General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat will be strong heroes to play

What will be strong heroes to play in General Discussion

    I think I'm going to be playing a bit more pudge now

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    Story Time

      i predict huskar, invoker, chaos knight, also pudge


        I think it's the first patch where I have no fucking idea what's going on. A lot of OP shit out there, but most of them are level 25 upgrades.

        The +30% mana shield is one of the stupidest things I've seen TBH (not op in most games but still stupid as fuck).


          where is my battle pass gaben?

          Story Time

            tide is now +250 damage on 25lvl, what is this :D


              Iron Talon removed from the game? Wtf?

              mid or safe farm



                  PA talent tree is the best in the game period
                  -4 armor reduction lv 15, -10 with deso
                  Free 75% evasion lv 25 if they have no mkb/bloodthorn


                    Meepo's level 10 and 15 seem weak, buy he's gonna be a monster when he reaches 25.
                    Though they keep buffing Echo damage and Overhelming Odds against heros like crazy.


                      pudge buffs all over the place hell yea

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        monkey king 100 armor at level 25?


                          pudge is amazing, but less of a sup pudge and more of an offlane/mid pudge i believe

                          mid or safe farm

                            Spamming meepo from tommorow.This hero will be easy mmr,trust me.He was too squishy,now hex is undispellable,and you get it after lvl 15-17 they are done.700 hp talent !


                              tinker looks so dank now
                              huskar is the same idk what ur talking abt
                              right click kunkka mid buffed?
                              also i think lone druid is busted, his talents r fucking insane
                              mjollnir dusa looks absurd
                              pl's lvl 25 WutFace
                              mage sf?
                              idk if brood is buffed or not
                              poison touch is actually good now
                              voids bash talent is so good
                              axe right click
                              there r too many memes to count
                              TECHIES 251 DMG LMAO

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                voids bash talent isnt good. its just 25 damage on average every hit that doesnt even go through magic immunity.


                                  consider this
                                  u lifesteal from bash dmg
                                  its also super swingy, like if u bash 2 times in a row u just dealt 200 more burst dmg
                                  i just feel like retarded shit will happen cuz of it

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    so... like a crit? and you can lifesteal from regular damage as well so i dont see how its an advantage. 300 hp is almost always better.

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      Isn't Windranger like your favorite?
                                      Have you read how OP she got?
                                      They made Focus Fire + walk real bois


                                        Sf with VEIL and new item KAYA will be the meta

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          I guess that 25 dmg avg on bash is better against armored targets UNLESS they have much bonus magic resist

                                          but aside from that it sounds pretty shit tbh

                                          there are some insane talents out there and this is not one of them


                                            10% spell amp talent + 25 % spell amp active from veil + 10% spell amp passive from kaya


                                              They just fucking killed my best hero. Viper is now just a counter pick to heroes that rely on passives. FUCK. guess ill have to play more pa

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                kaya doesnt combine with sange or yasha, right? i like the new cc reduction mechanic btw, its really great for str heroes, they have been inferior cores for some time now.

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  also that new meteor item is weird as fuck, wtf is that shit anyway


                                                    yeah no idea what that meteor item is about either, but from what i remember the (esp tower) dmg is quite high


                                                      Drow will be tokio drifting in this patch right alongside seeker

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        i just fear that the stats it gives are so good and the item is so cheap overall that you will definitely see 2+ of it every game (both supports will buy it probably, unless they are really reliant on a certain item like dagger, and one for the offlaner too i guess). it gives HP, mana, mana and hp regen, literally all you could ask for on a cheap item. talking about meteor hammer

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          it is also the first item to grant an AoE stun

                                                          guess you gotta be really careful when TPing now lol


                                                            Applies a 6 second debuff that deals 60 damage per second to structures

                                                            every 40 seconds

                                                            times 2 supports, maybe 1 mid

                                                            considering its AoE it probably hits both rax


                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              its echo sabre stats but a utility effect


                                                                Did I miss sth or is Bane a carry now?


