mmr, but for now I'm a bit worse, and I'm still not putting in my 100% I would say.

                                                                                      Nothing I said was stupid. What is ridiculous about stating obvious fact -- "If you want skill, you have to earn it," that's stupid?

                                                                                      Secondly, I never claimed that I deserve anything more than my rank. I never said I was a pro, my only point is "If you don't want to put in the time to earn skill, do not whine." Why be so mad?

                                                                                      I may not be amazing, but my attitude is what's great; I don't whine about how my rank is not Divine, you won't see me saying "Fuck, these Legend trash teammates keep me from getting to Divine."

                                                                                      Sure, I'm "just" 4K, but guess what? I'm still better than an Archon, so I can give advice to Archons. Never said I was a pro, so don't put words in my mouth, idiot.


                                                                                        BTW, I work out every day, study every day, work every day... don't try to berate me for playing 15 hours of dota in the past 8 days, thanks.

                                                                                        муки с рылом

                                                                                          Oh, so you just went to college? No more questions asked honey, keep spreading the knowledge :)

                                                                                          mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                                                                            If MMR doesn't matter, we should all be 10k

                                                                                            муки с рылом

                                                                                              @Peppa pig. Even if he was divine 5 - those stats are amazing and nice looking, but just like most stats (coming from a data scientist) mean absolutely fucking nothing. They are nice to boost your ego, or to hang them on the wall, or to yell at a Legend player in ranked game to give up a core position. Apart from that - their meaning and significance is precisely zero, unless you are a pro player in a tier-1 team earning a living through dotes. The one hander made good points in the beginning, but then his adrenaline levels went up and he started dominating the thread with his raw alpha personality and incredible life coaching. Caring so much about numbers in a video game can be forgiven, but being a delusional pretentious asshole - can not

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                What's being a delusional pretentious asshole? I keep reiterating that the point is you either have the skill or you don't. I never said anything to stroke my ego, if you actually read my post for once.

                                                                                                It's not delusional to say "The skill doesn't just fall out of your ass."

                                                                                                People who are bitching about unsatisfaction with their rank are just bitching that the rank doesn't just fall out of their ass like a participation trophy. That's the truth.

                                                                                                You're attacking what exactly? Still, you haven't gotten any points across, just arguing meaninglessly and putting words in my mouth. Seriously what's pretentious about saying "If you have skill, you've earned it"? I think you're just mad that you're really shit at the game.

                                                                                                муки с рылом

                                                                                                  How easy it has become to trigger a college kid, huh.

                                                                                                  Let me quote a great author: “You know why? Because you guys are haters. You'll never work for the things you want in life, it's much easier to just put down people who have nice things, since you don't possess the will to keep moving forward and be self aware. Lame ass people. Instead of having respect for people who have the determination and power to be superior to you, you feel emasculated because you suck--probably at everything in life.”

                                                                                                  So you basically just start spitting shit at everyone who has agreed that the two tiers have much less differences than mouthbreathing dota achievers would love to think, without any considerations for their arguments and/or points of view on this game in general. Calling out hate, jealousy and laziness, demanding respect for your humble persona based on... video games rating? On a damn form of digital entertainment that most people do not even take seriously? I appreciate your attempt at insulting me though, but yet again - please do this on someone who cares about made-up numbers, like OP

                                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                    If you can't even accept that you're bad at a video game, how can you ever hope to succeed in the other parts of your life? It's true, people need to stop being fucking haters--that goes for many areas of life. People are always trying so hard to hate on other people just because they're better. It takes self-growth to look at someone who's good at something and start thinking along the lines of "Damn, this guy put in some work for his craft," instead of "lmao, he thinks he's so good," or whatever bullshit people like you would think.

                                                                                                    Hell yeah, there's a big difference between the two tiers, objectively speaking. And of course, I'm gonna point that out so that I can knock some sense into others. I've EXPERIENCED it so many times... haha

                                                                                                    Just like there's a difference between someone who's an amateur basketball player and someone who plays it competitively every day.

                                                                                                    It's common fucking sense. It doesn't take a "mouth breather," (of which I am not one, I'm 160 lbs and 6'0") to understand that there is always a hierarchy. In most cases, like in Dota, the hierarchy is earned.

                                                                                                    I don't think it's me who's triggered, I think it's the 48% win rate Legend 1 (low 3k garbage player) who has to protect his ego. I'm just continuing the objective fact train that you're trying to bring down probably in an attempt to mold your own fake ass reality. Choo choo.

                                                                                                    Oh and by the way you say "most people do not even take seriously," but in this context, we're talking about people playing ranked (competitive); people who choose to play in this mode are participating in a "serious" game style, so cmon. I'm not talking to people about unranked, here.

                                                                                                    муки с рылом

                                                                                                      72 kg at 6 feet? Your workouts seem to be as efficient as your dota progress, but keep striving.

                                                                                                      Funny how you mentioned basketball as an example, because I happen to have a tiny degree of proficiency in the matter. So to avoid further waste of letters from both sides: Talking to casual ball players and lecturing them about b-ball and work ethics with the cockiness of an NBA Star, while being a local high school team player at best is unwarranted to say the least. Hopefully college experience will teach you a different approach to voicing your opinion


                                                                                                        @Einhänder they're not completely wrong, if people only play unranked for example, or if they sparingly play dota, they might be a lower MMR than what they should be. Nonetheless, you're correct. At a certain point, if you are truly better than that skill bracket, you'd thrash out a winrate that is greater than 50%, and begin climbing MMR, in the "few times you play ranked.
                                                                                                        Btw, Cookie says that Bowie is an idiot, and I sometimes see where he gets that, but Bowie currently has an ongoing series on his YT channel showcasing the differences between low MMR and high MMR players. And the differences are massive.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!