General Discussion

General DiscussionApparently a lot of people quited Dota recently. Or am I just being w...

Apparently a lot of people quited Dota recently. Or am I just being wrong? in General Discussion

    Quite a good amount of my friends I have on steam quited Dota, and the ones that still play the game aren't as active as before.

    Is it just me or the game is slowly dying?


      Its that ur mepo sucks



        Last year/2015 on Friday night, saturday, sunday I would have anywhere between 5-9 friends in Dota on at those times. Nowadays its barely more than 1 or 2. I stopped playing for a huge part of this year too (too tired of losing).



          Exactly. I've noticed the same thing. I don't know if it's just me but it seems that people got either too angry or toxic or they just gave up.

          зачем я начал поиск

            I won't really quit, but I've noticed that this game has a negative impact on me.


              I'm tempted to quit just because i cant seem to win consistently anymore
              I was able to win pretty consistently about a month or two ago, but now i just can't win at all


                looks like arin was right

                the next big change made a lot of people quit the game



                  I feel tired from playing this game. Like really tired. And it affects my mood and emotions more than I'd like.

                  With that being said, I like change, but I'm not sure that I like where this game is going. New heroes are weird (Dark Willow is just retarded), new ranking system is old system with a nice hat(now if you archive higher hat you won't even lose it for next 6 months) and it seems that community is just getting more toxic with each day.

                  Not saying I'll quit the game or anything, but seems like this game is not as good as it was before.


                    A lot of old players quit, but a lot of new players came in.


                      All of that, plus the new generation of gaming is slowly evolving int he form of Arena Royals, like PUBG and Fortnite.

                      Dark Hunter


                        definatly dropped a bit. but its nowhere near as much as you'd think tbh.

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          people grew up

                          13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                            Yeah, most new generations of players now play battle royale games like PUBG and FORTNITE. As to my friends I always used to play with as a teen, we have jobs now and are busy with life. We go way back from Dota 1 since kids actually

                            After nearly a year of quitting, I just got back recently to dota when the medal thing came out. That medal gave me a goal to pursue with, Probably I'll try to reach divine 5 (Goodluck with that lol) then quit again.

                            13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)
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                                It's addicting and has adverse effect on your career and life.

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D


                                  definatly dropped a bit. but its nowhere near as much as you'd think tbh

                                  Wow it is almost halved since feb 2016


                                    Just wait for holidays kids :thinking:

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      Its have crazy effect on laziness

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        I wish I were one of those people.


                                          Low behaviojr score tires me not game


                                            new ranked system had a huge positive effect on playaers online, but it still used to be higher couple of years ago, i think


                                              i quit as well.

                                              the rats abandon the sinking ship


                                                Or could it be the smurf accounts are being abandoned... :thinking:

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  swiss boi getting back to his 3 digit account? :thinking:

                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                    Dota exacerbates my mood swings (I have mild mdd diagnosed).

                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                      ^Same, it just makes people nervous and doesn't reward for shit. Lost 250 mmr 'cause of ruiners after calibration, climbed again and now 2 games with fucking idiots not popping bkbs in fights vs nyx and invoker, picking am into lc and dk mid into sniper (how the fuck do you even go 1-9 with dk) and then crying. My only problem is that dota is an addiction and nothing more, hope I'll quit too asap, hopefully after the Christmas break.

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        Big doto markets such as India and Philippines have inherent local ISP packet loss issues with the doto servers thus further reducing the player base in SEA atleast.


                                                          I think ppl just get bored and move on. Reverting to 6.88 would be a good experiment. Doubt anything will change tho

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                                                              game is objectively shit and unfun, anyone saying otherwise is delusional and lying to themselves


                                                                Its just the same old shit in every game, a feeder, an afk'er, a troll. Their reporting systems is fucking useless, Dota probably has the worst punishment system out of all games.
                                                                Plus it became too repetitive, too boring for my taste.