                                                                  ^u missed smth


                                                                    beast masturbation gets a random neutral.... wtf?


                                                                      These lvl 25 talents are crazy. Most cores are probably going to buy midas first every game and literally race to lvl 25 before trying to end the game.
                                                                      Also the Morphling changes are insanely strong.


                                                                        drow 50% cd reduction
                                                                        send help


                                                                          Not sure what will be OP, but Monkey King & Arc Warden are dead for sure.

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            how is monkey king dead? he barely got any nerfs. is there a new counter to him from the items/talents that i didnt see? also his level 25 talents are insane.


                                                                              my boi gyro is back tho


                                                                                sceptre on necro is now going to be a core. 120 sec cd ult...yea no thx

                                                                                roshan drops a refresher orb on third kill. can you imagine a tide, enigma, or spec getting hold of that?

                                                                                i'm just glad no one touched my underlord. if anything, his talents got buffed. whoooo!


                                                                                  gyro isn't really back. sure the missile moves faster but it also takes 3 fucking seconds before it launches.


                                                                                    pa is getting that new relic item (nullifier or w/e it's called).

                                                                                    diffusal is just meh now. nerfed hardcore.

                                                                                    I was hoping for more of a buff to jugg. and now they reduced his base ms even more for being an agil hero, which means it's harder than it already is to pull off early kills with blade fury. they also killed all his tanky bonuses like the hp or +7 armor. jugg is dead.


                                                                                      Level 15: Tether Grants Scepter Bonus
                                                                                      No seriously, wut?
                                                                                      How is that balanced


                                                                                        Aggressive Perfector - no PMS, -3 dmg, no bonus dmg talent at lvl 20, jingu overnerfed etc. His laning was what made him great, now it's kinda garbage. I don't see him as core anymore.

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          yeah, no pms is a bigger deal for him compared to most other heroes but you can still buy ring and stout, it will still block decent damage and you can have more regen. jingu damage is not THAT much lower. also he has bonus damage for boundless at 20 (the jump damage is good too, you can actually oneshot creep waves with it now, so you get 2 ways to clear creepwaves with only 1 spell). his laning has always been great against melees and mediocre against range heroes. that wont really change. you still cant fight him if you are a melee hero. its just easier to aggro on him with 2+ heroes now.


                                                                                            AP - 50% boundless dmg is garbage. He had +40dmg at lvl 20 before. Most players picked hp+dmg (15&20 talent), so he had decent survivability & dmg. Now he has much less dmg & no additional survability. I think most players don't understand how HUGE the nerf is.


                                                                                              slardar on a boat


                                                                                                techie talent +251
                                                                                                I am imagining the team at the table discussing the buffs and coming to techie
                                                                                                "Well as we see the +250 dmg talent just isn't good enough, we have to improve that"


                                                                                                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                                  Level 10: +200 Health OR +30 Damage
                                                                                                  Level 15: +3s Thunder Clap Slow OR +20% Magic Resistance
                                                                                                  Level 20: +100 Attack Speed OR +1500 Primal Split Health
                                                                                                  Level 25: -65s Primal Split Cooldown OR +15% Drunken Brawler

                                                                                                  maybe people will actually remember now that this drunkard is actually in this game?


                                                                                                    To all the people who predicted pangolin wud have break, ur retarded


                                                                                                      league of dota

                                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                                        I think wraith king will be super op. No nerfs and you have him necro book with charges for free. And his answer to counters got moved down in his tree.

                                                                                                        Riki no vision in smoke seems stupidly op. But idk in practice.

                                                                                                        Pa should shine. Already not a bad hero and mkb nerfed and her passives buffed.

                                                                                                        Medusa should also be strong. Split shot change helps her early game a ton. And late game split shot can proc is like drow on steroids since she won’t need aghs for it. Mjollnir plus crit Medusa Jesus. That’s a fuck ton of dmg.