General Discussion

General DiscussionSD Offlane? Morph Offlane? Everybody Offlane?

SD Offlane? Morph Offlane? Everybody Offlane? in General Discussion
Schrödinger no Kaeru

    After the summit and Pasha playing Morph but also Shadow Demon offlane, I'm asking if SD is a viable option right now for solo off?
    Any list of Offlaner that can be really good at ganking or utility in this meta?


      I guess Spectre offlane could work if the skill level is low enough.

      For competent games, the usual offlaners are Omni, Doom, Centaur, Sandking, Potm, Underlord, Brewmaster, Beastmaster, Tide, Earthshaker, Void, Clock, etc.

      Morph offlane could work but the hero is too greedy to work consistently in a lane where cs is hard to come by. A farm-starved Void has a lot more to offer than a farm-starved offlane Morph.


        ^ well u play it differently, stun gun morph
        Imo only viable when u have HUGE potential with ur ultimate for teamfighting


          What’s the build for stungun morph? I haven’t seen it in a while

          Potato Marshal

            It's only a matter of time before somebody theorycrafts offlane morph around his new ultimate. I called rad octarine abaddon and carry mk before they were common.


              offlane stun gun morph uses shit like aether lens and blink and max strength to stun for roar levels of time
              u need a mana item, maybe soul ring
              shit like force and other utility items are nice, lotus, vlads, greaves, pipe, etc

              chicken spook,,,,

                Pos 3 morph has been a thing for a while, come on

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Stun gun morph isn't as good, your position has to be more backstabbing because there's more knockback and the stun duration is reduced.
                  Ult may be a good support skill but the CD is too long for an early playstyle that wants to abuse and spam the stun endlessly.

                  So it comes down to the ult play.


                    its obviously not as good, but thats not the point

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