                                                                  Toxic community in game that merit is based on wining or losing and doesn't have anything as reward like others. For 2 years I mostly pay for fun (BP cosmetics streamer) instead of play for fun at least.


                                                                    I ididnt stop dota but i cant replace days when im in friends house smokin weed us 5 + or go out in town for some good food or party ...




                                                                        i dont have a triple digit mmr account, its 1.2k

                                                                        and i actually played 2-3 games

                                                                        mid sf, hero i cant even play at all, shit midlaner
                                                                        get reported by 4 players because you dont run down mid nonstop to fight gladiator mode and die lmao
                                                                        no matter what you do people flame and rund down mid nice community

                                                                        playing single player games and strategy games with friends feels like heaven

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                                                                        unbreakable spirit

                                                                          Many of us don't play the game because we love it, it has become a habit, I once heard singsing say that he plays the because he isn't addicted but because it gives him good money, sometimes Dota feels so rewarding, most of the time we are full of regret on not spending our valuable time on other stuff


                                                                            But why are games like league growing and dota dies?


                                                                              dota isn't fun anymore for me, there's no point in playing it.

                                                                              there was a time when dota was fun for me, at first it was because i was playing with my friend

                                                                              but after he quit i started tryharding to grind, so that gave me some enjoyment, but after a while even that became boring so i stopped tryharding.

                                                                              Then i started coaching people on how to git gud, but after a while i realized that half my students don't want to learn but just want a holy grail that will make them 10k overnight, so that made me quite mad so i stopped coaching most people. just because i got from 1k to 5k in about a year doesn't mean i did it because i got lucky nor do i know a fucking secret, i just analysed a million replays and trained a billion hours in lobbies to perfect my shit.

                                                                              So then i started smurfing, just doing random shit at low mmr, getting 1k accs boosting them to 4-5k and then trading them back for new 1k accs. After a while even that became boring.

                                                                              Right now there's basically nothing in this game that is fun for me anymore. And whatever is left that is fun is not even comparable to the things that annoy me.

                                                                              all i gotta do is figure out is what will i do with all my 3-5k smurfs that are just doing nothing and then i'm uninstalling permanently.

                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                IDK about you guys but I still love playing dota.
                                                                                But yeah many of my high school friends have either completely stopped or just play once every 2 months. College and all that. Whoever said the part about "growing up", probably the most right lol


                                                                                  ^ growing up is No reason at all cuz other games still keep growing.


                                                                                    @ Cookie if you are going to gift your Account it take one with less than 2k Party mmr.


                                                                                      games you loose: awful, make you feel bad

                                                                                      games you win: also awful, make you feeld bad

                                                                                      :thinking: why am i even playing

                                                                                      get 30 low prio games and F behaviour score

                                                                                      never play again


                                                                                        Actually if its only the f behaviour guys who leave dota gets better and better.


                                                                                          If you mean me by any chance, I didn't quit Dota I'm just taking a break from it. I'll definitely start playing again somewhere in January-February 2018. 1 of my good friends will get his new pc around January-February aswell so I'm kinda waiting for him aswell so we can go back to those good times playing party ranked mm.


                                                                                            During 2013-2015 there were like 15-20 guys playing from my friend list, every night, and during the weekends I used to see 6 or 5 full parties stacks. Now I see between 2-5 players playing and most of them just play solo rank. There's no fun at dota anymore, It's just a vice, and I feel that there's no point to keep playing it, only if I get a party with friends.


                                                                                              i didnt mean that i get F behaviour score naturally

                                                                                              im abandoning games until i get f score and 20+ lpq games to stop me from ever playing again


                                                                                                Yea for some reason 2015 2016 had a lot more people playing. Friends were playing and that's when I started too.

                                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                                  i cant wait till everyone also quit this forum not just dota2. The world would be a better place


                                                                                                    You gave up too early Cookie. You need a new challenge: Reach 10K.


                                                                                                      i used to feel quite excited every time i reach +500 mmr, but after a while i just lost that feeling.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!