General Discussion

General DiscussionTopic regarding Underlord

Topic regarding Underlord in General Discussion

    Do you guys agree with me that Underlord is quite broken in the laning stage of the game? His first skill is ridiculous after level 2 and he can easily dominate the lane after buying mana boots/or any item that allows him to spam his first skill.
    Recently, I started playing him, building mana boots into drums, force staff or hood(situational) and the win rate is impressive.

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      Let's not forget about his passive. He's able to farm so damn fast with his passive and skill 1. I prefer to build him kinda tanky making pipe or a crimson, or maybe even a radiance.

      I'm not too sure myself on how to play against him. Once he starts steamrolling he's practically unstoppable


        the winrate is always impressive. but he's no way broken.

        several pickup still rekt him although the current meta is very good for him, in fact he is always this stable for longtime despite patches change


          Yes underrated hero


            He is good but is not broken
            Doesn't become strong until lvl 2 in fire storm.
            However he is very good, tanky, farms very well, and enables rlly early Roshan with fire storm (if u didn't know the percentage dmg on fire storm melts Roshan)

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              just pick ursa or monkey king against him in lane and watch him cry. he NEEDS to do well in lane or he is just useless all game in my opinion.


                @Washed Up Yes bud I know that...
                Fun fact is that, Underlord has a decent win rate in pro scene too, doing well in the games that I've watched him being played.
                In general, Underlord is a great front liner if he goes for the auras build.

                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                  He's far from imbalanced. Like all the other heroes, he has his own weaknesses which are punished by specific hero match-ups.

                  Still, I started spamming this hero recently and so far I have 55% win rate on him in nearly 50 games.

                  Great lane dominator and utility core for those 5 on 5 team fights. This hero is a great offlane go-to as long as your team doesnt need a high mobility initiator in the 3 position.

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                    I've played a lot of underlord offlane. If he is by himself, he doesn't like trilanes. He also doesn't like Monkey King, juggernaut + support w/disable, or Ursa. Bloodseeker does well vs. Underlord too.


                      Heroes with plus dmg as opposed to high stats
                      He beats morph and luna and tb in lane easily, all meta carries I believe.